The following written evidence was received and can be viewed on the inquiry publications page of the Committee’s website.
CPR numbers are generated by the evidence processing system and so may not be complete.
1Anonymous (CPR0002)
2Anonymous (CPR0003)
3Anonymous (CPR0008)
4Anonymous (CPR0014)
5Anonymous (CPR0018)
6Anonymous (CPR0028)
7Association of British Insurers (CPR0035)
8Association of Residential Managing Agents (CPR0019)
9Birmingham Leaseholder Action Group (CPR0007)
10Building Societies Association (CPR0036)
11Consensus Business Group (CPR0026)
13G15 group of London’s largest housing associations (CPR0030)
14Gandhi (CPR0009)
15Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service (CPR0029)
16Hampson (CPR0020)
17HomeGround Management Limited, and Long Harbour Limited (CPR0027)
18Institute of Residential Property Management (CPR0037)
19Islington Gates, Birmingham (CPR0004)
20Leasehold Knowledge Partnership (CPR0033)
21Leeds Cladding Scandal (CPR0011)
22LGA (CPR0005)
23London Councils (CPR0021)
24Manchester Cladiators (CPR0024)
25Mayor of Hackney (CPR0012)
26Mayor of London (CPR0025)
27McHugh, Mr Robert (CPR0022)
28National Fire Chiefs Council (CPR0017)
29National Housing Federation (CPR0031)
30Prime Property Management (CPR0006)
31Rendall and Rittner Ltd (CPR0023)
32Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (CPR0034)
33UK Cladding Action Group (CPR0010)
34UK Finance (CPR0032)
35Wallace Partnership Group Limited (CPR0016)
Published: 12 June 2020