Question |
Answers |
Number |
Which age group do you fit into? |
a. 6–7 |
73 |
b. 8–11 |
954 |
c. 12–16 |
1996 |
d. 17–18 |
325 |
e. 19 |
2 |
3350 |
Question |
Answer |
Number |
Gender identity? |
a. Male |
1537 |
b. Female |
1567 |
c. Other gender identity |
28 |
d. Prefer not to say |
80 |
3212 |
Question |
Answer |
Number |
How long each day on average do you spend using social media? |
a. Never |
312 |
b. Less than an hour a day |
653 |
c. 1 to 2 hours a day |
1079 |
d. 2 to 3 hours a day |
698 |
e. Over 3 hours a day |
514 |
3256 |
Question |
Answer |
Number |
What is the main reason you use social media? |
a. Follow friends’ updates |
892 |
b. Keep updated with current events/news |
515 |
c. Follow celebrities |
187 |
d. Share my day |
248 |
e. Memes |
605 |
f. Other |
815 |
3262 |
Question |
Answer |
Number |
When you post a picture |
a. Very important |
431 |
b. Important |
563 |
c. Reasonably important |
611 |
d. Not important |
731 |
e. Don’t post |
887 |
3223 |
Question |
Answer |
Number |
Have you witnessed any mean comments on social media? |
a. Yes |
1778 |
b. No |
940 |
c. Prefer not to say |
224 |
d. Don’t know |
268 |
3210 |
Question |
Answer |
Number |
What kind of impact does social media have on your mood? |
a. Mostly positive |
1153 |
b. Somewhat positive |
903 |
c. Somewhat negative |
209 |
d. Mostly negative |
93 |
e. No impact |
836 |
3194 |
Question |
Answer |
Number |
How important is social media to your social life? |
a. Very important |
782 |
b. Important |
824 |
c. Reasonably important |
824 |
d. Not important |
760 |
3190 |
Question |
Answer |
Number |
What kind of impact does social media have on your concentration when completing a task? |
a. Mostly positive |
329 |
b. Somewhat positive |
425 |
c. Somewhat negative |
999 |
d. Mostly negative |
526 |
e. No impact |
935 |
3214 |
Published: 31 January 2019