Fisheries Bill [HL]

Written evidence submitted by The Joint Nautical Archaeology Policy Committee (JNAPC) (FB13)

Dear Sir/Madam

The Joint Nautical Archaeology Policy Committee (JNAPC) wishes to endorse the submission made by the Honor Frost Foundation Steering Committee on Underwater Cultural Heritage (HFF-SCUCH) which we attach. [1]

The JNAPC is a member of the HFF-SCUCH and was also involved in the preparation of this response.

The JNAPC was formed in 1988 from individuals and representatives of institutions who wished to raise awareness of Britain’s underwater cultural heritage and to persuade government that underwater sites of historic importance should receive no less protection than those on land.

Full details of the JNAPC can be found at

Please acknowledge safe receipt of this submission.

Yours faithfully

R A Yorke


Joint Nautical Archaeology Policy Committee

September 2020

[1] See written submission from Honor Frost Foundation Steering Committee on Underwater Cultural Heritage, published as FB09:


Prepared 15th September 2020