The Armed Forces Bill Contents

Formal Minutes

Wednesday 3 March 2021

Members present:

Stuart Anderson

Tonia Antoniazzi

Dan Carden

Miss Sarah Dines

Leo Docherty

Martin Docherty-Hughes

Darren Henry

Mrs Sharon Hodgson

Richard Holden

Rt Hon Kevan Jones

Jack Lopresti

Johnny Mercer

Carol Monaghan

Stephen Morgan

Mr James Sunderland

Mrs Heather Wheeler

Declarations of interest

Members disclosed their interests, in accordance with the resolution of the House of 13 July 1992. (For details of declaration of interests, see Appendix.)

Election of Chair

Mr James Sunderland was called to the Chair.

Committee working methods

Resolved, That the Committee examine witnesses in public, except where it otherwise orders.

Resolved, That witnesses who submit written evidence to the Committee are authorised to publish it on their own account in accordance with Standing Order No. 135, subject always to the discretion of the Chair or where the Committee otherwise orders.

Resolved, That the Committee shall not consider individual cases.

Resolved, That the Committee shall delegate the following matters to the Chair’s discretion:

i.Agree the circulated agenda for Committee meetings (subject to the right of any Committee member to raise issues for the Committee to consider);

ii.Engage in correspondence on Committee matters which is not sufficiently significant to require approval by the Committee or is of a routine nature;

iii.Arrange informal meetings in Westminster on matters relating to the Committee’s remit (for example, with visiting parliamentarians);

iv.Authorise the issue of press notices about forthcoming evidence sessions, new inquiries and reports;

v.take decisions which are consequential on matters already decided by the Committee or which are urgent.

Future programme

Motion made, and Question put, That the Committee take evidence on matters relating to Northern Ireland legacy – (Mr James Sunderland.)

The Committee divided.

Ayes, 7

Noes, 8

Tonia Antoniazzi

Stuart Anderson

Dan Carden

Sarah Dines

Martin Docherty-Hughes

Leo Docherty

Sharon Hodgson

Darren Henry

Rt Hon Kevan Jones

Richard Holden

Carol Monaghan

Jack Lopresti

Stephen Morgan

Johnny Mercer

Heather Wheeler

Question accordingly negatived.

Resolved, That the Committee take oral evidence from the following:

General (retd) Sir John McColl, Chair, Confederation of Service Charities

Laura Pett, Head of Public Affairs and Policy Manager, Royal British Legion

Ted Arnold, Senior Public Affairs and Policy Manager, Help for Heroes

Anna Wright, Chief Executive Officer, Naval Families Federation

Collette Musgrave, Chief Executive Officer, Army Families Federation

Maria Lyle, Director, Royal Air Forces Families Federation

Canon Peter Bruinvels CC, Armed Forces Champion and Civilian-Military Liaison Adviser, Kent and Surrey County Councils

Colonel (retd) John Rollins, Chief Executive Officer, Reserve Forces and Cadets Association for Northern Ireland

Councillor Ian Hudspeth, Chair of Community Wellbeing Board, Local Government Association

Councillor Maureen Webber, Community Safety Spokesperson, Welsh Local Government Association

Mike Callaghan, National Policy Manager, Convention of Scottish Local Authorities

Michael King, Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman

His Honour Shaun Lyons CBE

Professor Sir Jon Murphy, Professor of Advanced Policing Studies, Liverpool John Moores University,

His Honour Jeff Blackett, former Judge Advocate General

His Honour Alan Macdonald Large, Judge Advocate General

Jonathan Rees QC, Director Service Prosecutions

Nicola Williams, former Service Complaints Ombudsman

Emma Norton, Founder, Centre for Military Justice

Tony Wright, CEO, Forward Assist

Lieutenant Colonel (retd) Diane Allen OBE

Caroline Paige, Joint Chief Executive, Fighting with Pride

Craig Jones MBE, Joint Chief Executive, Fighting with Pride

Hannah Blythyn MS, Deputy Minister for Housing and Local Government, Welsh Government

Graeme Dey MSP, Minister for Parliamentary Business and Veterans, Scottish Government

Lieutenant General James Swift, Chief of Defence People, Ministry of Defence

Helen Helliwell, Director Armed Forces People Policy, Ministry of Defence

Caron Tassel, Head People Secretariat, Ministry of Defence

Ben Bridge, Deputy Director, Command, Discipline and Constitutional Law Team, Ministry of Defence Legal Advisers

David Howarth, Head Service Complaints and Justice Transformation, Ministry of Defence

Resolved, That the Committee request written evidence from Tom Harrison House.

