Sessional Returns: Session 2016–17 Contents

5Public Bills

Information and statistics relating to Public Bills. Information about specific bills can be found at

AGeneral Summary

Number of Bills which received the Royal Assent:

Type of Bills

  started in the Commons




    Private Members’


  brought from the Lords




    Private Members’




Number of Bills which did not receive the Royal Assent:

Type of Bills

  started in the Commons




    Private Members’


  brought from the Lords




    Private Members’




Progress of Bills

  introduced into, but not passed by, the Commons


  passed by the Commons but not by the Lords


  introduced in the Commons but proceedings suspended to next Session


  passed by the Lords but not taken up by the Commons


  passed by the Lords but not passed by the Commons


  passed by both Houses but Amendments not agreed to




Total number of Bills started in the Commons or brought from the Lords


B Bills which received the Royal Assent


* denotes a Government Bill

Title of Bill

Bill Number at each printing

Broadcasting (Radio Multiplex Services)


* Bus Services [Lords]

(100, 158)

* Children and Social Work [Lords]

(99, 121)

* Commonwealth Development Corporation


* Criminal Finances

(75, 97, 173)

* Cultural Property (Armed Conflicts) [Lords]


* Digital Economy

(45, 87, 166)

* European Union (Notification of Withdrawal)

(132, 152)

Farriers (Registration)



(155, 1, 47)

*Finance (No. 2)


Guardianship (Missing Persons)


*Health Service Medical Supplies (Costs)

(72, 92, 146, 167)

*Higher Education and Research

(4, 78, 165)

Homelessness Reduction

(7, 127)

*Intellectual Property (Unjustified Threats) [Lords]


*Investigatory Powers

(143, 2, 86, 89)

Local Audit (Public Access to Documents)


Merchant Shipping (Homosexual Conduct)

(23, 138)

*National Citizen Service [Lords]

(114, 130)

*Neighbourhood Planning

(61, 83, 157)

*Northern Ireland (Ministerial Appointments and Regional Rates)


Parking Places (Variation of Charges)


*Pension Schemes [Lords]

(125, 140)

*Policing and Crime

(143, 158, 3, 118)

Preventing and Combating Violence Against Women and Domestic Violence (Ratification of Convention)


*Savings (Government Contributions)


*Small Charitable Donations and Childcare Payments


*Supply and Appropriation (Anticipation and Adjustments)


*Supply and Appropriate (Main Estimates)


*Technical and Further Education

(82, 108, 164)


(5, 49, 128)



C Bills which did not receive the Royal Assent

1. Bills which were passed by both Houses but Amendments not agreed to


2. Bills which were passed by the Commons but not by the Lords


3. Bills introduced in the Commons but Proceedings suspended to next Session



4. Bills which received a Second Reading

Title of Bill and Bill Number at each Printing

Stage at which progress ended

Awards for Valour (Protection) (10, 134)


Crown Tenancies (32)


Health and Social Care (National Data Guardian) (84)

Second Reading

Kew Gardens (Leases) (22)


Local Government Finance (122, 142)


Parliamentary Constituencies (Amendment) (9)

Second Reading

Prisons and Courts


Registration of Marriage (14)

Second Reading

Road Traffic offenders (Surrender of Driving Licences Etc) (36)


Vehicle Technology and Aviation



5. Bills which did not receive a Second Reading

Title of Bill and Bill Number at each Printing

Stage at which progress ended

Access to Radiotherapy

First Reading

Air Quality (Diesel Emissions in Urban Centres)


Animal Cruelty (Sentencing) (43)

First Reading

Animal Fighting (Sentencing) (30)

First Reading

Arms Export Controls (Countries of Concern)

First Reading

Assets of Community Value

First Reading

Asset Freezing (Compensation) [Lords] (107)

First Reading

Benefit Claimants Sanctions (Required Assessment) (11)

Second Reading

Bread and Flour Regulations (Folic Acid) [Lords] (139)

First Reading

British Victims of Terrorism (Asset-Freezing and Compensation)

First Reading

Burial Rights Reform (124)

First Reading

Carbon Monoxide Poisoning (Safety Abroad)

First Reading

Careers Guidance (Access to Schools)

First Reading

Child Maintenance (Assessment of Parents’ Income)

First Reading

Child Poverty in the UK (Target for Reduction)

First Reading

Children of Armed Services Personnel (Schools Admission)

First Reading

Civil Partnership Act 2004 (Amendment) (58)

Second Reading

Clean Air

First Reading

Companies Documentation (Transgender Persons)

First Reading

Construction Industry (Protection of Cash Retentions)

