Environment Bill

Written evidence submitted by NO2PLASTICS (EB60)


Our campaign

We are a volunteer run community-based campaign group in East Finchley, N2. We contend that to clean up our world everyone must clean up their own backyards , as a result we are working towards eliminating the sale of single use plastics on our High Road.

What we are doing

As consumers we must change our behaviour. We talk to N2 residents at our Victory Parade good weather Saturday stall and our renowned East Finchley Festival stall, on social media and in the Archer, our local newspaper.

Parents tell us that they want schools banned from selling water in single use plastic bottles. Every school child must get a reusable water bottle as basic an item of school equipment as paper and pen.

We have questioned every shop on the High Road the majority of whom are showing their support for our campaign in displaying our signs.

Shop managers tell us they want the government to legislate to ban single use plastics bags so that trading conditions will be the same for all shops. In April 2020 plastic straws and plastic stirrers were banned and none of the 8 cafes on the High Road use them ! We want single use plastic bags banned . S ingle use plastic bags are already banned from most of the world. France known for its cuisine has no problem operating without any single use plastic bags. Let’s join the worldwide effort . https://www.economist.com/graphic-detail/2019/07/24/ever-more-countries-are-banning-plastic-bags l

June 2020


Prepared 3rd November 2020