[Adjourned till Thursday 4 March at 2pm

Thursday 4 March 2021

Members present:

Mr James Sunderland, in the Chair

Stuart Anderson

Tonia Antoniazzi

Dan Carden

Miss Sarah Dines

Leo Docherty

Martin Docherty-Hughes

Darren Henry

Mrs Sharon Hodgson

Richard Holden

Rt Hon Kevan Jones

Jack Lopresti

Johnny Mercer

Carol Monaghan

Stephen Morgan

Mrs Heather Wheeler

Evidence reported for publication

Ordered, That the following written evidence be reported to the House for publication:

Correspondence, dated 4 March 2021, with the Minister for Defence People and Veterans in relation to the publication of statutory guidance

Confederation of Service Charities (AFB0001)

Future programme

The Committee considered this matter.

Resolved, That the Committee take oral evidence from the following:

Dame Vera Baird DBE QC, Victims’ Commissioner

David McMullen, Citizenship 4 Soldiers
Air-Vice Marshal (retd) Ray Lock CBE
Chief Executive, Forces in Mind Trust

Professor Catherine Kinane, Medical Director, Combat Stress

Dr Felix Davies, Operations Director, Combat Stress

David Brewer, Chief Operating Officer, Defence Infrastructure Organisation

Tim Redfern, Managing Director, Amey Defence Service

Nadine Dorries MP, Minister of State, Department of Health and Social Care

William Vineall, Director and Chair of the Armed Forces Partnership Board, Department of Health and Social Care

Kate Davies CBE, Director of Health and Justice, Armed Forces and Sexual Assault Referral Centres, NHS England

Dr Jonathan Leach, Armed Forces Clinical Lead, NHS England

Dr Fiona Jenkins MBE, Veterans Lead and Executive Director for Therapies and Health Science, Cardiff and Vale University Health Board

Professor Jason Leitch, National Clinical Director, Scottish Government

Johnny Mercer MP, Minister for Defence People and Veterans, Ministry of Defence and Minister for Veterans’ Affairs at Cabinet Office

Damian Paterson, Deputy Director, Office for Veterans’ Affairs

Resolved, That the Committee request written evidence from the Scottish Veterans Commissioner and the Veterans Commissioner for Northern Ireland.

Oral evidence: Armed Forces Bill

General (retd) Sir John McColl, Chair, Confederation of Service Charities; Laura Pett, Head of Public Affairs and Campaigns, The Royal British Legion; Ted Arnold, Senior Public Affairs and Policy Manager, Help for Heroes; Anna Wright, Chief Executive Officer, Naval Families Federation; Collette Musgrave, Chief Executive Officer, Army Families Federation; Maria Lyle, Director, Royal Air Force Families Federation; Colonel (retd) John Rollins, Chief Executive Officer, Reserve Forces and Cadets Association for Northern Ireland; and Canon Peter Bruinvels CC, Armed Forces Champion and Civilian-Military Liaison Adviser, Kent and Surrey County Councils gave oral evidence.

[Adjourned till Wednesday 10th March at 9.00am

Wednesday 10 March 2021

Members present:

Mr James Sunderland, in the Chair

Stuart Anderson

Tonia Antoniazzi

Dan Carden

Miss Sarah Dines

Leo Docherty

Martin Docherty-Hughes

Darren Henry

Mrs Sharon Hodgson

Richard Holden

Rt Hon Kevan Jones

Jack Lopresti

Johnny Mercer

Carol Monaghan

Stephen Morgan

Mrs Heather Wheeler

Evidence reported for publication

Ordered, That the following written evidence be reported to the House for publication:

Local Government Association (AFB0003)

Oral evidence: Armed Forces Bill

Cllr Ian Hudspeth, Chair of Community Wellbeing Board, Local Government Association; Cllr Maureen Webber, Community Safety Spokesperson, Welsh Local Government Association; Mike Callaghan, National Policy Manager, Convention of Scottish Local Authorities; Michael King, Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman gave oral evidence.

