Nineteenth Report of Session 2019–21 Contents


Documents drawn to the attention of select committees:

(‘SNC’ indicates that scrutiny (of the document) is not completed’; ‘SC’ indicates that scrutiny of the document is completed)

Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Committee: UK participation in EU programmes post-Brexit: financial contribution and role of the EU Court of Justice [Proposed Council Regulations (SNC)]; Review of the EU General Data Protection Regulation [Commission Communication (SNC)]

Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Committee: COVID-19: travel and tourism guidance [Commission Communications (SC)]; Review of the EU General Data Protection Regulation [Commission Communication (SNC)]

Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee: EU Farm to Fork Strategy [Commission Communication (SNC)]

Committee on the Future of the European Union: EU Farm to Fork Strategy [Commission Communication (SNC)]; UK participation in EU programmes post-Brexit: financial contribution and role of the EU Court of Justice [Proposed Council Regulations (SNC)]; UK participation in the European Arrest Warrant [(a) Commission Report, (b) Commission Staff Working Document (SNC)]; Standardising data protection rules in EU law enforcement instruments [Commission Communication (SNC)]; Cross-border police cooperation: the automated exchange of DNA and fingerprint data under Prüm [Council Implementing Decisions (SNC)]; Review of the EU General Data Protection Regulation [Commission Communication (SNC)]

Health and Social Care Committee: COVID-19: travel and tourism guidance [Commission Communications (SC)]; EU Farm to Fork Strategy [Commission Communication (SNC)]; Short-term EU health preparedness for COVID-19 outbreaks [Commission Communication(SC)]

Home Affairs Committee: UK participation in the European Arrest Warrant [(a) Commission Report, (b) Commission Staff Working Document (SNC)]; Standardising data protection rules in EU law enforcement instruments [Commission Communication (SNC)]; Cross-border police cooperation: the automated exchange of DNA and fingerprint data under Prüm [Council Implementing Decisions (SNC)]

Joint Committee on Human Rights: Cross-border police cooperation: the automated exchange of DNA and fingerprint data under Prüm [Council Implementing Decisions (SNC)]; Review of the EU General Data Protection Regulation [Commission Communication (SNC)]

Justice Committee: UK participation in the European Arrest Warrant [(a) Commission Report, (b) Commission Staff Working Document (SNC)]; Standardising data protection rules in EU law enforcement instruments [Commission Communication (SNC)]; Cross-border police cooperation: the automated exchange of DNA and fingerprint data under Prüm [Council Implementing Decisions (SNC)]

Northern Ireland Affairs Committee: EU Farm to Fork Strategy [Commission Communication (SNC)]

Science and Technology Committee: Regional policy post-2020 [Proposed Regulations (SNC)]; Green Deal Investment Plan [Commission Communication (SNC)]; Cross-border police cooperation: the automated exchange of DNA and fingerprint data under Prüm [Council Implementing Decisions (SNC)]; Review of the EU General Data Protection Regulation [Commission Communication (SNC)]

Transport Committee: COVID-19: Flight vouchers [Commission Recommendation (SNC)]

Published: 9 September 2020