1.Agricultural Support
2.Agriculture - Fertiliser Regulations
3.Agriculture - GMO Marketing & Cultivation
4.Agriculture - Organic Farming
5.Agriculture - Zootech
6.Animal Health and Traceability
7.Animal Welfare
8.Aviation Noise Management at Airports
9.Blood Safety and Quality
10.Carbon Capture & Storage
11.Chemicals regulation (including pesticides)
12.Civil judicial co-operation - jurisdiction and recognition & enforcement of judgments in civil & commercial matters (including B1 rules and related EU conventions)
13.Civil judicial co-operation - jurisdiction and recognition & enforcement of judgments instruments in family law (including BIIa, Maintenance and civil protection orders)
14.Civil judicial cooperation on service of documents and taking of evidence
15.Criminal offences minimum standards measures - Combating Child Sexual Exploitation Directive
16.Control of major accident hazards
17.Cross border mediation
18.Data sharing - (EU fingerprint database (EuroDac)
19.Data sharing - European Criminal Records Information System (ECRIS)
20.Data sharing - False and Authentic Documents Online (FADO)
21.Data sharing - passenger name records
22.Data sharing - Prüm framework
23.Data sharing - Schengen Information System (SIS II)
24.Efficiency in energy use
25.Elements of Reciprocal Healthcare
26.Elements of the Network and Information Security (NIS) Directive
27.Elements of Tobacco Regulation
28.Energy Performance of Buildings Directive
29.Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Directive
30.Environmental law concerning energy planning consents
31.Environmental law concerning offshore oil & gas installations within territorial waters
32.Environmental quality - Air Quality
33.Environmental quality - Chemicals
34.Environmental quality - Flood Risk Management
35.Environmental quality - International timber trade (EUTR and FLEGT)
36.Environmental quality - Marine environment
37.Environmental quality - Natural Environment and Biodiversity
38.Environmental quality - Ozone depleting substances and F-gases
39.Environmental quality - Pesticides
40.Environmental quality - Spatial Data Infrastructure Standards
41.Environmental quality - Waste Packaging & Product Regulations
42.Environmental quality - Waste Producer Responsibility Regulations
43.Environmental quality - Water Quality
44.Environmental quality - Water Resources
45.Environmental quality - Biodiversity - access and benefit sharing of genetic resources
46.Equal Treatment Legislation
47.EU agencies - EU-LISA
48.EU agencies - Eurojust
49.EU agencies - Europol
50.EU Social Security Coordination
51.Fisheries Management & Support
52.Food and Feed Law
53.Food Compositional Standards
54.Food Geographical Indications (Protected Food Names)
55.Food Labelling
56.Forestry (domestic)
57.Free movement of healthcare (the right for EEA citizens to have their elective procedure in another member state)
58.Genetically modified micro-organisms contained use
59.Good laboratory practice
61.Hazardous Substances Planning
62.Heat metering and billing information
63.High Efficiency Cogeneration
64.Implementation of EU Emissions Trading System
65.Ionising radiation
66.Land use
67.Late payment (commercial transactions)
68.Legal aid in cross-border cases
69.Migrant Access to benefits
70.Minimum standards -housing & care: regulation of the use of animals
71.Minimum standards legislation - child sexual exploitation
72.Minimum standards legislation - cybercrime
73.Minimum standards legislation - football disorder
74.Minimum standards legislation - human trafficking
75.Mutual recognition of professional qualifications
76.Mutual recognition of criminal court judgments measures & cross border cooperation - European Protection Order, Prisoner Transfer Framework Directive, European Supervision Directive, Compensation to Crime Victims Directive
77.Nutrition health claims, composition and labelling
78.Onshore hydrocarbons licensing
80.Plant Health, Seeds and Propagating Material
81.Practical cooperation in law enforcement - Asset Recovery Offices
82.Practical cooperation in law enforcement - European Investigation Order
83.Practical cooperation in law enforcement - Joint Action on Organised Crime
84.Practical cooperation in law enforcement - Joint investigation teams
85.Practical cooperation in law enforcement - mutual legal assistance
86.Practical cooperation in law enforcement - mutual recognition of asset freezing orders
87.Practical cooperation in law enforcement - mutual recognition of confiscation orders
88.Practical cooperation in law enforcement - Schengen Article 40
89.Practical cooperation in law enforcement - Swedish initiative
90.Practical cooperation in law enforcement - European judicial network
91.Practical cooperation in law enforcement - implementation of European Arrest Warrant
92.Procedural rights (criminal cases) - minimum standards measures
93.Provision of legal services
94.Provision in the 1995 Data Protection Directive (soon to be replaced by the General Data Protection Regulation) that allows for more than one supervisory authority in each member state
95.Public sector procurement
96.Public health (serious cross-border threats to health)
97.Radioactive Source Notifications–Trans-frontier shipments
98.Radioactive waste treatment and disposal
99.Rail franchising rules
100.Rail markets and operator licensing
101.Recognition of insolvency proceedings in EU Member States
102.Renewable Energy Directive
103.Rules on applicable law in civil & commercial cross border claims
104.Sentencing - taking convictions into account
105.State Aid
107.Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Directive
108.Tissues and cells
109.Uniform fast-track procedures for certain civil and commercial claims (uncontested debts, small claims)
110.Victims rights measures (criminal cases)
111.Voting rights and candidacy rules for EU citizens in local government elections
1.Carbon Capture & Storage
2.Efficiency in energy use
3.Environmental law concerning energy planning consents
4.Environmental law concerning offshore oil & gas installations within territorial waters