[Adjourned till Thursday 11th March at 2.00pm

Thursday 11 March 2021

Members present:

Mr James Sunderland, in the Chair

Stuart Anderson

Tonia Antoniazzi

Dan Carden

Miss Sarah Dines

Leo Docherty

Martin Docherty-Hughes

Darren Henry

Mrs Sharon Hodgson

Richard Holden

Rt Hon Kevan Jones

Jack Lopresti

Johnny Mercer

Carol Monaghan

Stephen Morgan

Mrs Heather Wheeler

Evidence reported for publication

Ordered, That the following written evidence be reported to the House for publication:

Crown Prosecution Service and Service Prosecuting Authority (AFB0004)

Virtual line by line consideration

Motion made, and Question put, That the Committee instruct the House authorities to reassess their recommendation to proceed with virtual proceedings for the Committee’s line-by-line sessions– (Mr James Sunderland.)

The Committee divided.

Ayes, 3

Martin Docherty-Hughes

Rt Hon Kevan Jones

Carol Monaghan

Noes, 8

Stuart Anderson

Sarah Dines

Leo Docherty

Darren Henry

Richard Holden

Jack Lopresti

Johnny Mercer

Heather Wheeler

Question accordingly negatived.

Oral evidence: Armed Forces Bill

His Honour Shaun Lyons CBE; Professor Sir Jon Murphy, Professor of Advanced Policing Studies, Liverpool John Moores University; His Honour Jeff Blackett, former Judge Advocate General; His Honour Judge Alan Large, Judge Advocate General and Jonathan Rees QC, Director of Service Prosecutions gave oral evidence.

[Adjourned till Wednesday 17th March at 9.00am

Wednesday 17 March 2021

Members present:

Mr James Sunderland, in the Chair

Stuart Anderson

Tonia Antoniazzi

Dan Carden

Miss Sarah Dines

Leo Docherty

Martin Docherty-Hughes

Darren Henry

Mrs Sharon Hodgson

Richard Holden

Rt Hon Kevan Jones

Jack Lopresti

Johnny Mercer

Stephen Morgan

Evidence reported for publication

Ordered, That the following written evidence be reported to the House for publication:

Forward Assist (AFB0005)

Service Children’s Progression Alliance (AFB0006)

Army Families Federation (AFB0007)

Oral evidence: Armed Forces Bill

Nicola Williams, former Service Complaints Ombudsman; Emma Norton, Founder, Centre for Military Justice; Dame Vera Baird DBE QC , Victims’ Commissioner; Tony Wright, CEO, Forward Assist; Caroline Paige, Joint Chief Executive and Craig Jones, Joint Chief Executive, Fighting with Pride; David McMullen, Citizenship 4 Soldiers and Lieutenant Colonel (retd) Diane Allen OBE gave oral evidence.

[Adjourned till Thursday 18th March at 2.45pm

Thursday 18 March 2021

Members present:

Mr James Sunderland, in the Chair

Stuart Anderson

Tonia Antoniazzi

Dan Carden

Miss Sarah Dines

Leo Docherty

Martin Docherty-Hughes

Darren Henry

Mrs Sharon Hodgson Richard Holden

Rt Hon Kevan Jones

Jack Lopresti

Carol Monaghan

Stephen Morgan

Evidence reported for publication

Ordered, That the following written evidence be reported to the House for publication:

Correspondence, dated 18 March 2021, with the Minister for Defence People and Veterans in relation to the publication of statutory guidance

Correspondence, dated 18 March 2021, with the Secretary of State for Defence in relation to visits to Service accommodation

SSAFA - the Armed Forces charity (AFB0008)

Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman (AFB0009)

Oral evidence: Armed Forces Bill

Air-Vice Marshal (retd) Ray Lock CBE, Chief Executive, Forces in Mind Trust; Professor Catherine Kinane, Medical Director and Dr Felix Davies, Operations Director, Combat Stress; David Brewer, Chief Operating Officer, Defence Infrastructure Organisation; Tim Redfern, Managing Director, Amey Defence Service; Hannah Blythyn MS, Deputy Minister for Housing and Local Government, Welsh Government and Graeme Dey MSP, Minister for Parliamentary Business and Veterans, Scottish Government gave oral evidence.

