E-cigarettes Contents

Published written evidence

The following written evidence was received and can be viewed on the inquiry publications page of the Committee’s website.

ECG numbers are generated by the evidence processing system and so may not be complete.

1Action on Smoking and Health (ECG0071) (ECG0107)

2Advertising Standards Authority (ECG0015)

3Ariff Patel (ECG0012)

4ASH Scotland (ECG0011)

5ASH Wales (ECG0066)

6Association for Young People’s Health (ECG0093)

7Association of Convenience Stores (ECG0032)

8Beckett Associates (ECG0090)

9Benjamin Smith (ECG0004)

10Blue Skies China (ECG0086)

11British American Tobacco UK (ECG0074)

12British Heart Foundation (ECG0065)

13British Lung Foundation (ECG0042)

14British Medical Association (ECG0037)

15British Psychological Society (ECG0088)

16BSMW Ltd. (ECG0052)

17Cancer Research UK (ECG0057)

18Carole Smith (ECG0001)

19Centre for Addictive Behaviours Research, LSBU (ECG0018)

20Charles Hamshaw-Thomas (ECG0083)

21Chartered Trading Standards Institute (ECG0040)

22Cheshire and Wirral Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (ECG0072)

23CiggyJuice Ltd (ECG0043)

24Clive Bates (ECG0078)

25CLOSER (ECG0077)

26David Bareham and Professor Martin McKee (ECG0039) (ECG0094)

27Department of Health and Social Care (ECG0030) (ECG0095)

28DISPLAY Study Research Team (ECG0069)

29Dr Caitlin Notley (ECG0028)

30Dr Charlotte Smith (ECG0014)

31Dr Graham Cope (ECG0013)

32Dr Nicola Gray (ECG0091)

33Dr Richard Holliday (ECG0036)

34Dr Robert Combes and Professor Michael Balls (ECG0080)

35EL-Science (ECG0038)

36Imperial Brands (ECG0063)

37INNCO (ECG0079)

38Institute of Economic Affairs (ECG0020)

39JAC Vapour Ltd (ECG0068)

40Japan Tobacco International (ECG0061)

41Johnson & Johnson Ltd (ECG0112)

42Keith Butt (ECG0005)

43Kind Consumer Limited (ECG0026)

44Leicester City Council (ECG0022)

45Lord Brabazon of Tara, Earl Cathcart and Viscount Ridley (ECG0033)

46Medic Pro Limited (ECG0075)

47Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (ECG0103)

48Melanie Atwood (ECG0105)

49Mental Health and Smoking Partnership (ECG0060)

50Miss Daniele Kerr (ECG0076)

51Mr Anthony Stuart (ECG0008)

52Mr Christopher Lukehurst (ECG0021)

53Mr Clive Bates (ECG0096)

54Mr Ian Bardrick (ECG0006)

55Mr Michael Jones (ECG0002)

56Mr Oliver Kershaw (ECG0059)

57MRC/CSO Social and Public Health Sciences Unit, University of Glasgow (ECG0055)

58National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) (ECG0067)

59Nerudia (ECG0048)

60New Nicotine Alliance (UK) (ECG0044)

61NFRN (ECG0046)


63NHS England Mental Health Trusts additional replies to Committee (ECG0116)

64NHS England Mental Health Trusts additional reply to Committee (ECG0117)

65NHS England Mental Health Trusts replies to Committee question (ECG0102)

66NHS Providers (ECG0109)

67NJOY Innovations Ltd (ECG0110)

68Origin Packaging Ltd (ECG0099)

69PAGB (Proprietary Association of Great Britain) (ECG0050)

70Petrol Retailers Association (ECG0104)

71Pfizer Ltd (ECG0023)

72Philip Morris Limited (ECG0073) (ECG0115)

73Piers Clifford (ECG0009)

74Professor Mark Conner (ECG0024)

75Professor Peter Hajek (ECG0017)

76Professor Riccardo Polosa (ECG0034) (ECG0106)

77Protec Fire Detection plc (ECG0010)

78Public Health England (ECG0108)

79Public Health England and MHRA (ECG0081)

80Roger Gross (ECG0003)

81Royal College of Physicians (ECG0035)

82Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh (ECG0025)

83Royal Society for Public Health (ECG0049)

84Scottish Grocers Federation (ECG0064)

85Smoking in Pregnancy Challenge Group (ECG0062)

86Stephen Roberts (ECG0019)

87Stoke-on-Trent City Council (ECG0029)

88Swedish Match (ECG0045)

89Terry Walker (ECG0007)

90The Cochrane Tobacco Addiction Group (ECG0041)

91The Freedom Association (ECG0027)

92The Independent British Vape Trade Association (ECG0058) (ECG0084) (ECG0114)

93Tobacco Manufacturers’ Association (ECG0053)

94UK Centre for Tobacco and Alcohol Studies (ECG0031)

95UK Committee on Toxicity of Chemicals in Food, Consumer Products and the Environment (ECG0082)

96UK Vaping Industry Association (ECG0054) (ECG0101) (ECG0111)

97University College London Tobacco and Alcohol Research Group (ECG0047)

98University of Liverpool (ECG0056)

Published: 17 August 2018