The following written evidence was received and can be viewed on the inquiry publications page of the Committee’s website.
PFC numbers are generated by the evidence processing system and so may not be complete.
1Aegon UK (PFC0022)
2Age UK (PFC0040)
3AJ Bell Limited (PFC0047)
4Alastair Rush (PFC0094)
5Alistair Cunningham (PFC0066)
6Association of British Insurers (PFC0062)
7Association of Consulting Actuaries (ACA) (PFC0060)
8Aviva (PFC0052)
9B&CE Ltd (PFC0079)
10Baroness Ros Altmann (PFC0003)
11Baroness Sharon Bowles (PFC0064)
12Cass Business School (PFC0018)
13Citizens Advice (PFC0061)
14City of London Police (PFC0084)
15David Penney (PFC0063)
16Department for Work and Pensions (PFC0076)
17DRB Pension Assistance Limited (PFC0045)
18Equity Release Council (PFC0034)
19Experian (PFC0019)
20Fidelity International (PFC0041)
21Financial Conduct Authority (PFC0083)
22Financial Inclusion Centre (PFC0024)
23Financial Services Consumer Panel (PFC0059)
24Hargreaves Lansdown (PFC0080)
25Henry Tapper (PFC0093)
26Institute and Faculty of Actuaries (PFC0044)
27Investment & Life Assurance Group (PFC0058)
28JLT Employee Benefits (PFC0009)
29Just Group plc (PFC0028)
30KPMG (PFC0042)
31Later Life Academy (PFC0025)
32LEBC The Retirement Adviser (PFC0039)
33Legal & General (PFC0032)
34LV= (PFC0023)
35Morgan Lloyd Trustees Ltd/Clifton Asset Management plc (PFC0013)
36Mr Brian Todd (PFC0004)
37Mr Chris Budd (PFC0055)
38Mr Paul Stocks (PFC0012)
39Mrs Edda Stentiford (PFC0015)
40Name Withheld (PFC0001)
41Name Withheld (PFC0002)
42Name Withheld (PFC0005)
43Name Withheld (PFC0006)
44Name Withheld (PFC0007)
45Name Withheld (PFC0008)
46Name Withheld (PFC0014)
47Name Withheld (PFC0016)
48Name Withheld (PFC0021)
49Name Withheld (PFC0046)
50Name Withheld (PFC0068)
51Name Withheld (PFC0071)
52Name Withheld (PFC0072)
53Name Withheld (PFC0073)
54Name Withheld (PFC0082)
55National Crime Agency (PFC0092)
56NEST (PFC0088)
57NEST Corporation (PFC0033)
58NEST Corporation Members’ Panel (PFC0031)
59Nick Paus (PFC0085)
60NOW: Pensions (PFC0054)
61Pensions Advisory Service (PFC0075)
62Pensions and Lifetime Savings Association (PFC0078)
63Pensions Policy Institute (PFC0026)
64Personal Investment Management & Financial Advice Association (PIMFA) (PFC0035)
65Peter Gray (PFC0091)
66Prospect (PFC0057)
67Prudential (PFC0051)
68Retirement Advantage (PFC0050)
69Retirement IQ (PFC0067)
70Royal London (PFC0027)
71Scottish Widows (PFC0056)
72Squire Patton Boggs (UK) LLP (PFC0029)
73Standard Life (PFC0037)
74State Street Global Advisors (PFC0038)
75The Investment Association (PFC0081)
76The Low Incomes Tax Reform Group (PFC0011)
77The Pensions Regulator (PFC0053)
78Trades Union Congress (PFC0010)
79UK Sustainable Investment and Finance Association (PFC0070)
80W L Consulting Ltd (PFC0048)
81Which? (PFC0036)
82Which? (PFC0086)
83You & Yours, BBC Radio 4 (PFC0020)
84Zurich Insurance (PFC0049)
7 December 2017