First Reading

Cosmetic Surgery (Standards of Practice)

First Reading

Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015 (Amendment) (24)

First Reading

Crime (Aggravated Murder of and Violence Against Women)


Crime (Assaults on Emergency Services Staff)

First Reading

Defibrillators (Availability) (91)

First Reading

Diabetes Inpatient Care

First Reading

Diplomatic Service (United Kingdom Wines and Sparkling Wines)

First Reading

Disability Equality Training (Taxi and Private Hire Vehicle Drivers) (19)

Second Reading

Double Taxation Treaties (Developing Countries) (16)

Second Reading

Electoral Reform (Local Elections and Miscellaneous Provisions)

First Reading

EU Citizens Resident in the United Kingdom (Right To Stay)

First Reading

Families with Children and Young People in Debt (Respite) (13)

First Reading

Family Justice

First Reading

Feeding Products for Babies and Children (Advertising and Promotion) (95)

First Reading

Financial Regulation of Funeral Services

First Reading

Football Supporters (Access)

First Reading

Gangmasters (Licensing) and Labour Abuse Authority


Gender Identity (Protected Characteristic)

First Reading

Government Services (Telecommunication Charges)

First Reading

Harbours, Docks and Piers Clauses Act 1847 (Amendment) (52)

First Reading

Health Services Commissioning (Equality and Accountability)

First Reading

Highway Works (Weekend Working and Traffic Management Measures)

First Reading

House of Lords (Exclusion of Hereditary Peers) (116)

First Reading

Housing (Tenants’ Rights)

First Reading

Housing Standards (Preparation and Storage of Food by Tenants in Receipt of Universal Credit or Housing Benefit)


Income Tax (Non-Military Expenditure)


International Trade and Investment (NHS Protection) (21)

First Reading

Laser Pens (Regulation of Sale, Ownership and Usage)

First Reading

Lee Valley Regional Park (Amendment)

First Reading

Local Authority Roads (Wildlife Protection) (34)

First Reading

Malicious Communications (Social Media)

First Reading

Maternity and Paternity Leave (Premature Birth)

First Reading

Modern Slavery (Transparency in Supply Chains) [Lords]

First Reading

Mutual Guarantee Societies

First Reading

Mutualisation of the Royal Bank of Scotland

First Reading

National Health Service (51)

First Reading

National Health Service Provision (Local Consultation)

First Reading

National Health Service Staff (Reporting and Registration)


National Minimum Wage (Workplace Internships) (8)

Second Reading

Network Rail (Scotland)

First Reading

Organ Donation (Deemed Consent) (123)


Organ Donors (Leave)

First Reading

Parental Bereavement Leave (Statutory Entitlement) (60)

Second Reading

Parish Council Governance (Principles of Public Life)

First Reading

Parthenon Sculptures (Return to Greece)


Perinatal Mental Illness (NHS Family Services)

First Reading

Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (Statutory Requirement)

Second Reading

Promotion of Israeli-Palestinian Peace (United Kingdom Participation)

First Reading

Protection of Family Homes (Enforcement and Permitted Development) (39)

Second Reading

Providers of Health and Social Care (Schemes under Section 71 of the National Health Service Act 2006)

First Reading

Public Authority (Accountability)

First Reading

Queen’s Sapphire Jubilee

First Reading

Rail Ombudsman

First Reading

Railways (42)

First Reading

Representation of the People (Voter Proof of Identity)

First Reading

Reproductive Health (Access to Terminations)

First Reading

School Admissions (Special Educational Needs)

First Reading

Senior Judiciary Appointments (Disregard of Age of Candidates)

First Reading

Sexual Offences (Amendment)

First Reading

Sexual Offences (Pardons Etc) (6)

Second Reading

Short and Holiday-Let Accommodation (Notification of Local Authorities)

First Reading

Small and Medium Sized Co-operative Development

First Reading

Stalking (Sentencing) (74)

First Reading

Statutory Nuisance (Aircraft Noise) (101)

First Reading

Sugar in Food and Drinks (Targets, Labelling and Advertising) (70)

First Reading

Terms of Withdrawal from EU (Referendum) (46)

First Reading

Terms of Withdrawal from the European Union (Referendum)

First Reading

Town and Country Planning (Electricity Generating Consent)


UK Environmental Protection (Maintenance of EU Standards)

First Reading

UK International Trade and Investment Agreements (Ratification)

First Reading

Unauthorised Overdrafts (Cost of Credit)

First Reading

Unlawful Killing (Recovery of Remains)