[Adjourned till Wednesday 24th March at 9.00am

Wednesday 24 March 2021

Members present:

Mr James Sunderland, in the Chair

Stuart Anderson

Tonia Antoniazzi

Miss Sarah Dines

Leo Docherty

Martin Docherty-Hughes

Darren Henry

Mrs Sharon Hodgson

Richard Holden

Rt Hon Kevan Jones

Jack Lopresti

Stephen Morgan

Mrs Heather Wheeler

Evidence reported for publication

Ordered, That the following written evidence be reported to the House for publication:

Child Rights International Network (AFB0010)

Service Complaints Ombudsman for the Armed Forces (AFB0011)

Tom Harrison House (AFB0012)

RAF Families Federation (AFB0013)

Quakers in Britain (AFB0014)

Welsh Local Government Association (AFB0015)

Scottish Veterans Commissioner (AFB0017)

Together (Scottish Alliance for Children’s Rights) (AFB0018)

Naval Families Federation (AFB0020)

Dr Justin Moorhead & Dr Carly Lightowlers (AFB0021)

The Centre for Military Justice (ABF0022)

Royal Caledonian Education Trust (AFB0023)

Dr Alan Mckenna (AFB0024)

Help for Heroes (AFB0025)

Veterans Commissioner for Northern Ireland (AFB0026)

The Royal British Legion (AFB0027)

Oral evidence: Armed Forces Bill

Nadine Dorries MP, Minister of State, and William Vineall, Director and Chair of the Armed Forces Partnership Board, Department of Health and Social Care; Kate Davies CBE, Director of Health and Justice, Armed Forces and Sexual Assault Referral Centres, and Dr Jonathan Leach, Armed Forces Clinical Lead, NHS England; Professor Jason Leitch, National Clinical Director, Scottish Government; Dr Fiona Jenkins MBE, Veterans Lead and Executive Director for Therapies and Health Science, Cardiff and Vale University Health Board; Lieutenant General James Swift, Chief of Defence People, Helen Helliwell, Director Armed Forces People Policy, Caron Tassel, Head People Secretariat, and David Howarth, Head Service Complaints and Justice Transformation, Ministry of Defence and Ben Bridge, Deputy Director, Command, Discipline and Constitutional Law Team, Ministry of Defence Legal Advisers; Johnny Mercer MP, Minister for Defence People and Veterans, Ministry of Defence, and Minister for Veterans’ Affairs, Cabinet Office and Damian Paterson, Deputy Director, Office for Veterans’ Affairs gave oral evidence.

[Adjourned till Thursday 25th March at 2.00pm

Thursday 24 March 2021

Members present:

Mr James Sunderland, in the Chair

Stuart Anderson

Tonia Antoniazzi

Dan Carden

Miss Sarah Dines

Leo Docherty

Martin Docherty-Hughes

Darren Henry

Mrs Sharon Hodgson

Richard Holden

Rt Hon Kevan Jones

Jack Lopresti

Johnny Mercer

Carol Monaghan

Stephen Morgan

Mrs Heather Wheeler

Armed Forces Bill

The Committee deliberated.

Resolved, That the Armed Forces Bill be now considered.

[The text of amendments and new clauses proposed are recorded in the proceedings of the Committee relating to the Bill on 24 March 2021 in the Official Report (Hansard).]

Clauses 1 to 7 agreed to.

Clause 7.

Amendment (19) proposed. – (Stephen Morgan.)

Question proposed, That the Amendment be made:-Amendment, by leave, withdrawn.

Clause agreed to.

Clause 8.

Amendment (7) proposed. – (Stephen Morgan.)

Question proposed, That the Amendment be made:-Amendment, by leave, withdrawn.

Clause agreed to.

Clause 9 agreed to.

Clause 10.

Amendment (20) proposed. – (Stephen Morgan.)

Question proposed, That the Amendment be made.

The Committee divided.

Ayes, 7

Tonia Antoniazzi

Dan Carden

Martin Docherty-Hughes

Sharon Hodgson

Rt Hon Kevan Jones

Carol Monaghan

Stephen Morgan

Noes, 8

Stuart Anderson

Sarah Dines

Leo Docherty

Darren Henry

Richard Holden

Jack Lopresti

Johnny Mercer

Heather Wheeler

Question accordingly negatived.

Clauses 11 to 26 agreed to.

A Clause (NC1) – (Carol Monaghan) – brought up, and read the first time.

Question proposed, That the Clause be read a second time.

The Committee divided.

Ayes, 2

Martin Docherty-Hughes

Carol Monaghan

Noes, 9

Stuart Anderson

Sarah Dines

Leo Docherty

Darren Henry

Richard Holden

Rt Hon Kevan Jones

Jack Lopresti

Johnny Mercer

Heather Wheeler

Question accordingly negatived.

A Clause (NC3) – (Carol Monaghan) – brought up, and read the first time.

