House of Commons
Session 2017-19
House of Commons Votes and Proceedings
7 November 2017
No. 48
The House met at 11.30 am.
1Changes to Standing Orders (Private Business)
Ordered, That the Amendments to Standing Orders relating to Private Business set out in the Schedule be made.—(First Deputy Chairman of Ways and Means.)
1. Definitions. (HL 1) |
Line 81, after “metres”, insert new paragraph: “References in any standing order to the submission of a petition against a bill is a petition submitted electronically, by post or in person, received within the prescribed time.” |
1 |
1A. Deposit of documents etc. at offices of government departments and public bodies. (HL 1A) |
New title: 1A. Deposit and delivery of documents etc. at offices of government departments and public bodies. (HL 1A) |
Leave out paragraphs 2 and 3 and insert: |
2 |
“(2) The deposit or delivery of any such document may be made in readily accessible electronic form, with the agreement of the recipient. |
(3) Where an electronic version has been deposited or delivered, the promoters shall inform the recipient that a hard copy is available on request, and, if desired such copies shall be provided within a reasonable time. |
(4) In paragraph (1) above- |
"document" includes any bill, plan, section, book of reference, ordnance map, environmental or other statement or estimate; |
"the list" means the list which, for the purposes of this order, is compiled and maintained by the Private Bill Office under the direction of the Chairman of Ways and Means. |
(5) The provisions of these orders which contain such references as are mentioned in paragraph (1) above are— |
(a) Standing Order 27(6), |
(b) Standing Order 27A(1), |
(c) Standing Order 29, |
(d) Standing Order 30, |
(e) Standing Order 30A(1), |
(f) Standing Order 31, |
(g) Standing Order 32, |
(h) Standing Order 33, |
(i) Standing Order 34, |
(j) Standing Order 35, |
(k) Standing Order 36, |
(l) Standing Order 37, |
(m) Standing Order 39, |
(n) Standing Order 41, |
(o) Standing Order 42, |
(p) Standing Order 43, |
(q) Standing Order 44, |
(r) Standing Order 45(3), and |
(s) Standing Order 47(1).” |
4. Contents of notice. (HL 4) |
Line 18, leave out “deposit of a petition in” and insert “the submission of a petition to”. |
3 |
Line 21, leave out “deposit” and insert “submission”. |
4 |
Line 22, after “promoters” insert “, and give the appropriate website and contact details”. |
5 |
4A. Copies of bill to be made available. (HL 4A) |
Line 4, leave out “and” and insert “. It shall be sufficient compliance with this paragraph if the promoters supply copies without additional charge by post or electronically, as requested and within a reasonable time. Copies shall also be made available for inspection and sale on the same basis—“ |
6 |
11. Publication of notice in the Gazette. (HL 11) |
Line 5, leave out “deposit” and insert “submission”. |
7 |
Line 7, leave out “deposit” and insert “submission”. |
8 |
27. Deposit of plan, book of reference, and section, etc. (HL 27) |
Line 29, after “commenced.” insert new paragraph: |
9 |
“Such documents may be deposited, if the officer agrees, in electronic form.” |
Line 39, leave out paragraph 4 and insert: |
10 |
“(4) Any deposit made under this Standing Order shall be accompanied by a schedule of documents listing the documents so deposited. |
(5) The proper officer or chief executive of the council of each county, metropolitan district, or London borough or (in Wales) each county or county borough or (in Scotland) each local government area, shall record on a copy of the schedule of documents deposited the date and hour when it was lodged at his office, and shall at all reasonable hours of the day permit any person to inspect such documents and to obtain copies thereof or extracts therefrom. It shall be sufficient compliance with this paragraph if there is provided to that person, on request and within reasonable time, copies of so much of the document as the person may reasonably require, and such copies may, if the person so agrees, be provided in electronic form.” |
Paragraphs 5, 6 and 7 are renumbered accordingly. |
27A. Environmental assessment. (HL 27A) |
Leave out paragraphs 1 to 8 and insert: |
11 |
“(1) Subject to paragraph (10) below, in the case of a bill authorising the carrying out of works the nature and extent of which are specified in the bill on land so specified, there shall be deposited on or before 4th December with the Private Bill Office and the public departments at which copies of the bill are required to be deposited under Standing Order 39 (Deposit of copies of bills at Treasury and other public departments, etc.), either— |
(a) a copy or copies (as specified by paragraph (3) below) of an environmental statement containing, in relation to the works authorised by the bill: |
(i) the information specified in paragraph (2), and |
