Road safety: driving while using a mobile phone Contents

7Government and public sector drivers

35.In addition to legislative change, enforcement activity and public education, we have been told that the Government could lead by example by encouraging changes to the behaviour of drivers working in, or contracted by, the public sector. Dr Shaun Helman noted that the Government has a large fleet and suggested they were in a good position to adopt good practice and say that Government drivers would not make hands-free conversations until there was an evidential basis showing this was safe.62

36.The Government is directly responsible for its own fleet—the Government Car Service, comprising a fleet of around 90 cars, provides a secure car service for ministers in government departments—funds a number of public services that employ people who drive as part of their work, and also contracts a range of companies that provide services for the Government.63

37.As well as setting policy and enacting legislation the Government can lead by example and encourage behaviour change across the public sector and Government supply chain. We recommend that the Government demonstrate its recognition of the risks of using a mobile phone while driving—whether hand-held or hands-free—by producing guidance on the dangers of driving while using a mobile phone and instructing drivers directly in its employ not to use a mobile phone or other device—whether hand-held or hands-free—while driving, and explore the possibility of making this a requirement for the wider public sector and Government contractors.

63 Department for Transport, Government Car Service (GCS), accessed June 2019

Published: 13 August 2019