5.Implementation of EU Emissions Trading System
6.Mutual recognition of professional qualifications
7.Onshore hydrocarbons licensing
8.Radioactive Source Notifications - Transfrontier shipments
9.Radioactive waste treatment and disposal
10.State Aid
1.Public sector procurement
3.Voting rights and candidacy rules for EU citizens in local government elections
1.Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Directive
2.Energy Performance of Buildings Directive
3.Hazardous Substances Planning
4.Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Directive
1.Elements of the Network and Information Security (NIS) Directive
2.Provision in the 1995 Data Protection Directive (soon to be replaced by the General Data Protection Regulation) that allows for more than one supervisory authority in each member state
1.Agricultural Support
2.Agriculture - Fertiliser Regulations
3.Agriculture - GMO Marketing & Cultivation (not food/feed law, see FSA return)
4.Agriculture - Organic Farming
5.Agriculture - Zootech
6.Animal Health and Traceability
7.Animal Welfare
8.Environmental quality - Air Quality
9.Environmental quality - Biodiversity - access and benefit sharing of genetic
10.resources (ABS)
11.Environmental quality - Chemicals
12.Environmental quality - Flood Risk Management
13.Environmental quality - International timber trade (EUTR and FLEGT)
14.Environmental quality - Marine environment
15.Environmental quality - Natural Environment and Biodiversity
16.Environmental quality - Ozone depleting substances and F-gases
17.Environmental quality - Pesticides
18.Environmental quality - Spatial Data Infrastructure Standards
19.Environmental quality - Waste Packaging & Product Regulations
20.Environmental quality - Waste Producer Responsibility Regulations
21.Environmental quality - Water Quality
22.Environmental quality - Water Resources
23.Fisheries Management & Support
24.Food Compositional Standards (not hygiene / safety - see FSA return)
25.Food Geographical Indications (Protected Food Names)
26.Food Labelling
27.Forestry (domestic)
28.Land use
29.Plant Health, Seeds and Propagating Material
1.Blood Safety and Quality
2.Elements of Reciprocal Healthcare
3.Free movement of healthcare (the right for EEA citizens to have their elective procedure in another MS)
4.Good laboratory practice
5.Nutrition health claims, composition and labeling
7.Public health (serious cross-border threats to health) (notification system for pandemic flu, Zika etc)
8.Tissues and cells (apart from embryos and gametes)
9.Elements of Tobacco Regulation
2.Rail franchising rules
1.Food and Feed Law (Food and feed safety and hygiene; food and feed law enforcement (official controls); food labelling (Defra, DH and FSA all have responsibilities for different parts); Commission consents.
1.Equal Treatment Legislation
1.Chemicals regulation (including pesticides)
2.Control of major accident hazards
3.Genetically modified micro-organisms contained use (i.e. rules on protection of human health and the environment during the development)
4.Ionising radiation
1.Agricultural Support
2.Agriculture - Fertiliser Regulations
3.Agriculture - GMO Marketing & Cultivation
4.Agriculture - Organic Farming
5.Agriculture - Zootech
6.Animal Health and Traceability
7.Animal Welfare
8.Aviation Noise Management at Airports
9.Blood Safety and Quality
10.Carbon Capture & Storage
11.Chemicals regulation (including pesticides)
12.Civil judicial co-operation - jurisdiction and recognition & enforcement of judgments instruments in family law (including BIIa, Maintenance and civil protection orders)
13.Civil judicial co-operation - jurisdiction and recognition & enforcement of judgments in civil & commercial matters (including B1 rules and related EU conventions)
14.Civil judicial cooperation on service of documents and taking of evidence
15.Civil use of explosives
16.Clinical trials of medicinal products for human use
17.Company Law
18.Consumer law including protection and enforcement
19.Control of major accident hazards
20.Criminal offences minimum standards measures - Combatting Child Sexual Exploitation Directive
21.Cross border mediation
22.Data sharing - Eurodac
23.Data sharing - European Criminal Records Information System (ECRIS)
24.Data sharing - False and Authentic Documents Online (FADO)
25.Data sharing - passenger name records
26.Data sharing - Prüm framework
27.Data sharing - Schengen Information System (SIS II)
28.Driver Licensing Directive (roads). Also Driver Certificates of Professional Competence
29.Efficiency in energy use
30.Elements of Employment Law, including health and safety at work
31.Elements of reciprocal healthcare
32.Elements of the Network and Information Security (NIS) Directive
33.Elements of tobacco regulation
34.Energy Performance of Buildings Directive
35.Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Directive
36.Environmental law concerning energy planning consents
37.Environmental law concerning offshore oil & gas installations within territorial waters
38.Environmental quality - Air Quality
39.Environmental quality - Biodiversity - access and benefit sharing of genetic resources (ABS)
40.Environmental quality - Chemicals
41.Environmental quality - Flood Risk Management
42.Environmental quality - International timber trade (EUTR and FLEGT)
43.Environmental quality - Marine environment
44.Environmental quality - Natural Environment and Biodiversity
45.Environmental quality - Ozone depleting substances and F-gases
46.Environmental quality - Pesticides
47.Environmental quality - Spatial Data Infrastructure Standards
48.Environmental quality - Waste Packaging & Product Regulations
49.Environmental quality - Waste Producer Responsibility Regulations
50.Environmental quality - Water Quality
51.Environmental quality - Water Resources
52.Equal Treatment Legislation
53.EU agencies - EU-LISA
54.EU agencies - Eurojust
55.EU agencies - Europol
56.EU social security coordination
57.Fisheries Management & Support
58.Food and Feed Law (Food and feed safety and hygiene; food and feed law enforcement (official controls); food labelling; Commission consents.