Question proposed, That the Clause be read a second time: - Clause, by leave, withdrawn.

[Adjourned till Wednesday 31st March at 9.00am

Wednesday 31 March 2021

Members present:

Mr James Sunderland, in the Chair

Stuart Anderson

Tonia Antoniazzi

Dan Carden

Miss Sarah Dines

Leo Docherty

Martin Docherty-Hughes

Darren Henry

Mrs Sharon Hodgson

Richard Holden

Rt Hon Kevan Jones

Jack Lopresti

Johnny Mercer

Carol Monaghan

Stephen Morgan

Mrs Heather Wheeler

Armed Forces Bill

The Committee deliberated.

Resolved, That the Armed Forces Bill be further considered.

[The text of amendments and new clauses proposed are recorded in the proceedings of the Committee relating to the Bill on 31 March 2021 in the Official Report (Hansard).]

A Clause (NC4) – (Carol Monaghan) – brought up, and read the first time.

Question proposed, That the Clause be read a second time.

The Committee divided.

Ayes, 7

Tonia Antoniazzi

Dan Carden

Martin Docherty-Hughes

Sharon Hodgson

Rt Hon Kevan Jones

Carol Monaghan

Stephen Morgan

Noes, 8

Stuart Anderson

Sarah Dines

Leo Docherty

Darren Henry

Richard Holden

Jack Lopresti

Johnny Mercer

Heather Wheeler

Question accordingly negatived.

A Clause (NC5) – (Carol Monaghan) – brought up, and read the first time.

Question proposed, That the Clause be read a second time: - Clause, by leave, withdrawn.

A Clause (NC6) – (Dan Carden) – brought up, and read the first time.

Question proposed, That the Clause be read a second time: - Clause, by leave, withdrawn.

A Clause (NC7) – (Kevan Jones) – brought up, and read the first time.

Question proposed, That the Clause be read a second time.

The Committee divided.

Ayes, 7

Tonia Antoniazzi

Dan Carden

Martin Docherty-Hughes

Sharon Hodgson

Rt Hon Kevan Jones

Carol Monaghan

Stephen Morgan

Noes, 8

Stuart Anderson

Sarah Dines

Leo Docherty

Darren Henry

Richard Holden

Jack Lopresti

Johnny Mercer

Heather Wheeler

Question accordingly negatived.

A Clause (NC8) – (Kevan Jones) – brought up, and read the first time.

Question proposed, That the Clause be read a second time.

The Committee divided.

Ayes, 7

Tonia Antoniazzi

Dan Carden

Martin Docherty-Hughes

Sharon Hodgson

Rt Hon Kevan Jones

Carol Monaghan

Stephen Morgan

Noes, 8

Stuart Anderson

Sarah Dines

Leo Docherty

Darren Henry

Richard Holden

Jack Lopresti

Johnny Mercer

Heather Wheeler

Question accordingly negatived.

A Clause (NC11) – (Stephen Morgan) – brought up, and read the first time.

Question proposed, That the Clause be read a second time: - Clause, by leave, withdrawn.

A Clause (NC12) – (Stephen Morgan) – brought up, and read the first time.

Question proposed, That the Clause be read a second time.

The Committee divided.

Ayes, 7

Tonia Antoniazzi

Dan Carden

Martin Docherty-Hughes

Sharon Hodgson

Rt Hon Kevan Jones

Carol Monaghan

Stephen Morgan

Noes, 8

Stuart Anderson

Sarah Dines

Leo Docherty

Darren Henry

Richard Holden

Jack Lopresti

Johnny Mercer

Heather Wheeler

Question accordingly negatived.

A Clause (NC13) – (Stephen Morgan) – brought up, and read the first time.

Question proposed, That the Clause be read a second time: - Clause, by leave, withdrawn.

A Clause (NC14) – (Stephen Morgan) – brought up, and read the first time.

Question proposed, That the Clause be read a second time.

The Committee divided.

Ayes, 7

Tonia Antoniazzi

Dan Carden

Martin Docherty-Hughes

Sharon Hodgson

Rt Hon Kevan Jones

Carol Monaghan

Stephen Morgan

Noes, 8

Stuart Anderson

Sarah Dines

Leo Docherty

Darren Henry

Richard Holden

Jack Lopresti

Johnny Mercer

Heather Wheeler

Question accordingly negatived.

A Clause (NC15) – (Stephen Morgan) – brought up, and read the first time.