(ii) a report which identifies, describes and evaluates reasonable alternatives to the works authorised by the bill, taking into account the objectives and geographical scope of the bill; or |
(b) a copy or copies (as so specified) of a direction by the Secretary of State that no such statement is necessary in relation to the works authorised by the bill. |
(2) The information referred to in paragraph (1)(a)(i) is |
(a) the information referred to in regulation 18(3)(a) to (e) and (4)(b) of the Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017 (S.I. 2017/571) (referred to below as "the EIA Regulations"), together with any additional information specified in Schedule 4 to the EIA Regulations which is relevant to the specific characteristics of the works authorised by the bill and to the environmental features likely to be significantly affected, or |
(b) such of the information mentioned in paragraph (a) as the Secretary of State may in any particular case direct. |
(3) Copies shall be deposited in accordance with Standing Order 1A. |
(4) An environmental statement deposited under this order shall be prepared by persons who have sufficient expertise to ensure the completeness and quality of the statement and shall take into account the matters referred to in regulation 18(4)(c) of the EIA Regulations. |
(5) Where any such works authorised by a bill relate to two or more distinct projects each project may be treated separately for the purposes of paragraphs (1) and (2) above: and the references in those paragraphs to the works authorised by the bill shall accordingly be construed, where the paragraph applies separately to each project, as references to the works comprised in that project. |
(6) Notwithstanding any direction given as mentioned in paragraph (2)(b) above, any environmental statement of which copies are deposited under this order shall contain the summary (referred to below as "the non-technical summary") required by regulation 18(3)(e) of, and paragraph 9 of Schedule 4 to, the EIA Regulations. |
(7) Where the Secretary of State has given a direction as mentioned in paragraph (2)(b) above, a copy of the direction shall be deposited with every copy of the environmental statement deposited under this order; and every copy of a direction so deposited or deposited under paragraph (1)(b) above shall be accompanied by a statement by the Secretary of State of his reasons for giving the direction. |
(8) Copies of every environmental statement deposited under this order shall be made available for inspection, and for sale at a reasonable price, on and after 4th December, at the offices at which copies of the bill are required to be made available under Standing Order 4A (Copies of bill to be made available); and there shall also be made available separately on and after that date at those offices, for inspection and for sale at a reasonable price, copies of the non-technical summary. It shall be sufficient compliance with this paragraph if the promoters make copies of the environmental statement and non-technical summary available for inspection in electronic form and supply copies without additional charge by post or electronically, as requested and within a reasonable time. |
(9) References in this order to any provision of the EIA Regulations are references to that provision as amended from time to time and include references to the corresponding provision of any regulations which re-enact the EIA Regulations, with or without amendment. |
(10) This order does not require the deposit of copies of an environmental statement in relation to any works for which planning permission has been granted.” |
35. Deposit of copy of plan, etc., in certain cases with Commissioner of Police. (HL 35) |
Line 4, leave out “at the office of the Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis” and insert “in accordance with Standing Order 1A”. |
12 |
36. Deposit of copy of plan, etc., in certain cases with certain local authorities. (HL 36) |
Leave out Standing Order and insert: |
13 |
“(1) In the case of a bill in respect of which a plan, or a plan and section, and a book of reference are required by Standing Order 27 (Deposit of plan, book of reference, and section, etc) to be deposited, a copy of so much of the said plan, or plan and section, as relates to any of the areas specified in Standing Order 1A, and a copy of so much of the book of reference as relates to such area, shall— |
(a) on or before 20th November, be deposited for public inspection with the officers of each local authority, and in the manner specified in Standing Order 1A, or |
(b) be sent by registered post to any such officer, and if so sent shall be posted on or before 17th November. |
(2) The officer of each local authority with whom any such document is so deposited shall— |
(a) permit any person at all reasonable hours of the day to inspect it, and |
(b) provide copies of so much of the document as the person may reasonably require. Such copies may, if the person so agrees, be provided in electronic form.” |