First Reading

Unsolicited Marketing Communications (Company Directors) (65)

First Reading

Use of Property (Protection) (35)


Vehicle Fuel (Publication of Tax Information)

First Reading

Vehicle Noise Limits (Enforcement) (27)

First Reading

Violent Crime (Sentences)

First Reading

Wild Animals in Circuses (Prohibition) (29)

First Reading

Withdrawal from the European Union (Article 50) (104)


Workers’ Rights (Maintenance of EU Standards) (62)

First Reading

TOTAL: 100

6. Bills presented, or brought from the Lords, but not printed

Title of Bill

Stage at which progress ended

Marriage and Civil Partnership (Minimum Age) [Lords]

Brought from the Lords

Lobbying (Transparency) [Lords]

Brought from the Lords


D Consideration of Bills in Committee of the whole House

Total number of Bills considered in Committee of the whole House: 5 (European Union (Notification of Withdrawal), Finance4 Finance (No. 2), Northern Ireland (Ministerial Appointments and Regional Rates), Wales).

E Consideration of Bills in General Committees


Total number of Bills:


Total number of sittings at which Bills were considered:


Total number of oral evidence sessions:


Total number of written submissions received:



Public bill committees considering Bills which are the subject of programme orders have power to send for persons, papers and records (Standing Order No. 84A). On 1 November 2006, the House agreed that powers to take oral evidence would be the normal practice for committees which considered programmed government bills starting in the Commons.

The numbers given in brackets after each Member’s name indicate respectively the number of meetings of the Committee in respect of the Bill which that Member attended and the number to which that Member was summoned.


1. Awards for Valour (Protection) Bill

Committed: 25 November 2016

Reported (with Amendments): 1 February 2017

Number of oral evidence sessions: Nil

Number of written submissions received: Nil

Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 1

Chair: Joan Ryan

Members and attendance:

Rehman Chishti (0/1), Jo Churchill (0/1), Stephen Doughty (1/1), Fabian Hamilton (1/1), Simon Hoare (1/1), Dan Jarvis (1/1), Gareth Johnson (1/1), Mr Kevan Jones (1/1), Charlotte Leslie (1/1), Craig Mackinlay (1/1), Brendan O’Hara (1/1), Kirsten Oswald (1/1), Mike Penning (1/1), Ruth Smeeth (0/1), Craig Tracey (0/1), Tom Tugendhat (1/1)

2. Broadcasting (Radio Multiplex Services) Bill

Committed: 13 January 2017

Reported (without Amendment): 31 January 2017

Number of oral evidence sessions: Nil

Number of written submissions received: Nil

Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 1

Chair: Mark Pritchard

Members and attendance:

Edward Argar (1/1), Andrew Bingham (0/1), Kevin Brennan (1/1), Deidre Brock (0/1), Oliver Colvile (0/1), Mr Jim Cunningham (1/1), Mims Davies (1/1), Kevin Foster (1/1), Matt Hancock (1/1), Wendy Morton (1/1), Ian Murray (1/1), John Nicolson (1/1), Tom Pursglove (1/1), Karin Smyth (1/1), Maggie Throup (1/1), Anna Turley (1/1)

3. Bus Services Bill [Lords]

Committed: 1 March 2017

Reported (with Amendments): 16 March 2017

Number of oral evidence sessions: Nil

Number of oral evidence sessions: 30

Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 3

Chairs: Albert Owen, Mr David Nuttall

Members and attendance:

Caroline Ansell (3/3), Nic Dakin (3/3), Gloria De Piero (3/3), Mike Freer (3/3), Chris Green (3/3), Lilian Greenwood (3/3), Andrew Jones (3/3), Julian Knight (3/3), Scott Mann (3/3), Huw Merriman (3/3), Bridget Phillipson (3/3), Mary Robinson (3/3), Mark Spencer (3/3), Graham Stringer (3/3), Craig Tracey (2/3), Daniel Zeichner (3/3)

4. Children and Social Work Bill [Lords]

Committed: 5 December 2016

Reported (with Amendments): 12 January 2017

Number of oral evidence sessions: Nil

Number of written submissions received: 74

Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 8

Chairs: Mrs Anne Main, Phil Wilson

Members and attendance:

Maria Caulfield ((8/8), Stella Creasey (8/8), Thangam Debbonaire (8/8), Marion Fellows (4/8), Suella Fernandes (6/8), Kate Green (7/8), Simon Hoare (8/8), Seema Kennedy (7/8), Mrs Emma Lewell-Buck (6/8), Steve McCabe (6/8), Huw Merriman (8/8), Amanda Milling (5/8), Tulip Siddiq (6/8), Mr Robert Syms (8/8), Edward Timpson (8/8), Michael Tomlinson (8/8), Helen Whately (8/8)

