House of Commons Session 2017-2019
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Standing Orders of the House of Commons - Private Business 2017 (revised 2019)



1ADeposit and delivery of documents etc. at offices of government departments and public bodies
Petitions for bills
2Petitions for bills
2APresentation of petitions for bills
3[Repealed 30th July 1952]
Orders compliance with which is to be inquired into by the Examiners
Notices by advertisement
4Contents of notice
4ACopies of bill to be made available
5Further particulars in case of certain bills
6Particulars in case of gas works, burial ground, etc., bills
7Particulars in case of tramway bills
8Particulars in case of tramway and tramroad bills
9Particulars in case of waterway, etc., bills
10Publication of notice in newspapers
10APublication of notice relating to works bills
11Publication of notice in the Gazette
12Posting of notices in case of tramway, etc., bills
12APosting of notices in case of stopping up, etc., of public foot-paths or bridleways
Notices to owners, lessees and occupiers
13Notice to owners, etc.
14Notice to frontagers in case of tramways
15Notice to owners and lessees of railways, etc., affected by proposed tramway or trolley vehicle system
16Notice to mill-owners, etc., where water is to be impounded or abstracted
17Notice to owners and occupiers of houses in case of gas works, burial ground, etc., bills
18Notice to owners etc., in case of relinquishment of works
19Notice to owners, etc., in case of alteration or repeal of protective provisions
19ANotice in case of alteration of court order
19BNotice to debenture holders
20Notice to owners, etc., in case of alteration or repeal of provision relating to nuisance
21Notice in case of application for compulsory running powers
22Mode of giving notice
23Evidence of notice
24Notice on Sunday, etc., invalid
Consents of local and highway authorities
25Consents in case of tramway bill
25AConsents required under the Greater London Authority Act 1999
Documents required to be deposited, etc., and the times and places of deposit, etc.
26Deposit on Sunday, etc., invalid
27Deposit of plan, book of reference and section, etc.
27AEnvironmental assessment
28[Repealed 29th July 1964]
29Deposit of map in case of tramway, etc., bill
30Deposit of map in case of bill for supply of electricity
30ADeposit of map in case of bill for taking water supply
31Deposit of copy of plan, etc., in case of bill affecting tidal lands
32Deposit of copy of plan, etc., in case of bill affecting fisheries
33Delivery of copy of plan, etc., of river
34Deposit of copy of plan, etc., in certain cases, with certain Departments
35Deposit of copy of plan, etc., in certain cases with Commissioner of Police
36Deposit of copy of plan, etc., in certain cases with certain local authorities
37Deposit of copy of plan, etc., in certain circumstances
38Deposit of printed copies of bills in Vote Office and Private Bill Office
39Deposit of copies of bills
40[Repealed 9th April 1986]
41Delivery of copies of certain bills to highway authorities
42Delivery of copies of bills affecting watercourses to the Environment Agency
43Delivery of copies of bills affecting rivers or waterways to the Environment Agency
44Delivery of copies of certain bills to local authorities
45Deposit and form of estimates
46[Repealed 24th October 1990]
47Deposit of statement as to houses and persons on land to be acquired
Deposited plans, books of reference, sections and cross sections
48Description of plan
49Particulars in case of waterways, etc.
50Particulars in case of railways and tramroads
51Particulars in case of diversion of roads, etc.
52Particulars in case of tramways
53Plan to define improvement and improvement area
54Contents of book of reference
56Section of improvement, etc., of navigation
57Section of railway or tramroad
58Section of tramroad
59Cross sections of roads, etc.
Bills brought from the House of Lords
60Deposit of copies of bills brought from House of Lords at public departments, etc.
61Notices and deposits where work is altered while bill is in House of Lords
Consents of proprietors or members of companies, and of persons named as directors
62Consents of proprietors of statutory companies promoting bills originating in this House
63Consents of members of registered companies, etc., promoting bills originating in this House
64Consents of members of companies, etc., not being promoters, in case of certain bills originating in this House
65Consents of proprietors of statutory companies promoting certain bills originating in House of Lords
66Consents of members of registered companies, etc., promoting certain bills originating in House of Lords
67Consents of members of companies, etc., not being promoters, in case of certain bills originating in House of Lords
68Proof of consent of directors, etc., who are named in bill
Examiners of Petitions for Private Bills
69Appointment of Examiners of Petitions for Private Bills
70Examination of petitions for bills
71Date of commencement of examination of petitions for bills
72Notice of examination of petitions for bills
73Examination of petitions for additional provision
74Examination of bills brought from House of Lords, etc.
74ARight of promoters to be heard before Examiner
75Memorials complaining of non-compliance with standing orders
76Right of audience before Examiner of proprietors dissenting at meeting under Standing Orders 62 to 67
76AWithdrawal of memorials
77Proof by affidavit
78[Repealed 12th November 1951]
79Examiner to make special report in certain cases
80[Repealed 28th November 2002]
Chairman of Ways and Means and Counsel to the Speaker