39. Deposit of copies of bills (HL 39) |
Line 1, leave out “printed”. |
14 |
41. Delivery of copies of certain bills to highway authorities. (HL 41) |
Line 1, leave out “printed”. |
15 |
Line 3, leave out from “plan,” to end and insert: “shall— |
16 |
(a) be delivered on or before 4th December, or |
(b) be sent by registered post, having been posted on or before 1st December, |
to the recipient or recipients specified in Standing Order 1A.” |
42. Delivery of copies of bills affecting watercourses to Environment Agency. (HL 42) |
Line 1, leave out “printed”. |
17 |
43. Delivery of copies of bills affecting rivers or estuaries to Environment Agency. (HL 43) |
Line 1, leave out “printed”. |
18 |
44. Delivery of copies of certain bills to local authorities. (HL 44) |
Line 6, leave out “printed”. |
19 |
Line 7, leave out from “applies,” to end of paragraph and insert: “shall— |
20 |
(a) be delivered on or before 11th December, or |
(b) be sent by registered post, having been posted on or before 8th December, |
to the recipient or recipients specified in Standing Order 1A.” |
90. Jurisdiction of Court of Referees. (HL 114) |
Line 2, leave out “be heard upon such petitions” and insert “have such petitions considered”. |
21 |
91A. Right of audience before Court of Referees. |
Leave out paragraph and insert: |
22 |
“A petitioner against a private bill shall be entitled to be heard before the Court of Referees by himself, his counsel, parliamentary agents, or representatives in support of his right to have his petition considered by the committee and the promoters of the bill shall be entitled to be heard by themselves, their counsel or agents in opposition thereto; but not more than one counsel shall appear before the Court in support of a right to have a petition considered, or in opposition thereto.” |
91B. Right of Members of Parliament to have petition considered. (New HL 117A) |
After Standing Order 91A insert new Standing Order: |
23 |
“Any Members of Parliament whose constituencies are directly affected by the works proposed by a Bill shall be permitted to have their petition against the Bill considered by the committee.” |
92. Competition to be a ground of locus standi. |
New title: Competition to be a ground to have petition considered. |
Leave out paragraph and insert: |
24 |
“It shall be competent to the Court of Referees, if it thinks fit, to permit petitioners to have their petitions against a private bill considered by the committee, on the ground of competition.” |
93. Locus standi of companies, etc. (HL 115) |
New title: Right of members of companies, etc, to have petition considered. (HL 115) |
Line 2, leave out “members thereof shall not be entitled to be heard before the committee against the bill, unless” and insert “the committee shall not consider petitions by its members, unless”. |
25 |
Line 9, leave out “be heard” and insert “have their petition considered”. |
26 |
95. Power of Court of Referees to allow locus standi to associations, etc. (HL 117) |
New title: Power of Court of Referees to allow associations, etc., to have petition considered. (HL 117) |
Line 4, leave out “admit the petitioners to be heard” and insert “permit petitioners to have their petition considered by the committee”. |
27 |
Line 10, leave out “admit the petitioners to be heard” and insert “permit petitioners to have their petition considered by the committee”. |
28 |
96. Power of Court of Referees to allow locus standi to local authorities or inhabitants. (HL 118) |
New title: Power of Court of Referees to allow local authorities or inhabitants to have petition considered. (HL 118) |
Leave out paragraph and insert: |
29 |
“It shall be competent to the Court of Referees, if it thinks fit, to permit petitioners, being the local authority of any area the whole or any part of which is alleged in the petition to be injuriously affected by a bill or any provisions thereof, or being any of the inhabitants of any such area, to have their petition against the bill or any provisions thereof considered by the committee.” |
97. Locus standi of certain local authorities against lighting and water bills. (HL 119) |
New title: Right of certain local authorities to have petition considered against lighting and water bills. (HL 119) |
Line 5, leave out “be heard against the bill” and insert “have their petition against the bill considered by the committee”. |
98. Locus standi of county councils against water and tramway bills. (HL 120) |
New title: Right of county councils to have petition considered against water and tramway bills. (HL 120) |
Line 4, leave out “be heard against the bill” and insert “have their petition against the bill considered by the committee”. |
31 |
Line 10, leave out “be heard against the bill” and insert “have their petition against the bill considered by the committee”. |
32 |
