The following witnesses gave evidence. Transcripts can be viewed on the inquiry publications page of the Committee’s website.
Councillor Jane Corbett, Assistant Mayor of Liverpool and Mayoral Lead on Fairness and Tackling Poverty, Liverpool City Council, Nicky Kingston, Area Manager, Incomes Team, Plymouth Community Homes, Donna Gallagher, Universal Credit Implementation Manager, Your Homes Newcastle, Councillor Fiona Colley, Cabinet Member for Finance, Modernisation and Performance, Southwark Council |
Kayley Hignell, Head of Policy (welfare, work and family), Citizens Advice, Nicola Smith, Advice Services Manager, Citizens Advice Southwark, Richard Roberts, Manager, Wirral Foodbank, Jeremy Hewer, Policy Adviser, Scottish Federation of Housing Associations, Natalie Williamson, Senior Policy Officer, Residential Landlords Association |
Rt Hon David Gauke MP, Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, and Neil Couling CBE, Director, Universal Credit Programme, Department for Work and Pensions |
25 October 2017