Question proposed, That the Clause be read a second time.

The Committee divided.

Ayes, 7

Tonia Antoniazzi

Dan Carden

Martin Docherty-Hughes

Sharon Hodgson

Rt Hon Kevan Jones

Carol Monaghan

Stephen Morgan

Noes, 8

Stuart Anderson

Sarah Dines

Leo Docherty

Darren Henry

Richard Holden

Jack Lopresti

Johnny Mercer

Heather Wheeler

Question accordingly negatived.

A Clause (NC16) – (Stephen Morgan) – brought up, and read the first time.

Question proposed, That the Clause be read a second time: - Clause, by leave, withdrawn.

A Clause (NC17) – (Stephen Morgan) – brought up, and read the first time.

Question proposed, That the Clause be read a second time: - Clause, by leave, withdrawn.

Schedule 1.

Amendment (1) proposed. – (Carol Monaghan)

Question proposed, That the Amendment be made.

The Committee divided.

Ayes, 7

Tonia Antoniazzi

Dan Carden

Martin Docherty-Hughes

Sharon Hodgson

Rt Hon Kevan Jones

Carol Monaghan

Stephen Morgan

Noes, 8

Stuart Anderson

Sarah Dines

Leo Docherty

Darren Henry

Richard Holden

Jack Lopresti

Johnny Mercer

Heather Wheeler

Question accordingly negatived.

Schedules 1–5 agreed to.

Bill to be reported, unamended.

Resolved, That the Committee do sit in private.

Evidence reported for publication

Ordered, That the following written evidence be reported to the House for publication:

Correspondence, dated 31 March 2021, with the Minister for Defence People and Veterans providing a draft copy of the statutory guidance

Correspondence, dated 31 March 2021, with the Judge Advocate General clarifying position on comments made during oral evidence session held on 11 March 2021

Canon Peter Bruinvels CC (AFB0016)


British Medical Association (AFB0029)

ForcesWatch (AFB0030)

Select Committee on the Armed Forces Bill: Chair’s draft Special Report

The Committee considered this matter.

[Adjourned till Wednesday 14th April at 9.00am

Wednesday 14 April 2021

Members present:

Mr James Sunderland, in the Chair

Stuart Anderson

Tonia Antoniazzi

Dan Carden

Miss Sarah Dines

Leo Docherty

Darren Henry

Mrs Sharon Hodgson

Richard Holden

Rt Hon Kevan Jones

Jack Lopresti

Johnny Mercer

Stephen Morgan

Mrs Heather Wheeler

Evidence reported for publication

Ordered, That the following written evidence be reported to the House for publication:

Forces in Mind Trust (AFB0032)

Ministry of Defence (AFB0033)

Armed Forces Bill

The Committee considered this matter.

Draft Special Report (Armed Forces Bill), proposed by the Chair, brought up and read.

Ordered, That the draft Special Report be read a second time, paragraph by paragraph.

Paragraphs 1 – 86 read and agreed to.

Annex agreed to.

Summary agreed to.

Resolved, That the Report be the Special Report of the Committee to the House.

Ordered, That the Chair make the Report to the House.

Ordered, That embargoed copies of the Report be made available, in accordance with the provisions of Standing Order No. 134.

Ordered, That the Armed Forces Bill, without amendment, be reported to the House.


Register of Members’ Interests

Anderson, Stuart (Wolverhampton South West)

Other shareholdings, valued at more than £70,000

Until 18 May 2020, Travel Safety Ltd, a company which provides technology to help companies keep their staff safe while travelling. Until 27 February 2020, my shareholding amounted to more than 15%. (Registered 07 January 2020; updated 13 March 2020 and 20 May 2020)


From 24 January 2020, member of the Wolverhampton Towns Board. This is an unpaid role. (Registered 04 February 2020)

Antoniazzi, Tonia (Gower)


Carden, Dan (Liverpool, Walton)


Dines, Miss Sarah (Derbyshire Dales)

Employment and earnings

Payments from Wollen Michelmore, 15–21 Market Street, Newton Abbot TQ12 2RN, for legal services provided as a barrister:

13 January 2020, received £804.48 plus VAT. Hours: none since my election. (Registered 14 February 2020)

17 February 2020, received £715.38 plus VAT. Hours: none since my election. (Registered 17 February 2020)

20 January 2020, received £2,188.17 plus VAT, from Sternberg Reed Taylor & Gill, Focal House, 12/18 Station Parade, Barking IG11 8D, for legal services provided as a barrister. Hours: none since my election. (Registered 14 February 2020)

