The following witnesses gave evidence. Transcripts can be viewed on the inquiry publications page of the Committee’s website.
Professor Richard Rawlings, Professor of Public Law, University College London |
Dr Jo Hunt, Reader in Law, Cardiff University, Dr Viviane Gravey, Lecturer, Queen’s University Belfast and Dr Nerys Llewelyn Jones, Managing Partner, Agri Advisor Legal LLP |
John Davies, Deputy President, NFU Cymru, Huw Thomas, Political Adviser, NFU Cymru, Glyn Roberts, President, Farmers Union of Wales, and Dr Nick Fenwick, Head of Policy, Farmers Union of Wales |
David Swales, Head of Strategic Insight, Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board, and Gwyn Howells, Chief Executive, Hybu Cig Cymru |
Chris Yarsley, Policy Manager, Freight Transport Association, Mark Simmonds, Policy Manager, British Ports Association, Hans Noren, Chairman, Stena Line UK and Captain Wyn Parry, Operations Manager Irish Sea South, Stena Line UK |
Jill Rutter, Programme Director, Institute for Government, and Joe Owen, Senior Researcher, Institute for Government |
Professor James Foreman-Peck, Head of the Economics Section, Cardiff Business School, and Professor Patrick Minford, Professor of Applied Economics, Cardiff Business School |
Professor Nicholas Perdikis, Professor of International Business, Aberystwyth University |
George Eustice MP, Minister of State for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, and Danny Jeyasingam, Deputy Director, Devolution Team, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs |
Laura Elliott, Chairman, YFC Wales (The Wales Federation of Young Farmers Clubs), Dafydd Jones, Vice Chairman and Rural Affairs Chairman, YFC, Cennydd Jones, Senior Member of the Year, YFC, Jacob Anthony, Member, YFC Wales, and Caryl Hughes, Member, YFC Wales |
Lesley Griffiths AM, Cabinet Secretary for Energy, Planning and Rural Affairs, Welsh Government, and Tim Render, Director, Environment and Rural Affairs, Welsh Government |
Published: 9 July 2018