Sessional Returns: Session 2016–17 Contents

7European Legislation, etc

A Consideration by the European Scrutiny Committee

No. of documents considered by the European Scrutiny Committee


No. referred to European Committees


No. recommended for debate on the floor of the House


B Consideration on a Motion on the floor of the House and in European Committees

Consideration on a Motion on the floor of the House

No. of documents considered on the floor of the House

34 on 12 motions

No. of documents debated on thefloor of the House


No. of documents on which theQuestion was put forthwith

34 on 12 motions

Consideration in European Committees

Total number of documents considered in European Committees: 34

Total number of European Committee meetings: 12

Information about specific European Committees, including membership, can be found at:

11 July 2017