5. Commonwealth Development Corporation Bill

Committed: 29 November 2016

Reported (with Amendments): 6 December 2016

Number of oral evidence sessions: 1

Number of written submissions received: 17

Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 2

Chairs: Joan Ryan, Gary Streeter

Members and attendance:

Philip Boswell (1/2), Fiona Bruce (2/2), Stephen Doughty (2/2), James Duddridge (2/2), Chris Elmore (2/2), Richard Fuller (2/2), Patrick Grady (2/2), Richard Graham (2/2), Andrew Griffith (2/2), Imran Hussain (2/2), Jeremy Lefroy (2/2), Alison McGovern (1/2), Kate Osamor (2/2), Paul Scully (2/2), Rory Stewart (2/2), Kelly Tolhurst (2/2)

6. Criminal Finances Bill

Committed: 25 October 2016

Reported (with Amendments): 22 November 2016

Number of oral evidence sessions: 2

Number of written submissions received: 6

Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 6

Chair: Mrs Anne Main, Sir Alan Meale

Members and attendance:

Richard Arkless (6/6), Victoria Atkins (6/6), Nic Dakin (6/6), Byron Davies (5/6), Peter Dowd (4/6), Mrs Flick Drummond (6/6), Charlie Elphicke (4/6), Nusrat Ghani (5/6), Andrew Griffiths (6/6), Carolyn Harris (6/6), Tristram Hunt (5/6), Dr Rupa Huq (6/6), Scott Mann (6/6), Roger Mullin (6/6), Antoinette Sandbach (4/6), Keith Vaz (0/6), Ben Wallace (6/6), Mike Wood (6/6)

7. Crown Tenancies Bill

Committed: 3 February 2017

Reported (without Amendment): 1 March 2017

Number of oral evidence sessions: Nil

Number of written submissions received: Nil

Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 1

Chair: Geraint Davies

Members and attendance:

Gavin Barwell (1/1), Fiona Bruce (0/1), Ruth Cadbury (1/1), James Cleverly (1/1), Kevin Foster (1/1), Mary Glindon (1/1), Rebecca Harris (1/1), Wendy Morton (1/1), Mark Pawsey (1/1), Stephen Pound (0/1), Mary Robinson (1/1), Liz Saville Roberts (1/1), Ruth Smeeth (0/1), Maggie Throup (1/1), Stephen Twigg (0/1), Dr Eilidh Whiteford (1/1)

8. Cultural Property (Armed Conflicts) Bill [Lords]

Committed: 31 October 2016

Reported (without Amendment): 15 November 2016

Number of oral evidence sessions: Nil

Number of written submissions received: 18

Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 2

Chairs: Karen Buck, Mr Andrew Turner

Members and attendance:

Dr Rosena Allin-Khan (2/2), Victoria Borwick (2/2), Kevin Brennan (2/2), Chris Bryant (2/2), Mr David Burrowes (2/2), Tracey Crouch (2/2), Mims Davies (2/2), Mr Jonathan Djanogly (2/2), Stephen Doughty (1/2), John Nicolson (2/2), Dr Mathew Offord (2/2), Brendan O’Hara (2/2), Ruth Smeeth (0/2), Jeff Smith (2/2), Graham Stuart (2/2), Julian Sturdy (2/2), Derek Thomas (2/2), David Warburton (2/2)

9. Digital Economy Bill

Committed: 13 September 2016

Reported (with Amendments): 1 November 2016

Number of oral evidence sessions: 3

Number of written submissions received: 88

Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 11

Chairs: Mr Gary Streeter, Graham Stringer

Members and attendance:

Nigel Adams (8/11), Kevin Brennan (9/11), Mims Davies (10/11), Thangam Debbonaire (8/11), Vicky Foxcroft (9/11), Louise Haigh (10/11), Matt Hancock (11/11), Drew Hendry (8/11), Nigel Huddleston (11/11), Graham Jones (5/9), Calum Kerr (11/11), Scott Mann (9/11), Christian Matheson (11/11), Mark Menzies (11/11), Claire Perry (11/11), Tulip Siddiq (0/2), Chris Skidmore (11/11), Graham Stuart (11/11), Rishi Sunak (11/11)

10. Farriers (Registration) Bill

Committed: 27 January 2017

Reported (without Amendment): 7 March 2017

Number of oral evidence sessions: Nil

Number of written submissions received: Nil

Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 1

Chair: James Gray

Members and attendance:

