Ageing prison population Contents



1 Introduction

Background to the inquiry

2 The Older Prisoner Cohort

Defining the older prisoner

The characteristics of older prisoners

Offence profiles

Health profiles

Backgrounds and behaviour

The ageing prison population

Why has the older prisoner population increased?

Future projections of the older prisoner population

3 Accommodation for older prisoners

The prison estate

Specific accommodation for older prisoners

4 Regimes and activity for older prisoners

5 The health and social care of older prisoners

The healthcare needs of older prisoners

Covid-19 and older prisoners

Equivalence of care

Health screening


Attendance at medical appointments

Mental healthcare provision

Social care for older prisoners

Collaboration between prisons and local authorities

Palliative and end of life care

Release on compassionate grounds

6 Release and resettlement of older prisoners

Preparing for release

Release accommodation

Continuity of health and social care

7 A national strategy for older prisoners

Conclusions and recommendations

Formal minutes


Published written evidence

List of Reports from the Committee during the current Parliament

Published: 27 July 2020