Airports National Policy Statement Contents



Conclusions and Recommendations

1 Introduction

The planning process

The Airports National Policy Statement

Our inquiry

2 The case for more capacity

Meeting future demand

The Government’s case for a Northwest Runway

Review of the evidence

Strategic case

Economic case

Environmental, health and social impacts

3 Improvements to the Airports National Policy Statement

Air quality

Surface access

Connectivity for the regions

Costs, financeability and airport charges


Community impacts, compensation and support

Replacement of existing facilities

4 Policy gaps to support Heathrow expansion

5 Conclusion

Annex A: The strategic case

Annex B: The economic case

Annex C: Expansion costs, financing and airport charges

Annex D: Deliverability

Annex E: Community, health and social impacts

Annex F: Air quality

Annex G: Surface access

Annex H: Noise

Annex I: Carbon

Formal Minutes


Published written evidence

List of Reports from the Committee during the current Parliament

Published: 23 March 2018