Douglas Chapman (0/1), Byron Davies (1/1), Glyn Davies (1/1), George Eustice (1/1), Mary Glindon (1/1), Chris Green (1/1), Carolyn Harris (1/1), Simon Hoare (1/1), Gerald Jones (1/1), Christian Matheson (0/1), Huw Merriman (1/1), Wendy Morton (1/1), Mrs Sheryll Murray (1/1), Albert Owen (0/1), Steven Paterson (1/1), Kelly Tolhurst (1/1)

11. Finance Bill (except clauses 7 to 18, 41 to 44, 65 to 81, 129, 132 to 136 and 144 to 154 and schedules 2, 3, 11 to 14 and 18 to 22)

Committed: 19 May 2016

Reported (with Amendments): 7 July 2016

Number of oral evidence sessions: Nil

Number of written submissions received: 23

Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 6

Chairs: Sir Roger Gale, Mr George Howarth

Members and attendance:

Edward Argar (6/6), Victoria Atkins (6/6), Kirsty Blackman (5/6), Philip Boswell (6/6), Conor Burns (6/6), Ruth Cadbury (4/6), Julie Cooper (3/6), Michelle Donelan (2/6), Peter Dowd (6/6), Lucy Frazer (6/6), Mr David Gauke (6/6), Luke Hall (6/6), Damian Hinds (6/6), Rebecca Long Bailey (6/6), Conor McGinn (6/6), John McDonnell (0/3), Mr Alan Mak (6/6), Rob Marris (5/6), Christian Matheson (3/6), Huw Merriman (5/6), Roger Mullin (5/6), Jeremy Quin (6/6), Wes Streeting (3/6), Mel Stride (6/6), Kelly Tolhurst (4/6)

12. Guardianship (Missing Persons) Bill

Committed: 3 February 2017

Reported (without Amendment): 21 February 2017

Number of oral evidence sessions: Nil

Number of written submissions received: Nil

Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 1

Chair: Mr David Hanson

Members and attendance:

Nigel Adams (1/1), Richard Burgon (1/1), Ann Coffey (1/1), Lucy Frazer (1/1), Neil Gray (1/1), Kevin Hollinrake (1/1), Diana Johnson (0/1), Dr Phillip Lee (1/1), Christian Matheson (1/1), Rebecca Pow (0/1), Christina Rees (0/1), Amanda Solloway (1/1), Julian Sturdy (1/1), Rishi Sunak (1/1), David Warburton (1/1), Dr Philippa Whitford (0/1)

13. Health Services Medical Supplies (Costs) Bill

Committed: 24 October 2016

Reported (with Amendments): 15 November 2016

Number of oral evidence sessions: 1

Number of written submissions received: 7

Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 3

Chairs: Mike Gapes, Mark Pritchard

Members and attendance:

James Berry (3/3), Jo Churchill (3/3), Julie Cooper (3/3), Judith Cummins (3/3), Dr James Davies (3/3), Martyn Day (3/3), Mr Philip Dunne (2/3), Kevin Foster (3/3), John Glen (1/3), Graham Jones (1/3 ), Liz Kendall (3/3), Karl McCartney (3/3), Justin Madders (3/3), Rob Marris (3/3), Andrew Selous (3/3), Mark Spencer (3/3), Maggie Throup (3/3), Dr Philippa Whitford (3/3)

14. Higher Education and Research Bill

Committed: 19 July 2016

Reported (with Amendments): 18 October 2016

Number of oral evidence sessions: 3

Number of written submissions received: 63

Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 14

Chairs: Sir Edward Leigh, Mr David Hanson

Members and attendance:

Edward Argar (14/14), Dr Roberta Blackman-Woods (13/14), Paul Blomfield (14/14), Alex Chalk (13/14), Jo Churchill (13/14), Dr David Evennett (14/14), Ben Howlett (14/14), Joseph Johnson (14/14), Seema Kennedy (14/14), Mr Gordon Marsden (14/14), Amanda Milling (14/14), Carol Monaghan (12/14), Wendy Morton (14/14), Roger Mullin (11/14), Mark Pawsey (13/14), Angela Rayner (9/14), Jeff Smith (14/14), Wes Streeting (14/14), Valerie Vaz (8/14), Matt Warman (13/14)

15. Homelessness Reduction Bill

Committed: 28 October 2016

Reported (with Amendments): 18 January 2017

Number of oral evidence sessions: Nil

Number of written submissions received: Nil

Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 7

Chair: Mr Christopher Chope

Members and attendance:

Mr Clive Betts (7/7), Bob Blackman (7/7), Ms Karen Buck (6/7), Mr David Burrowes (7/7), Michelle Donelan (6/7), Mrs Flick Drummond (6/7), Helen Hayes (7/7), Mr Marcus Jones (7/7), Christian Matheson (6/7), David Mackintosh (7/7), Dr Paul Monaghan (5/7), Rebecca Pow (6/7), Will Quince (6/7), Andy Slaughter (6/7), Alison Thewliss (7/7), Michael Tomlinson (7/7)

16. Intellectual Property (Unjustified Threats) Bill [Lords]

Committed: 17 January 2017

Reported (without Amendment): 24 January 2017

Number of oral evidence sessions: Nil

Number of written submissions received: Nil

Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 1

Chair: David Nuttall

Members and attendance:

Edward Argar (1/1), James Berry (1/1), Mr Ben Bradshaw (1/1), Maria Caulfield (1/1), Judith Cummins (0/1), Thangam Debbonaire (1/1), Maria Eagle (1/1), Chris Green (1/1), Joseph Johnson (1/1), Callum McCaig (0/1), Scott Mann (1/1), Wendy Morton (1/1), Chi Onwurah (1/1), Kirsten Oswald (1/1), Mark Pawsey (1/1), Christopher Pincher (1/1)

17. Kew Gardens (Leases) Bill

Committed: 3 February 2017

Reported (without Amendment): 22 February 2017

Number of oral evidence sessions: Nil

Number of written submissions received: Nil

Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 1

Chair: Mr Andrew Turner

Members and attendance:

Deidre Brock (1/1), Sir Simon Burns (0/1), Geoffrey Clifton-Brown (1/1), Geraint Davies (0/1), Sir Jeffrey M. Donaldson (0/1), George Eustice (1/1), Marcus Fysh (0/1), Mary Glindon (1/1), Fabian Hamilton (0/1), Simon Hoare (1/1), Kelvin Hopkins (1/1), Mr Ian Liddell-Grainger (1/1), Rob Marris (1/1), Neil Parish (0/1), Mr Keith Simpson (0/1), Martin Vickers (0/1)

18. Local Audit (Public Access to Documents) Bill

Committed: 25 November 2016

Reported (without Amendment): 7 February 2017

Number of oral evidence sessions: Nil

Number of written submissions received: Nil

Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 1

Chair: Nadine Dorries

Members and attendance:

Mr Douglas Carswell (0/1), Oliver Colvile (1/1), Carolyn Harris (0/1), Rebecca Harris (1/1), Seema Kennedy (1/1), Craig Mackinlay (0/1), Jim McMahon (0/1), Wendy Morton (1/1), Mrs Sheryll Murray (1/1), Andrew Percy (1/1), Stephen Pound (0/1), Antoinette Sandbach (1/1), Liz Saville Roberts (1/1), Ruth Smeeth (0/1), Stephen Twigg (0/1), Craig Whittaker (1/1)

19. Local Government Finance Bill

Committed: 23 January 2017

Reported (with Amendments): 21 February 2017

Number of oral evidence sessions: 2

Number of written submissions received: 8

Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 10

Chairs: Sir David Amess, Mike Gapes

Members and attendance:

Peter Aldous (6/10), Steve Double (10/10), Jackie Doyle-Price (10/10), Clive Efford (5/10), Kevin Foster (10/10), Vicky Foxcroft (10/10), Kevin Hollinrake (9/10), Mr Marcus Jones (10/10), Jim McMahon (10/10), David Mackintosh (10/10), Rob Marris (9/10), Rebecca Pow (8/10), Mr Gareth Thomas (10/10), Justin Tomlinson (10/10), Anna Turley (5/10), David Warburton (6/10)

20. Merchant Shipping (Homosexual Conduct) Bill

Committed: 20 January 2017

Reported (with Amendments): 20 April 2017

Number of oral evidence sessions: Nil

Number of written submissions received: Nil

Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 1

Chair: Sir Alan Meale

Members and attendance:

Frank Field (0/1), John Glen (1/1), Mr John Hayes (1/1), Kwasi Kwarteng (0/1), Mr Alan Mak (1/1), Wendy Morton (1/1), Jess Phillips (1/1), Victoria Prentis (1/1), Tom Pursglove (1/1), Jim Shannon (0/1), Iain Stewart (1/1), Ms Gisela Stuart (1/1), Dr Eilidh Whiteford (1/1), Craig Williams (0/1), John Woodcock (0/1), Daniel Zeichner (1/1)