99. Power of Court of Referees to allow locus standi to river authorities and owners, etc., of land. |
New title: Power of Court of Referees to allow water authorities and owners, etc., of land to have petition considered. |
Line 4, leave out from “fit,” to end and insert “to permit the petitioners to have their petition against the bill or any part thereof considered by the committee.”. |
33 |
100. Power of Court of Referees to allow locus standi to land drainage authorities. |
New title: Power of Court of Referees to allow land drainage authorities the right to have petition considered. |
Line 5, leave out from “fit,” to end and insert “to permit the petitioners to have their petition against the bill or any part thereof considered by the committee.”. |
34 |
101. Power of Court of Referees to allow locus standi to conservators of forests, commons, or open spaces. |
New title: Power of Court of Referees to allow conservators of forests, commons, or open spaces the right to have petition considered. |
Line 1, leave out “admit” and insert “permit”. |
35 |
Line 5, leave out “to be heard against the bill” and insert “to have their petition against the bill considered by the committee. |
36 |
102. Locus standi of owners, etc., against tramway bills. |
New title: Right of owners, etc., to have petition considered against tramway bills. |
Line 5, leave out “be heard on such allegations before” and insert “have their petition considered by”. |
37 |
Line 7, leave out “admit” and insert “permit”. |
38 |
Line 9, leave out “be heard against the bill” and insert “have their petition against the bill considered by the committee”. |
39 |
111. Reference to committees of opposed and unopposed bills. (HL 104, 121) |
Line 11, leave out “in which the petitioner prays to be heard”. |
40 |
Line 11, leave out “presented” and insert “submitted”. |
41 |
126. Reference to committee of petitions against bill. (HL 109) |
Line 4, leave out “deposited in” and insert “submitted to”. |
42 |
Line 8, leave out “being a petition in which the petitioners have prayed to be heard by themselves, their counsel or agents:”. |
43 |
127. Right of audience before committees on opposed bills. (HL 110) |
Line 5, leave out paragraph 2 and insert: |
44 |
“(2) Any petitioners whose petitions stand referred as aforesaid shall, subject to the rules and orders of the House, be entitled to be heard upon their petition by themselves, their counsel, representatives or parliamentary agents. |
(3) With the agreement of the relevant petitioners, the committee on the bill shall have power to group petitions that raise similar objections to the bill. Any petitioners so grouped may make a request to the committee on the bill that they should not be required to exercise their entitlement to be heard. |
(4) The committee shall also have power to decide how its proceedings are to be conducted including the order of consideration of petitions and timetabling.” |
128. Petition against bill must distinctly specify grounds of objection. (HL 111) |
Line 3, leave out “petitioner shall be heard” and insert “petition shall be considered”. |
45 |
131. Non-appearance of petitioners. (HL 113) |
New title: Treatment of opposed bills as unopposed in certain cases. (HL 113) |
Leave out paragraph and insert: |
46 |
“In the case of any opposed private bill, in which— |
(a) no party has appeared on a petition against the bill or on a petition complaining of amendments as proposed in the filled-up bill, or |
(b) all parties who have so appeared have withdrawn their opposition before the evidence of the promoters has been commenced, or |
(c) the right to be heard of all parties who have appeared and have not withdrawn their opposition has been disallowed, |
the committee to which the bill has been referred shall forthwith refer back the bill, with a statement of the facts, to the Committee of Selection which shall treat it as an unopposed bill.” |
171. Presentation of petitions relating to private bills. |
Line 2, leave out “deposited in” and insert “submitted to” |
47 |
Line 5, leave out “, together with the name of the member, party or agent depositing the same”. |
48 |
171A. Petitions against private bills. |
Line 4, leave out “presented” and insert “submitted”. |
49 |
Line 5, leave out “presented” and insert “submitted”. |
50 |
Line 8, leave out “presented” and insert “submitted”. |
51 |
171B. Limit of time for submitting petition relating to a hybrid bill. (New HL 101A) |
After Standing Order 171A insert new Standing Order: |
52 |
“(1) This order applies to any government bill in relation to which the Examiner decides that Standing Orders 4 to 68 are applicable. |
(2) In the case of a bill originating in this House, the period during which petitions against the bill can be submitted begins the day after the bill was read a second time. The petitioning period shall last for 25 calendar days, unless the House otherwise orders. |
