Prison Governance Contents

Appendix 1: Performance measures used by HMPPS

The table below sets out the performance measures as proposed in the 2016 White Paper and compares them to the measures used by HMPPS in its latest prison performance ratings. A number of the proposed measures, particularly in relation to reform and rehabilitation have not been implemented.

Table 2: Comparison of performance measured proposed in the 2016 White Paper and what was used in the 2018–19 Prison Performance Ratings

Performance Measures set out in the 2016 White Paper

2018/2019 Prison Performance Tool

Standard 1: public protection

- The number of escapes from closed prisons

- The rate of absconds from open prisons

- The rate of prisoner compliance with release on temporary licence

- The number of offences committed while on ROTL

- Additional measures such as compliance with key parts of security processes, including searching, intelligence, control of prisoner movements and escorts.


- Number of escapes from prison or prisoner escort

- Absconds from open prison conditions – rate per 100,000 prisoner days

- Security Audit

Standard 2: safety and order

- The rate of assaults on prison staff

- The rate of assaults on prisoners

- The rate of self-harm by prisoners

- Additional measures of staff and prisoner perceptions of safety measured through a structured survey to better understand the culture and atmosphere in our prisons.

- The rate of incidents of prison disorder (e.g. barricades).


- Positive Random Mandatory drug testing including new psychoactive substances

- Months drug testing levels not met (sub measure)

- Risk Management Audit Measuring the Quality of Prison Life - safety

- Prisoner on prisoner assaults incidents – rate per 1,000 prisoners

- Assaults on staff incidents – rate per 1,000 prisoners

- Control and Restraint training/Minimising and Managing Physical Restraint training

- Tornado commitment

- Self-harm incidents – rate per 1,000 prisoners

- HM Inspectorate of Prisons – safety

Standard 3: reform

- A measure to track ‘distance travelled’ by an offender in substance misuse via drug testing on entry and exit.

- Average rate of positive drug tests

- Number of medical appointments cancelled due to non-availability of prisoners.

- Further measures of each prison’s work to improve prisoners’ health

- A ‘distance travelled’ measure for prisoner mental health (working with NHS England, Public Health England and the Welsh Government).

- Number of hours worked in industry.

- Development of a measure of the quality of work opportunities offered by prisons.

- Measure and publication of the time prisoners spend out of their cells, including time spent out of their cells engaging in purposeful activity.

- Comparison between measures of attainment in English and maths on release with those at the start of custody

- Number of qualifications, or other employment-focused courses and accreditation, completed by prisoners.

- Measures that assess a prisoner’s progress against milestones in their individual learning plan.

- A measure of the quality of prisoners’ family relationships.


- Measuring the Quality of Prison Life – decency

- Audit of Living Conditions

- Measuring the Quality of Prison Life – BME simplified

- HM Inspectorate of Prisons – respect

Purposeful Activity

- Hours worked by prisoners in industry

- HM Inspectorate of Prisons – purposeful activity

Organisational Effectiveness

- Incident Reporting System – data quality audit

- Incident Reporting System – assaults checks (sub measure)

- Incident Reporting System – self-harm checks (sub measure)

- Data Integrity (Governance & Operational Audit)

- Foreign National Offender Referrals

- Prison Operating within Budget

- Staff sickness absence

Standard 4: preparing for life after prison

- The rate of prisoners in employment on release compared to before they entered custody

- The rate of prisoners in suitable accommodation on release, compared to before they entered custody

- The rate of prisoners in full or part-time education after release compared to reception into custody

Rehabilitation and Release Planning

- Accredited programme completions

- Release on Temporary Licence – % successful releases

- HM Inspectorate of Prisons – rehabilitation and release planning

Source: Ministry of Justice, Prison Safety and Reform, Cm 9350, November 2016; Ministry of Justice, Annual Prison Performance Ratings 2018–19, 25 July 2019.

Published: 31 October 2019