The following witnesses gave evidence. Transcripts can be viewed on the inquiry publications page of the Committee’s website.
Professor Dorothy Bishop, Professor of Developmental Neuropsychology, University of Oxford; Dr Arnaud Vaganay, Director, Meta-Lab; and Professor Dame Ottoline Leyser FRS, former Chair, Steering Group on the Culture of Scientific Research, Nuffield Council on Bioethics |
Dr Elizabeth Wager, Publications Consultant, Sideview, and Honorary Co-ordinator, the REWARD Alliance; Professor Sir Ian Diamond, Research Policy Network, Universities UK; Professor Ian Walmsley, Pro Vice Chancellor for Research Working Group, Russell Group; and Dr Peter Wilmshurst, Consultant Cardiologist, Royal Stoke University Hospital |
Professor David Hand, Royal Statistical Society; Dr Damian Pattinson, Vice President of Publishing Innovation, Research Square; and Wendy Appleby, Registrar and Head of Student & Registry Services, University College London |
Dr Trish Groves, Director of Academic Outreach, British Medical Journal; Dr Elizabeth Moylan, Senior Editor for Peer Review Strategy and Innovation, BioMedCentral (representing the Committee on Publication Ethics); Catriona Fennell, Director of Publishing Services, Elsevier (representing The Publishers Association); and Dr Alyson Fox, Director of Grants Management, Wellcome Trustl |
Dr Ivan Oransky, Co-Founder, Retraction Watch, and Distinguished Writer in Residence, New York University Arthur Carter Journalism Institute; and Professor C K Gunsalus, Director, US National Centre for Professional and Research Ethics |
Dr Ben Goldacre, DataLab, Department of Primary Care, University of Oxford; Dr Simon Kolstoe, Senior Lecturer and University Ethics Adviser, University of Portsmouth, and Independent Chair of Hampshire A (NHS) and the MOD research ethics committees; and Síle Lane, Head of International Campaigns and Policy, Sense about Science |
Professor Sir Bernard Silverman, Chair of Trustees, UK Research Integrity Office; and James Parry, Chief Executive, UK Research Integrity Office |
Dr Tony Peatfield, Director of Corporate Affairs, Medical Research Council, and Chairman, RCUK Good Research Conduct Network; and Dr Steven Hill, Head of Research Policy, Higher Education Funding Council for England |
Professor Jonathan Montgomery, Chair, Health Research Authority |
Professor Sir Mark Walport, Chief Executive, UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) |
Mr Sam Gyimah MP, Minister for Universities, Science, Research and Innovation; and Dr Patrick Vallance, Government Chief Scientific Adviser and Head of Government Science and Engineering Profession, Government Office for Science |
Published: 30 October 2018