(3) In the case of a bill brought from the House of Lords, the period during which petitions can be submitted begins the day after the bill was read a first time. The petitioning period shall last for a minimum of 25 calendar days, or such longer period as the Chairman of Ways and Means shall determine, after consulting the relevant Minister. |
(4) In the case of a bill originating in this House, the Chairman of Ways and Means shall decide the length of the petitioning period in respect of any additional provision, after consulting the relevant Minister.” |
171C. Late submitted petitions relating to hybrid bill. (New HL 201B) |
After new Standing Order 171B insert new Standing Order: |
53 |
“(1) This order applies to any government bill in relation to which the Examiner decides that Standing Orders 4 to 68 are applicable. |
(2) Any petitioner whose petition is submitted after the close of the petitioning period, and which is in accordance with these Standing Orders, shall be invited to provide a written explanation as to why the petition has been submitted late. |
(3) The relevant Minister may provide a written submission in respect of any petition submitted after the close of the petitioning period where a written explanation has been provided by the petitioner. |
(4) The decision on whether a late petition should be accepted is a matter for the Standing Orders Committee. |
(5) The Standing Orders Committee shall report to the House if the petition is accepted for submission. |
(6) There is no appeal from the decision of the Standing Orders Committee.” |
172. Supply of copies of petitions. (HL 102) |
Leave out Standing Order. |
54 |
173. Withdrawal of petitions. (HL 103) |
Line 1, leave out from “petition,” to end of paragraph and insert “and any co-petitioner may withdraw his name from a petition, by informing the Private Bill Office in writing that he wishes to do so.”. |
55 |
188A. Suspension of Bills. (HL 150A) |
Line 30, leave out “presented” and insert “submitted”. |
56 |
Line 35, leave out from “has been” to “pursuant” and insert: |
57 |
“submitted within the time stipulated for the submission of petitions in the current session, or as the case may be, a previous session or submitted” |
188B. Revival of Bills. (HL 150B) |
Line 34, leave out “presented” and insert “submitted”. |
58 |
Line 40, leave out from “has been” to “pursuant” and insert: |
59 |
“submitted within the time stipulated for the submission of petitions in the last session or a previous session, or last Parliament or submitted”. |
192A. Rules for petitions. |
Line 1, leave out “deposited in” and insert “submitted to”. |
60 |
Line 2, leave out “and signed”. |
61 |
Line 6, leave out “signed on behalf of the petitioner by his agent” and insert “submitted on behalf of the petitioner by his representative”. |
62 |
Line 8, leave out paragraph 2 and insert: |
63 |
“(2) A petition submitted by the petitioner's representative shall be accompanied by a confirmation that the petitioner or petitioners have authorised the representative to submit the petition on his or their behalf.” |
193. Acknowledgement of receipt of documents. |
Line 2, after “deposited in” insert “, or submitted to,”. |
64 |
Line 3, after “office” insert “either”. |
65 |
Line 3, after “deposited” insert “, or by electronic acknowledgement”. |
66 |
215. Locus standi of petitioners against confirming bills. |
New title: Right of petitioners against confirming bills to have petition considered. |
224A. Comments on environmental statement. (HL 83A) |
Line 54, leave out “prescribed by Standing Order 27A(6)” and insert “and in the manner prescribed by Standing Order 27A(8)”. |
67 |
Appendix A |
Line 40, leave out “depositing” and insert “submitting”. |
68 |
Line 41, leave out “deposit” and insert “submit”. |
69 |
Line 43, leave out “depositing” and insert “submitting”. |
70 |
Line 54, leave out “presenting” and insert “submitting”. |
71 |
2Questions to the Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy
3Urgent Questions: (1) Exiting the EU: sectoral analyses (Mr Steve Baker)
(2) Israel: meetings (Secretary of State for International Development) (Alistair Burt)
(3) Humanitarian situation in Yemen (Alistair Burt)
4Statement: Counter-Daesh Update (Secretary Boris Johnson)
5Trade Bill: Presentation (Standing Order No. 57)
Secretary Liam Fox, supported by the Prime Minister, Secretary Boris Johnson, Secretary David Davis, Secretary David Mundell, Secretary Alun Cairns, Secretary James Brokenshire, Secretary Michael Gove, Secretary Priti Patel and Greg Hands, presented a Bill to make provision about the implementation of international trade agreements; to make provision establishing the Trade Remedies Authority and conferring functions on it; and to make provision about the collection and disclosure of information relating to trade.
Bill read the first time; to be read a second time on Monday 13 November, and to be printed (Bill 122) with Explanatory Notes (Bill 122–EN).