59.Food Compositional Standards
60.Food Geographical Indications (Protected Food Names)
61.Food Labelling
62.Forestry (domestic)
63.Free movement of healthcare (the right for EEA citizens to have their elective procedure in another MS)
64.Genetically modified micro-organisms contained use (i.e. rules on protection of human health and the environment during the development)
65.Good laboratory practice
67.Hazardous Substances Planning (Seveso III Directive)
68.Health and safety at work
69.Heat metering and billing information
70.High Efficiency Cogeneration
71.Implementation of EU Emissions Trading System
72.Inland transport of dangerous goods and transportable pressure equipment
73.Ionising radiation
74.Land use
75.Late payment (commercial transactions)
76.Legal aid in cross border cases
77.Maritime Employment and Social Rights
78.Medical devices
79.Medicinal products for human use
80.Medicine prices
81.Migrant access to benefits
82.Minimum standards -housing & care, regulates the use of animals
83.Minimum standards legislation - child sexual exploitation
84.Minimum standards legislation - cybercrime
85.Minimum standards legislation - football disorder
86.Minimum standards legislation - human trafficking
87.Mutual recognition of criminal court judgments measures & cross border cooperation - European Protection Order, Prisoner Transfer Framework Directive, European Supervision Directive, Compensation to Crime Victims Directive
88.Mutual recognition of professional qualifications
89.Non-food product design and labelling
90.Nutrition health claims, composition and labelling
91.Onshore hydrocarbons licensing
92.Operator licensing (roads)
94.Passenger Rights (rail)
95.Plant Health, Seeds and Propagating Material
96.Practical cooperation - Asset Recovery Offices
97.Practical cooperation - European Investigation Order
98.Practical cooperation - implementation of European Arrest Warrant (dealing with requests etc.)
99.Practical cooperation - Joint Action on Organised Crime
100.Practical cooperation - Joint investigation teams
101.Practical cooperation - mutual legal assistance
102.Practical cooperation - mutual recognition of asset freezing orders
103.Practical cooperation - mutual recognition of confiscation orders
104.Practical cooperation - Schengen Article 40
105.Practical cooperation - Swedish initiative
106.Practical cooperation- European judicial network
107.Private cross border pensions
108.Procedural rights (criminal cases) - minimum standards measures
109.Product safety and standards
110.Provision in the 1995 Data Protection Directive (soon to be replaced by the General Data Protection Regulation) that allows for more than one supervisory authority in each member state
111.Provision of legal services (temporary and permanent basis)
112.Public health (serious cross-border threats to health) (notification system for pandemic flu, Zika etc)
113.Public Sector Procurement
114.Radioactive Source Notifications - Transfrontier shipments
115.Radioactive waste treatment and disposal
116.Rail franchising rules
117.Rail markets and operator licensing (governance, structure, track access & charging)
118.Rail Markets: safety rules and régimes
119.Rail Markets: technical standards
120.Rail Markets: Train driving licenses and other certificates directive
121.Rail Workers Rights Directive
122.Recognition of insolvency proceedings in EU Member States
123.Renewable Energy Directive
124.Roads - Motor Insurance (minimum required levels of insurance and various compensation schemes, not insurance, financial and prudential regulation, which is reserved)
125.Roadworthiness Directive
126.Rules on applicable law in civil & commercial cross border claims (includes RI and II Regs)
127.Security of supply (emergency stocks of oil)
128.Security of supply (gas)
129.Sentencing - taking convictions into account
130.Single energy market/ Third Energy Package
131.State Aid
132.Statistics (where production is devolved)
133.Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Directive
134.The Rental and Lending Directive (concerning library lending)
135.Tissues and cells (apart from embryos and gametes)
136.Transporting dangerous goods by rail, road and inland waterway Directive
137.Uniform fast track procedures for certain civil and commercial claims (uncontested debts, small claims)
138.Vehicle registration (roads)
139.Vehicle standards - various type approval Directives (roads)
140.Victims rights measures (criminal cases) - minimum standards
141.Working Time Rules and Harmonisation of Hours Directive and regulations on tachographs
29 November 2017