The following written evidence was received and can be viewed on the inquiry publications page of the Committee’s website.
PPG numbers are generated by the evidence processing system and so may not be complete.
1A serving prisoner, HMP Whatton (PPG0018)
2Annison, Dr Harry (PPG0029)
3Black, Mr Leslie (PPG0035)
4The Butler Trust (PPG0041)
5Clinks (PPG0027)
6G4S Care and Justice Services (PPG0022)
7Godfrey, David (PPG0038)
8Hardwick, Professor Nicholas (PPG0015)
9HM Inspectorate of Prisons (PPG0017)
10HM Prison & Probation Service (PPG0046)
11The Howard League for Penal Reform (PPG0011)
12Independent Monitoring Boards (PPG0031)
14Ministry of Justice (PPG0014), (PPG0044)
15Nacro (PPG0028)
16NHS England (PPG0045)
17NPC (PPG0034)
18Office of Police and Crime Commissioner Devon and Cornwall (PPG0016)
19The Open University (PPG0013)
20POA (PPG0010)
21Prison Governors’ Association (PPG0040)
22Prison Reform Trust (PPG0003)
23Prisoner Learning Alliance (PPG0024)
24Prisons and Probation Ombudsman (PPG0023)
25Prisons Research Centre, Institute of Criminology, University of Cambridge (PPG0006)
26Release (PPG0026)
27Royal College of Psychiatrists (PPG0036)
28Serco plc (PPG0019), (PPG0042)
29Sodexo (PPG0021)
30Talbot, Miss Emily (PPG0032)
31Tomczak, Dr Philippa (PPG0008)
32Transition to Adulthood Alliance (Barrow Cadbury Trust) (PPG0020)
33UK National Preventive Mechanism (PPG0030)
34Unlocked Graduates (PPG0043)
35Wheatley, Mr Philip (PPG0009)
Published: 31 October 2019