6Leasehold Reform: Motion for leave to bring in a Bill (Standing Order No. 23)
Ordered, That leave be given to bring in a Bill to make provision about the regulation of the purchase of freehold by leaseholders; to introduce a system for establishing the maximum charge for such freehold; to make provision about the award of legal costs in leasehold property tribunal cases; to establish a compensation scheme for cases where misleading particulars have led to certain leasehold agreements; and for connected purposes;
That Justin Madders, Jim Fitzpatrick, Sir Peter Bottomley, David Hanson, Ian Austin, Mary Glindon, Justin Tomlinson, Ruth George, Antoinette Sandbach, Bill Esterson, Gareth Thomas and Derek Twigg present the Bill.
Justin Madders accordingly presented the Bill.
Bill read the first time; to be read a second time on Friday 2 February 2018, and to be printed (Bill 121).
(1) Temporary accommodation
Motion made and Question proposed, That this House notes with concern the increased use by local authorities of temporary accommodation for 77, 240 homeless families in priority need, including 120,540 children or expected children; further notes more than a quarter of those households have been placed in temporary accommodation in a different local government area; further notes the draft consultation on a homelessness code of guidance for local authorities; is aware of the pressure on local authorities and the increasing demands that they face; and calls on the Government to provide a framework for monitoring and enforcement to ensure the appropriate level of quality and location of temporary accommodation, to require that local authorities appoint a designated officer for homeless families in their area and to ensure that homeless families have appropriate contact with health, education and social services when they are in temporary accommodation.—(Siobhain McDonagh.)
The Deputy Speaker announced a time limit on backbench speeches (Standing Order No. 47(1)).
Question put and agreed to.
Resolved, That this House notes with concern the increased use by local authorities of temporary accommodation for 77, 240 homeless families in priority need, including 120,540 children or expected children; further notes more than a quarter of those households have been placed in temporary accommodation in a different local government area; further notes the draft consultation on a homelessness code of guidance for local authorities; is aware of the pressure on local authorities and the increasing demands that they face; and calls on the Government to provide a framework for monitoring and enforcement to ensure the appropriate level of quality and location of temporary accommodation, to require that local authorities appoint a designated officer for homeless families in their area and to ensure that homeless families have appropriate contact with health, education and social services when they are in temporary accommodation.
(2) Matters to be raised before the forthcoming adjournment
Resolved, That this House has considered matters to be raised before the forthcoming adjournment.—(Bob Blackman.)
(1) A public petition from residents of Scunthorpe County relating to Kingsway Golf Course was presented and read by Nic Dakin.
(2) A public petition from the people of North East Hampshire relating to South Western Railway was presented and read by Mr Ranil Jayawardena.
(3) A public petition from users of the No. 67 bus service in Torbay relating to the No. 67 bus service in Torbay was presented and read by Dr Sarah Wollaston.
Subject: Isle of Man taxation rules and tax avoidance and evasion (Dame Margaret Hodge).
Motion made and Question proposed, That this House do now adjourn.—(Nigel Adams.)
At 7.00 pm, the Motion lapsed (Standing Order No. 9(7)).
Resolved, That this House do now adjourn.—(Nigel Adams.)
Adjourned at 7.25 pm until Monday 13 November
(Resolution, 17 July).
Other Proceedings
General Committees: Appointments
The Speaker appoints the Chair of General Committees and members of Programming Sub-Committees, and allocates Statutory Instruments to Delegated Legislation Committees.
The Selection Committee nominates Members to serve on General Committees (and certain Members to serve on Grand Committees).
10Armed Forces (Flexible Working) Bill [Lords] Programming Sub-Committee
Members: Judith Cummins, Leo Docherty, Mr Tobias Ellwood, Andrew Griffiths, Gerald Jones, Fiona Onasanya and Mrs Anne-Marie Trevelyan.
Reports from Select Committees
Investigations into fatalities in Northern Ireland involving British Military Personnel: Government Response to the Committee’s Seventh Report of Session 2016-17: Third Special Report, to be printed (HC 549) (Dr Julian Lewis).
12Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Committee
(1) BBC Annual Report and Accounts 2016-17: Oral evidence, to be published (HC 362);
(2) Fake news: Written evidence, to be published (HC 363);
(3) Impact of Brexit on UK creative industries, tourism and the single digital market: Written evidence, to be published (HC 365);
(4) Sport governance: Written evidence, to be published (HC 320)
(Damian Collins).
Fostering: Oral evidence, to be published (HC 340) (Robert Halfon).
The future of Britain’s diplomatic relationship with Europe: Oral evidence, to be published (HC 514) (Tom Tugendhat).