81Division of bills between this House and House of Lords
82Examination of bills by Chairman of Ways and Means
83[Repealed 12th November 1951]
84Copies of filled-up bill to be laid before Chairman of Ways and Means, etc.
85Power of Chairman of Ways and Means to report special circumstances, etc., to House
86Copy of bill as amended in committee to be laid before Chairman of Ways and Means, etc.
87Submission to Chairman of Ways and Means, etc., of amendments proposed by promoters
88Copy of Lords amendments, etc., to be laid before Chairman of Ways and Means, etc.
Court of Referees
89Constitution of Court of Referees on Private Bills
90Jurisdiction of Court of Referees
91Rules of practice and procedure of Court of Referees
91ARight of audience before Court of Referees
91BRight of Members of Parliament to have petition considered
92Competition to be a ground to have petition considered
93Right of members of companies, etc., to have petition considered
94[Repealed 23rd July 1953]
95Power of Court of Referees to allow associations, etc., to have petition considered
96Power of Court of Referees to allow local authorities or inhabitants to have petition considered
97Right of certain local authorities to have petition considered against lighting and water bills
98Right of county councils to have petition considered against water and tramway bills
99Power of Court of Referees to allow water authorities, and owners, etc., of land to have petition considered
100Power of Court of Referees to allow land drainage authorities the right to have petition considered
101Power of Court of Referees to allow conservators of forests, commons, or open spaces the right to have petition considered
102Right of owners, etc., to have petition considered against tramway bills
Standing Orders Committee
103Appointment of Standing Orders Committee
104Reference to Standing Orders Committee of reports from Examiners of non-compliance with standing orders, etc.
105Reference to Standing Orders Committee of petitions for dispensing with standing orders
106Reference to Standing Orders Committee of petitions for reinsertion of petitions in general list
107Duties of Standing Orders Committee in reference to proposed amendments on consideration
107AHearing of parties by Standing Orders Committee
108[Repealed 30th July 1952]
Committee of Selection
109Appointment of Committee of Selection
110Power of Committee of Selection to form groups of opposed bills
111Reference to committees of opposed and unopposed bills
112Reference back to Committee of Selection of unopposed bills when treated as opposed
113Committee of Selection to appoint first sitting of committee on opposed bill
114Committee of Selection to name bill or bills to be considered at first sitting of committee
115Notices to members of committees
116Non-return of declaration
117Power of Committee of Selection to change membership of committees
118Power of Committee of Selection to send for persons, etc.
118APower of Committee of Selection to sit when House adjourned
Committee on Opposed Bills
119[Repealed 12th November 1951]
120Declaration by members of committee on opposed bill
121Quorum of committee on opposed bill
122Absence of chairman or members of committee on opposed bill
123Committees on certain bills to have assistance of Counsel to the Speaker
124Order in which bills are to be considered by committee
125Adjournment of committee on opposed bill
126Reference to committee of petitions against bill
127Right of audience before committees on opposed bills
128Petition against bill must distinctly specify grounds of objection
129[Repealed 12th November 1951]
130Rights of petitioners in case of bills brought from House of Lords
131Treatment of opposed bills as unopposed in certain cases
131APrinting of minutes of evidence
The Committee on Unopposed Bills
132Committee on unopposed bills
133Member of committee on unopposed bill if interested not to vote
134Right of audience before committee on unopposed bills
Committees on Bills, whether Opposed or Unopposed
General provisions
135Decision of questions in committees on bills
136Reception of evidence by committees on bills
136ACounty council bills conferring powers on district councils: proof of need
137Copies of filled-up bill to be laid before committee
138Record of members' attendances and votes
139Committee on bill not to inquire into compliance with certain orders
140[Repealed 22nd July 1959]
141Chairman to sign committee bill, etc.
142Chairman to report on allegations of bill, etc.
143[Repealed 12th November 1951]
144Reports by ministers of the crown
145Minutes of proceedings
145AMinutes of evidence to be laid upon the table
Fencing of bridges, and railway, tramroad and tramway bills
146Fencing of bridges
147Level crossings
148[Repealed 25th October 1967]
149[Repealed 23rd July 1953]
150Specification of length of railway, etc.
151[Repealed 1st August 1961]
152Distance between passing vehicles when used on tramway
153Restriction of powers for construction, acquisition or taking on lease of tramway by local authority
154Running powers in tramway bills
Expenditure by local authorities
155[Repealed 24th October 1990]
156[Repealed 24th October 1990]
156AModification of practice as to charges on public revenue
156B[Repealed 24th October 1990]
157Agreement to be annexed to bill
Charitable or educational institutions
158Bills affecting charities or educational foundations
159[Repealed 24th October 1990]
Water bills
160Compensation water, etc.
Gas works, burial ground, etc., bills
161Limits of gas works, burial ground, etc., to be defined
162[Repealed 24th October 1990]
