A new UK research funding agency



1 Introduction

Our inquiry

Aims of this Report

2 Is there a need for a new UK research funding agency?

The UK research and innovation system

Industrial strategy


Perceived gaps in the UK research and innovation system

Risk aversion

Difficulty securing funding

Limited strategic focus

Commercialising and translating research

Lack of interdisciplinarity

Current proposals for a new UK research funding agency

The rationale for a UK ARPA

Is there a need for a new UK research funding agency?

3 UK ARPA’s form, function and place in the system

What UK ARPA should focus on

Commercial engagement

A clear, well-defined purpose

Mission-based research with transformative potential

Long-term research projects that embrace risk

Potential areas of focus

Organisational structure

Organisational culture

UK ARPA’s place in the research and innovation system

Should UK ARPA sit inside or outside UKRI?

4 Learning opportunities for the UK research and innovation system

Multi-year funding settlements

Addressing gaps in the UK research and innovation system

UKRI’s strategic focus

Freedom to take risks

Less bureaucratic processes

Interdisciplinary research

Equality, diversity, inclusion and accessibility

Conclusions and recommendations

Formal minutes


Published written evidence

List of Reports from the Committee during the current Parliament

Published: 12 February 2021 Site information    Accessibility statement