(1) Nursing workforce: Oral and written evidence, to be published (HC 353);
(2) Brexit: medicines, medical devices and substances of human origin: Written evidence, to be published (HC 392)
(Dr Sarah Wollaston).
(1) Home Office delivery of Brexit: customs operations: First Report, to be printed, with the formal minutes relating to the Report (HC 540);
(2) Asylum accommodation: Government Response to the Committee’s Twelfth Report of Session 2016-17: Second Special Report, to be printed (HC 551);
(3) Policing for the future: Oral evidence, to be published (HC 515);
(4) Home Office delivery of Brexit: immigration: Written evidence, to be published (HC 421);
(5) Immigration policy: principles for building consensus: Written evidence, to be published (HC 500)
(Yvette Cooper).
Young adults in the criminal justice system and youth custodial estate: Oral evidence, to be published (HC 419) (Robert Neill).
18Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee
(1) Civil Service effectiveness: Oral evidence, to be published (HC 497);
(2) Devolution and exiting the EU: Written evidence, to be published (HC 484);
(3) PHSO annual scrutiny: Written evidence, to be published (HC 492)
(Mr Bernard Jenkin).
19Science and Technology Committee
(1) Science in emergencies: chemical, biological, radiological or nuclear—Government response to the Twelfth Report of the Committee, Session 2016–17: Fourth Special Report, to be printed (HC 561)
(2) Science budget and industrial strategy: Oral and written evidence, to be published (HC 496)
(Norman Lamb).
(1) The work of the National Infrastructure Commission: Oral evidence, to be published (HC 476);
(2) Correspondence from the Chancellor of the Exchequer relating to the appointment of Elisabeth Stheeman to the Financial Policy Committee: Written evidence, to be published
(Nicky Morgan).
John Bercow
Westminster Hall
The sitting began at 9.30 am.
Business appointed by the Chairman of Ways and Means (Standing Order No. 10(6))
1Funding for community policing
Resolved, That this House has considered funding for community policing.—(Sir Edward Davey.)
2Devolution of the Wales and Borders franchise
Resolved, That this House has considered the devolution of the Wales and Borders franchise.—(Jonathan Edwards.)
The sitting was suspended between 11.30 am and 2.30 pm (Standing Order No. 10(1)(b)).
Resolved, That this House has considered the Ukrainian Holodomor.—(Mrs Pauline Latham.)
The sitting was suspended between 3.35 pm and 4.00 pm.
4Property management company fees
Resolved, That this House has considered property management company fees.—(Kelly Tolhurst.)
The sitting was suspended between 4.20 pm and 4.30 pm.
5Public order legislation relating to family planning clinics
Resolved, That this House has considered public order legislation relating to family planning clinics.—(Dr Rupa Huq.)
Sitting adjourned without Question put (Standing Order No. 10(14)).
Adjourned at 5.29 pm until Monday 13 November (Resolution, 17 July).
Papers Laid
Papers subject to Affirmative Resolution
(1) Draft European Union (Definition of Treaties) (Partnership and Cooperation Agreement) (Turkmenistan) Order 2017 (by Act), with an Explanatory Memorandum (by Command) (Secretary Boris Johnson)
(2) Draft European Union (Definition of Treaties) (Enhanced Partnership and Cooperation Agreement) (Kazakhstan) Order 2017 (by Act), with an Explanatory Memorandum (by Command) (Secretary Boris Johnson)
Papers subject to Negative Resolution
2Financial Services and Markets
Central Securities Depositories Regulations 2017 (S.I., 2017, No. 1064), dated 6 November 2017 (by Act), with an Explanatory Memorandum (by Command) (Stephen Barclay)
Other papers
Report by the Office of Tax Simplification: Value added tax: routes to simplification (by Act) (The Chancellor of the Exchequer)
Government Response to the final report of the Lords Select Committee on Financial Exclusion, Session 2016–17 (by Command) (Cm. 9524) (Stephen Barclay)
Report under section 2 of the Loans to Ireland Act 2010: 1 April 2017 to 30 September 2017 (by Act) (Stephen Barclay)
Report under section 56(7) of the Reserve Forces Act 1996 on the making of a call-out order under section 56(1B) of that Act, dated 6 November 2017, in support of United Kingdom Operations in Afghanistan (by Act) (Mr Tobias Ellwood)