20 January 2020, received £216.23 plus VAT from Stephensons LLP, Unit 3 Brewery Yard, Deva City Office Park, Trinity Way, Salford, Manchester M3 7BB, for legal services provided as a barrister. Hours: none since my election. (Registered 14 February 2020)

12 February 2020, received £1,000 plus VAT from AMZ Law, 449 Edgware Road, London W2 1TH, for legal services provided as a barrister. Hours: none since my election. (Registered 14 February 2020)

2 March 2020, received £2,376 plus VAT from Glaisyers, 10 Rowchester Court, Printing House St, Birmingham B4 6DZ, for legal services provided as a barrister. Hours: none since my election. (Registered 05 March 2020)

2 March 2020, received £2,376 plus VAT from Hutsby Mees Solicitors, 5 6 7a Saint Marys Grove, Stafford ST16 2AT, for legal services provided as a barrister. Hours: none since my election. (Registered 05 March 2020)

Payments from Brendan Fleming Solicitors of 165 Newhall Street, St Paul’s Square, Birmingham B3 1SW, for legal services provided as a barrister:

15 April 2020, received £19,942.22 plus VAT. Hours: none since my election. (Registered 01 June 2020)

7 September 2020, received £28,922.18 plus VAT. Hours: none since my election. (Registered 28 September 2020)

9 September 2020, received £581.25 plus VAT from Setfords Solicitors, Jenner House, 1A Jenner Road, Guildford GU1 3PH, for legal services provided as a barrister. Hours: none since my election. (Registered 28 September 2020)

Land and property portfolio: (i) value over £100,000 and/or (ii) giving rental income of over £10,000 a year

Farmland in Essex: (i) and (ii). (Registered 10 January 2020) Three houses in Essex: (i) and (ii). (Registered 10 January 2020) A house in Sussex: (i) and (ii). (Registered 10 January 2020)

A house in London: (i) and (ii). (Registered 10 January 2020)

A commercial property (office accommodation) in Essex: (i) and (ii). (Registered 10 January 2020)

Docherty, Leo (Aldershot)

Land and property portfolio: (i) value over £100,000 and/or (ii) giving rental income of over £10,000 a year

Flat in Edinburgh: (i). (Registered 03 July 2017)

From 16 August 2019 until 17 August 2020, a cottage in Oxfordshire owned jointly with my wife: (i) and (ii). (Registered 04 September 2019; updated 16 October 2020)

Docherty-Hughes, Martin (West Dunbartonshire)


Henry, Darren (Broxtowe)

Gifts, benefits and hospitality from UK sources

Name of donor: KB Packaging

Address of donor: Merlin Way, Quarry Hill Industrial Estate, Ilkeston, Derbyshire DE7 4RH

Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: From October 2019 to March 2020, £475 a month towards my rent in my constituency; £2,850 in total

Date received: 29 October 2019 - 29 March 2020

Date accepted: 29 October 2019

Donor status: company, registration 02071209 (Registered 10 January 2020; updated 03 February 2020)


From 17 January 2020, member of the Stapleford Town Board. This is an unpaid role. (Registered 29 January 2020)

Hodgson, Mrs Sharon (Washington and Sunderland West)

Family members employed and paid from parliamentary expenses

I employ my husband, Alan Hodgson, as Office Manager.

Holden, Mr Richard (North West Durham)

Support linked to an MP but received by a local party organisation or indirectly via a central party organisation

Name of donor: Carlton Club Political Committee

Address of donor: 69 St. James’s Street, London SW1A 1PJ

Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £2,500

Donor status: unincorporated association

(Registered 07 September 2020)

Name of donor: The Fat Badger Public House

Address of donor: Cold Bath Rd, Harrogate HG2 0NF

Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £9,000

Donor status: company, registration 09962436

(Registered 01 October 2020)

Shareholdings: over 15% of issued share capital

Bowland Communications Limited. (Registered 09 January 2020)

Jones, Mr Kevan (North Durham)


I am an unremunerated director of NE First Credit Union (previously the Prince Bishop Community Bank), a non-profit making credit union. I spend about an hour per month attending Board meetings. (Registered 05 October 2012; updated 19 July 2018)

From April 2018, Trustee (unpaid) of the Commonwealth War Graves Foundation, a charitable foundation that highlights the work of the Commonwealth War Graves Commission. (Registered 26 July 2018; updated 10 January 2020)

