Energy efficiency: building towards net zero: Government Response to the Committee’s Twenty-First Report of Session 2017–19

Eighteenth Special Report

On 12 July 2019, the Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Committee published its Twenty-first Report of Session 2017–19, Energy efficiency: building towards net zero (HC 1730). The response from the Government was received on 12 September 2019. The response is appended below.

Appendix: Government Response


On 12 July 2019 the Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Select Committee published their report on energy efficiency. The report makes 25 recommendations to which this document provides a response.

The report draws the conclusion that a major upgrade of the energy performance of the UK’s entire building stock will be a fundamental pillar of any credible strategy to reach net zero emissions, to address fuel poverty and cut energy bills. The report also concludes that Government is presiding over failed policy which needs to be revived to get back on track to meet energy efficiency targets.

Government view

The Government agrees wholeheartedly that energy efficiency is a fundamental pillar of our approach to reaching net zero emissions, addressing fuel poverty and cutting energy bills. This is why the Government has set ambitious energy efficiency targets.

The Government disagrees that energy efficiency policy is failing. Since 1990 the energy demand of the average home has fallen by 16%, emissions from non-domestic buildings have reduced by over 20% and emissions from business and industry have halved.

Energy efficiency has been an important part of this reduction in energy demand. For example, over 2 million homes in Great Britain, more than 1 in 14, have benefited from energy efficiency measures under the Energy Company Obligation since 2013. Investment in energy efficiency delivers benefits for individual households and businesses and the public purse is saving over £100m per year thanks to progress against our Greening Government Commitments.

We do, however, agree that a significant increase in deployment rates will be required in order to deliver the transition to net zero. In the Clean Growth Strategy we set out our strategic aims for energy efficiency on homes, businesses and the public sector within the context of our legally binding fuel poverty and carbon reduction targets.

We remain committed to achieving the aims set out in the Clean Growth Strategy and considering where we can go further in the context of our net zero commitment. Since publishing the Clean Growth Strategy have made clear progress on the policies to deliver those aims. Progress includes:

Public Sector



Published: 30 October 2019