Practice of the House with regard to private bills
163Presentation of bills
164House copy of bill
164AMatters to be expressed in titles of certain bills
165[Repealed 12th November 1951]
166First Reading
166APetitions for additional provision
167Presentation of petitions for dispensing with standing orders, etc.
168Charges affecting public revenue to be printed in italics
169Attachment of financial memoranda to certain bills
169AReports concerning human rights
170Interval between first and second reading
171Presentation of petitions relating to private bills
171APetitions against private bills
171BLimit of time for submitting petition relating to a hybrid bill
171CLate submitted petitions relating to hybrid bill
172Supply of copies of petitions
173Withdrawal of petitions
174Time and manner of taking private business
175Instructions to committees on bills
176[Repealed 12th November 1951]
177Interval between committal of bill and sitting of committee
178Procedure on report of bill from committee
179Printing of bill as amended in committee
180Deposit of copies of bill at public departments, etc., before consideration
181Interval between report and consideration of bill, etc.
182Reference to Standing Orders Committee of proposed amendments on consideration
183Printing of proposed amendments on consideration
184Amendments on third reading
185Printing of bill after third reading
186Printing of Lords amendments
187[Repealed 30th July 1952]
188Motions for dispensing with standing orders
Suspension and revival of Bills
188ASuspension of bills
188BRevival of bills
189[Repealed 12th November 1951]
190Procedure at time of private business
191Tolls and charges not in the nature of a tax
Personal Bills
191APersonal bills
Practice in the Private Bill Office
192Private Bill Office registers
192ARules for petitions
193Acknowledgment of receipt of documents
194General List of Petitions for Bills
194AInspection of petitions for bills
195[Repealed 12th November 1951]
196Custody of House copy of bill
197Examination of bills
198Notice of second reading
199Notice of committee
199ANotice of adjournment of committees
200Deposit of filled-up bill
201Notice of consideration of bill
202Delivery of committee bill to Private Bill Office
203Examination of bill printed as amended
204Notice of amendments on consideration of bill or on third reading
204AOpposed business (consideration and third reading)
205Notice of third reading
206Entry of amendments on House copy of bill
207Examination of bills before transmission to House of Lords
208Notice of consideration of Lords amendments
208AOpposed business (Lords amendments)
209Time for delivering notices, etc.
210Daily lists of committees sitting
Bills for confirming provisional orders
211Meaning of "confirming bill"
212Deposit of duplicate plans, etc., in Private Bill Office
213Application of Standing Order 47 to provisional orders
214Examination of confirming bills by Examiners
215Right of petitioners against confirming bills to have petition considered
216Presentation of confirming bills
217Proceedings in committees on confirming bills
218Proceedings in House on confirming bills
219Application of certain orders to confirming bills
220[Repealed 9th April 1986]
221[Repealed 9th April 1986]
222[Repealed 9th April 1986]
223[Repealed 9th April 1986]
Public bills ordered to be examined by the Examiners
224Examination of public bills by Examiners
224AComments on environmental statement
Orders for purposes of Private Legislation Procedure (Scotland) Act 1936
225Interpretation of Standing Orders 226 to 236
226Chairmen to determine procedure for considering draft provisional orders
227Reports of Chairmen on draft provisional orders
228Parliamentary panel
228AApplication of certain orders to confirmation bills
229Constitution of joint committee on confirmation bill
230Procedure on confirmation bills brought from House of Lords
231Presentation of petition for bill under section 1(4) of the Procedure Act
232Deposit of copies of substituted bill at public departments, etc.
233Proofs before Examiner in case of substituted bill
233AApplication of Standing Order 61 to substituted bill
234Contents of substituted bill
235Petitions in favour of or against draft provisional order
236Deposit of copies of substituted bill brought from House of Lords at public departments, etc.
Orders in relation to which the Statutory Orders (Special Procedure) Act 1945 applies
237Interpretation of Standing Orders 238 to 248a
238Deputy Chairmen
239Deposit of copies of orders in Private Bill Office, etc.
239ADeposit of duplicate plans, etc., in Private Bill Office
240Presentation of petitions against orders
241Memorials objecting to petitions
241ASpecial report by Chairmen
242Consideration of petitions by Chairmen
243Joint committees on petitions
245Withdrawal of petitions, counter-petitions and memorials
246[Repealed 12th November 1951]
247Extension of time for deposits and notices in case of adjournment of House, etc.
248Notice of date of operation or withdrawal of order
248AApplication of certain orders to bills under Special Procedure Act
249[Repealed 12th November 1951]


Appendix A-Form referred to in Standing Orders 13 and 61

Appendix B-Form referred to in Standing Order 45

Table of fees to be charged at the House of Commons

Private Legislation Procedure (Scotland) Act 1936, as amended

Statutory Orders (Special Procedure) Act 1945, as amended

Statutory Orders (Special Procedure) (Substitution) Order 1949

Statutory Orders (Special Procedure) Order 1962

Rules relating to Parliamentary Agents and Petitioners

Rules for the Practice and Procedure of the Court of Referees

contents next page