Misinformation in the COVID-19 Infodemic Contents

Published written evidence

The following written evidence was received and can be viewed on the inquiry publications page of the Committee’s website.

DIS numbers are generated by the evidence processing system and so may not be complete.

1AFP (DIS0002)

2BBC (DIS0012)

3British Telecom (DIS0017)

4Channel 4 (DIS0016)

5Clean up the Internet (DIS0008)

6M Fernandez-Barham (DIS0003)

7Frontline healthcare professionals (DIS0019)

8Full Fact (DIS0006)

9Global Partners Digital, Index on Censorship, Open Rights Group, and Article 19 (DIS0005)

10Gorman, Mr Adam (DIS0001)

11Hacked Off (DIS0014)

12Henry Jackson Society (DIS0010)

13Office for Statistics Regulation (DIS0015)

14The Pirbright Institute (DIS0009)

15Protection Approaches (DIS0011)

16TikTok (DIS0018)

17Tony Blair Institute for Global Change (DIS0013)

18Van Zalk, Dr Nejra (DIS0020)

Published: 21 July 2020