From 11 February 2020, an Hon. Vice President of the Society of Maritime Industries, a non-profit company. This is an unremunerated post. (Registered 13 February 2020)

Lopresti, Jack (Filton and Bradley Stoke)


Name of donor: Kayan Aviation Capital Ltd

Address of donor: 5th Floor, One New Change, London EC4M 9AF

Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £750

Date received: 24 December 2020

Date accepted: 24 December 2020

Donor status: company, registration 11196033

Name of donor: Kayan Aviation Capital Ltd

Address of donor: 5th Floor, One New Change, London EC4M 9AF

Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £750

Date received: 29 December 2020

Date accepted: 29 December 2020

Donor status: company, registration 11196033

Mercer, Johnny (Plymouth, Moor View)

Shareholdings: over 15% of issued share capital

From 9 November 2018, Mercer Consulting Associates Ltd (not trading). (Registered 17 September 2019)

Family members employed and paid from parliamentary expenses

I employ my wife, Felicity Cornelius-Mercer, as Principal Secretary. (Registered 02 June 2015; updated 28 April 2016 and 24 April 2018)

Monaghan, Carol (Glasgow North West)

Visits outside the UK

Name of donor: Satellite Applications Catapult Ltd

Address of donor: Electron Building, Fermi Avenue, Didcot OX11 0QR

Estimate of the probable value (or amount of any donation): Flights, accommodation and transport in USA, total value £6,600

Destination of visit: Denver, Colorado and Florida, USA Dates of visit: 3–7 February 2020

Purpose of visit: To experience the launch of Solar Orbiter and advance MPs’ understanding of the USA’s space programme and UK space policy topics. Also to visit NASA, US Space Force and UK space companies’ US operations.

(Registered 19 February 2020)

Land and property portfolio: (i) value over £100,000 and/or (ii) giving rental income of over £10,000 a year

From 18 November 2019, owned jointly with my spouse, a house in Comhairle nan Eilean Siar: (i). (Registered 19 December 2019)

Morgan, Stephen (Portsmouth South)

Employment and earnings

Councillor and Labour Group Leader, Portsmouth City Council, Civic Offices, Guildhall Walk, Portsmouth PO1 2AL. From April 2019 until further notice, I receive a monthly allowance of £1,210,67 (£1,175.79 from April 2018 to March 2019). Hours: 25–40 hrs per month (5–10 hrs a week). The allowance is given to local voluntary and charitable organisations. (Registered 06 July 2017; updated 16 January 2018 and 08 October 2019)

Visits outside the UK

Name of donor: Satellite Applications Catapult Ltd

Address of donor: Electron Building, Fermi Avenue, Didcot OX11 0QR

Estimate of the probable value (or amount of any donation): Flights, accommodation and transport in USA, total value £6,600

Destination of visit: Denver, Colorado and Florida, USA

Dates of visit: 3–8 February 2020 Purpose of visit: To experience the launch of Solar

Orbiter and advance MPs’ understanding of the USA’s space programme and UK space policy topics. Also to visit NASA, US Space Force and UK space companies’ US operations. (Registered 14 February 2020)

Sunderland, James (Bracknell)

Land and property portfolio: (i) value over £100,000 and/or (ii) giving rental income of over £10,000 a year

Shop with flat in Hampshire, co-owned with my wife: (i) and (ii). Before 5 August 2020, rental income was only received from the flat. (Registered 09 January 2020; updated 28 September 2020)

Shareholdings: over 15% of issued share capital

Until 31 December 2019, Selborne Stores. (Registered 09 January 2020; updated 28 September 2020)

Other shareholdings, valued at more than £70,000

Lloyds Bank plc, shares co-owned with my wife. (Registered 09 January 2020)


On 16 April 2020, I secured a donation from Dell of fifteen laptops for the Citizens Advice Bureau in Bracknell. (Registered 11 May 2020)

On 30 April 2020, I secured a donation from Hewlett Packard Enterprise of fifteen laptops for the Citizens Advice Bureau in Bracknell. (Registered 11 May 2020)

Wheeler, Mrs Heather (South Derbyshire)

Land and property portfolio: (i) value over £100,000 and/or (ii) giving rental income of over £10,000 a year

Holiday cottage in France: (i). (Registered 14 November 2012)

Published: 22 April 2021 Site information    Accessibility statement