The following written evidence was received and can be viewed on the inquiry publications page of the Committee’s website.
CTS numbers are generated by the evidence processing system and so may not be complete.
1Arbuthnot, Lady Emma (CTS0014)
2The Association of Consumer Support Organisations (ACSO) (CTS0060)
3The Association of Her Majesty’s District Judges (ADJ) (CTS0084)
4Astin, Ms Diane (CTS0066)
5The Bar Council (CTS0058)
6Benn, Mrs Melanie (CTS0043)
7Bingham Centre for the Rule of Law (CTS0065)
8Bonavero Institute of Human Rights (CTS0024)
9Centre for Justice Innovation UK (CTS0008)
10Chartered Institute of Legal Executives (CTS0049)
11Citizens Advice (CTS0016)
12Cortes, Professor Pablo (CTS0023)
13Council of Her Majesty’s Circuit Judges (CTS0091)
14The Criminal Bar Association (CTS0063)
15Criminal Justice Alliance (CTS0050)
16Criminal Law Committee - Birmingham Law Society (CTS0033)
17Crown Prosecution Service (CTS0074)
18Daglish JP, Captain Hugh (CTS0001)
19Disability Rights UK (CTS0015)
20England and Wales, Lord Chief Justice of (CTS0078)
21Equality and Human Rights Commission (CTS0075)
22Fair Trials (CTS0079)
23Families Need Fathers (CTS0088)
24Family Law Bar Association (CTS0042)
25Family Law Committee - Birmingham Law Society (CTS0034)
26Finlay, Ms Amanda (CTS0055)
27Free Representation Unit (CTS0080)
28Fuller JP, Dennis (CTS0057)
29Good Things Foundation (CTS0077)
30Hamilton, Magistrate Jackie (CTS0038)
31Hammersmith & Fulham Law Centre (CTS0083)
32Hanna, Mr Mark (CTS0072)
33HM Courts & Tribunals Service (CTS0064)
34Housing Law Practitioners Association (CTS0090)
35Institute for Criminal Policy Research (CTS0005)
36The International Family Law Group (CTS0020)
37IPSEA (CTS0041)
38Junior Lawyers Division (CTS0013)
40King JP, Mrs Jo (CTS0025)
41Law Centres Network (CTS0081)
42Law for Life (CTS0047)
43The Law Society of England and Wales (CTS0040)
44LawWorks and LIPS Strategy (CTS0089)
45Leeds Law Society (CTS0011)
46Legal Committee of Her Majesty’s Council of District Judges (Magistrates’ Court) (CTS0032)
47Magistrates Association (CTS0031)
48Magistrates` Leadership Executive (CTS0017)
49Manchester Law Society , Crown and Magistrates Committee (CTS0012)
50Manchester Law Society - Civil Litigation Committee (CTS0004)
51medConfidential (CTS0093)
52Minster Law (CTS0052)
53Mullings, Rhona Friedman, Sue James and Simon (CTS0085)
54NSPCC (CTS0087)
55Personal Injury Committee - Birmingham Law Society (CTS0035)
56Prassl and Professor Abi Adams, Professor Jeremias (CTS0026)
57Prince, Professor Sue (CTS0061)
58Prison Reform Trust (CTS0046)
59prisoner, A (CTS0094)
60Public and Commercial Services union (CTS0010)
61Public Law Project (CTS0027)
62Reed, Dr Peter (CTS0082)
63Resolution (CTS0051)
64Revolving Doors Agency (CTS0073)
65Right2Justice (CTS0054)
66Rossner, Dr Meredith (CTS0029)
67Sarwar, Mr David (CTS0002)
68Senior President of the Tribunals (CTS0076)
70South London Law Society (CTS0030)
71Standing Committee for Youth Justice (CTS0036)
72Susskind, Professor Richard (CTS0039)
73Tanzer, HH John (CTS0018)
74Taylor, Mr Adam (CTS0070)
75Thames Valley Police (CTS0028)
76Thompsons Solicitors (CTS0059)
77Tomlinson, Dr Joe (CTS0092)
78Traffic Penalty Tribunal (CTS0086)
79Transform Justice (CTS0022)
80Transition 2 Adulthood (T2A) Alliance (CTS0037)
81The Transparency Project (CTS0021)
82University of the West of England (CTS0009)
83Veneik, Deepa (CTS0095)
84Victim Support (CTS0003)
85Women’s Aid (CTS0006)
86Yorkshire Union of Law Societies (CTS0067)
87Young Legal Aid Lawyers (CTS0069)
Published: 31 October 2019