21. National Citizen Service Bill [Lords]

Committed: 16 January 2017

Reported (with amendments) : 24 January 2017

Number of oral evidence sessions: Nil

Number of written submissions received: 6

Number of sittings at which Bill was considered:1

Chairs: Steve McCabe, Mr Charles Walker

Members and attendance:

Sir Julian Brazier (1/1), Suella Fernandes (0/1), James Heappey (1/1), Ben Howlett (1/1), Dan Jarvis (1/1), Susan Elan Jones (1/1), Rebecca Pow (1/1), Mr Steve Reed (1/1), Ruth Smeeth (0/1), Jeff Smith (1/1), Graham Stuart (1/1), Michael Tomlinson (1/1), Anna Turley (1/1), Martin Vickers (1/1), Craig Whittaker (1/1), Mr Rob Wilson (1/1)

22. Neighbourhood Planning Bill

Committed:10 October 2016

Reported (with amendments) 27 October 2016

Number of oral evidence sessions:2

Number of written submissions received: 12

Number of sittings at which Bill was considered:8

Chairs: Peter Bone, Steve McCabe

Members and attendance:

Gavin Barwell (8/8), Dr Roberta Blackman-Woods (8/8), Oliver Colvile (4/8), Judith Cummins (8/8), Jackie Doyle-Price (8/8), Chris Green (6/8), Helen Hayes (5/8), Kevin Hollinrake (5/8), Dr Rupa Huq (6/8), Jim McMahon (7/8), Kit Malthouse (8/8), John Mann (4/8), Chris Philp (7/8), Rebecca Pow (6/8), Craig Tracey (6/8), Mrs Theresa Villiers (6/8)

23 Parking Places (Variation of Charges) Bill

Committed: 25 November 2016

Reported (without amendments): 31 January

Number of oral evidence sessions: Nil

Number of oral evidence sessions: Nil

Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 1

Chairs: Mr Adrian Bailey

Members and attendance:

Gavin Barwell (1/1), Mr Douglas Carswell (0/1), Mr Nick Clegg (0/1), Rosie Cooper (0/1), Mr Jim Cunningham (1/1), Rebecca Harris (1/1), Simon Hoare (1/1), Gareth Johnson (0/1), Stephen McPartland (0/1), Mrs Sheryll Murray (1/1), Teresa Pearce (0/1), Mr Virendra Sharma (0/1), Nick Smith (1/1), Bob Stewart (1/1), David Tredinnick (1/1), Craig Whittaker (0/1)

24. Pensions Schemes Bill [Lords]

Committed: 30 January 2017

Reported (with amendments): 9 February 2017

Number of oral evidence sessions: Nil

Number of written submissions received: 6

Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 4

Chairs: Ms Karen Buck, Andrew Rosindell

Members and attendance:

Mhairi Black (4/4), Ian Blackford (4/4), Steve Brine (4/4), Robert Courts (4/4), Alex Cunningham (4/4), Chris Davies (4/4), Chris Elmore (4/4), Yvonne Fovargue (2/4), Margaret Greenwood (2/4), Richard Harrington (4/4), Carolyn Harris (4/4), Peter Heaton-Jones (4/4), Julian Knight (4/4), Craig Mackinlay (4/4), Nigel Mills (2/4), Royston Smith (4/4)

25. Preventing and Combating Violence Against Women and Domestic Violence (Ratification of Convention) Bill

Committed: 16 December 2016

Reported (without Amendment):1 February 2017

Number of oral evidence sessions: Nil

Number of written submissions received: Nil

Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 1

Chair: Mrs Anne Main

Members and attendance:

Maria Caulfield (0/1), Sarah Champion (1/1), Mrs Flick Drummond (1/1), John Glen (1/1), Kate Green (1/1), Rebecca Harris (1/1), Dr Tania Mathias (1/1), Wendy Morton (1/1), Sarah Newton (1/1), Jess Phillips (1/1) Tom Pursglove (1/1), Owen Thompson (1/1), Anna Turley (0/1), Catherine West (1/1), Dr Eilidh Whiteford (1/1), Craig Whittaker (1/1)

26. Prisons and Courts Bill

Committed: 20 March 2017

Reported (with Amendments): 18 April 2017

Number of oral evidence sessions: 2

Number of written submissions received: 22

Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 5

Chairs: Mr Graham Brady, Graham Stringer

Members and attendance:

Richard Arkless (2/5), Richard Burgon (5/5), Suella Fernandes 4/5), Mr Sam Gyimah (4/5), Sir Oliver Heald (4/5), Robert Jenrick (5/5), Holly Lynch (5/5), Conor McGinn (2/5), Guy Opperman (5/5), Chris Philp (5/5), Yasmin Qureshi (5/5), Liz Saville Roberts (5/5), Nick Smith (5/5), Sir Desmond Swayne (4/5), Nick Thomas-Symonds (3/5), Michael Tomlinson (5/5), Craig Tracey (4/5), Matt Warman (5/5).

27. Road Traffic Offenders (Surrender of Driving Licences Etc) Bill

Committed: 27 January 2017

Reported (without Amendment): 15 March 2017

Number of oral evidence sessions: Nil

Number of written submissions received: Nil

Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 1

Chair: Sir David Amess

Members and attendance:

Alan Brown (0/1), Mr Nicholas Brown (0/1), Dr James Davies (1/1), Robert Flello (0/1), Kevin Foster (1/1), Mike Freer (1/1), Nusrat Ghani (0/1), Kate Green (0/1), Andy McDonald (0/1), Paul Maynard (1/1), Wendy Morton (0/1), Jeremy Quin (1/1), Will Quince (1/1), Jim Shannon (0/1), Stephen Timms (0/1), Michael Tomlinson (1/1)

28. Savings (Government Contributions) Bill

Committed: 17 October 2016

Reported (without Amendment): 1 November 2016

Number of oral evidence sessions: 2

Number of written submissions received: 6

Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 5

Chairs: Mr Christopher Chope, Sir Roger Gale, Albert Owen, Phil Wilson

Members and attendance:

Stephen Barclay (5/5), Ian Blackford (5/5), James Cartlidge (3/5), Maria Caulfield (5/5), Peter Dowd (5/5), Jane Ellison (5/5), Lucy Frazer (5/5), Mr Stephen Hepburn (0/5), Kelvin Hopkins (5/5), John Howell (5/5), Rebecca Long Bailey (0/5), Huw Merriman (5/5), Melanie Onn (3/5), Jeremy Quin (5/5), David Rutley (5/5), Jeff Smith (5/5), Dr Eilidh Whiteford (5/5), Craig Williams (5/5)

29. Small Charitable Donations and Childcare Payments Bill

Committed: 11 October 2016

Reported (without Amendment): 18 October 2016

Number of oral evidence sessions: Nil

Number of written submissions received: 3

Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 1

Chairs: Nadine Dorries, Mrs Madeleine Moon

Members and attendance:

Kirsty Blackman (1/1), Mr Alan Campbell (1/1), Steve Double (1/1), James Duddridge (1/1), Jane Ellison (1/1), John Glen (1/1), James Heappey (1/1), Susan Elan Jones (1/1), Rebecca Long Bailey (1/1), Nigel Mills (1/1), Bridget Phillipson (1/1), Alison Thewliss (1/1), Michael Tomlinson (1/1), Anna Turley (1/1), David Warburton (1/1), Heather Wheeler (1/1)

30. Technical and Further Education Bill

Committed: 14 November 2016

Reported (with Amendments): 1 December 2016

Number of oral evidence sessions: 2

Number of written submissions received: 17

Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 8

Chairs: Mr Adrian Bailey, Nadine Dorries

Members and attendance:

Edward Argar (8/8), Tracy Brabin (8/8), Michelle Donelan (4/8), David Evennett (8/8), Robert Halfon (8/8), Kelvin Hopkins (8/8), Mr Ranil Jayawardena (8/8), Mike Kane (7/8), Mr Alan Mak (6/8), Gordon Marsden (8/8), David Rutley (8/8), Naz Shah (6/8), Henry Smith ( 8/8), Justin Tomlinson (8/8), Karl Turner (4/8), Mr Shailesh Vara (6/8)

31. Vehicle Technology and Aviation Bill

Committed: 6 March 2017

Reported (without Amendment): 23 March 2017

Number of oral evidence sessions: 2

Number of written submissions received: 22

Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 7

Chairs: James Gray, Joan Ryan

Members and attendance:

Mr Steve Baker (7/7), Alan Brown (6/7), Richard Burden ( 7/7), Jackie Doyle-Price (7/7), Vicky Foxcroft (7/7), Richard Fuller (7/7), Mr John Hayes (7/7), Drew Hendry (6/7), Sir Greg Knight (6/7), Andy McDonald (7/7), Kit Malthouse (6/7), Rob Marris (7/7), Christian Matheson (6/7), Victoria Prentis (7/7), Andrew Selous (7/7), Gareth Snell (6/7), Iain Stewart (4/7), Tom Tugendhat (6/7)

4 Considered partly in Committee of the whole House and partly in Public Bill Committee.

11 July 2017