The following written evidence was received and can be viewed on the inquiry publications page of the Committee’s website.
CLL numbers are generated by the evidence processing system and so may not be complete.
1Action on Salt and Action on Sugar (CLL0078)
2Age UK (CLL0039)
3Ali, Junade (CLL0007)
4Alzheimer’s Society (CLL0060)
5Amnesty International (CLL0004)
6Anchor Hanover (CLL0076)
7Ask Research (CLL0040)
8Association of Anaesthetists (CLL0014)
9Association of Clinical Oral Microbiologists (CLL0080)
10Association of Dental Groups (CLL0044)
11Association of Healthcare Cleaning Professionals (AHCP) (CLL0093)
12Asthma UK and British Lung Foundation (CLL0030)
13Baker, Mr Ralph (CLL0024)
14Bealt, Dr Jennifer (Research Associate, The University of Manchester); and Shaw, Professor Duncan (Professor of Operations and Critical Systems, The University of Manchester) (CLL0049)
15Blackman, Mr Bob (Member of Parliament, UK Parliament) (CLL0056)
16Blood Cancer UK (CLL0048)
17Boon, Joe (CLL0116)
18Briscoe, Mr Simon (Director and consultant, Independent) (CLL0096), (CLL0097)
19Bristol Care Homes (CLL0015), (CLL0016)
20Bristow, Aubrey (Consultant Anaesthetist, Anaesthesia Ltd) (CLL0022)
21British Dental Association (CLL0074)
22British Geriatrics Society (CLL0064)
23British In-Vitro Diagnostics Association (CLL0019)
24British Infection Association (CLL0079)
25British Society for Immunology (CLL0069)
26Bupa Dental Care (CLL0085)
27Cancer52 (CLL0068)
28Care England (CLL0013)
29Carers Trust (CLL0061)
30Carers UK (CLL0090)
31Centre for Britain and Europe, University of Surrey (CLL0059)
32Center for Immuno-Metabolism, Microbiome and Bio-Energetic Research, UK (CLL0112)
33Chair of NHSE Clinical Reference Group Infectious Diseases (CLL0088)
34Chisholm, Julian (CLL0111)
35Cohen-Almagor, Prof Raphael (Chair in Politics, University of Hull) (CLL0032)
36Company Chemists’ Association (CLL0020)
37Connolly, Professor John (Professor of Public Policy, University of the West of Scotland); and Baglin, Christine (CLL0052)
38de Londras, Professor Fiona and Lock, Daniella, COVID-19 Review Observatory, Birmingham Law School, University of Birmingham (CLL0075)
39Dimensions (CLL0105)
40Edmunds OBE, Professor John (Professor, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine) (CLL0010)
41GAMA Healthcare (CLL0077)
42Gatherer, Dr Derek (Lecturer, Lancaster University) (CLL0006)
43General Medical Council (CLL0119)
44Glassborow, Nigel (CLL0110)
45Griffiths, Mrs Joanne (Managing Director , JMJ Upvc windows limited); Gray, Mrs Karen; Levy, Ms Elaine; and Huxley Mrs Margaret (CLL0021)
46HPAPI Project Services Limited; JJP Protection Limited; and Big Pharma, UK advanced manufacturers, UK NHS Medical Professionals various and others (CLL0031)
47Hatton, Professor Chris (Professor of Social Care, Dept of Social Care and Social Work, Manchester Metropolitan University) (CLL0037)
48Hatton, Professor Chris (Professor of Social Care, Dept of Social Care and Social Work, Manchester Metropolitan University); and Hastings, Professor Richard (Cerebra Chair of Family Research, Centre for Educational Development, Appraisal and Research; University of Warwick) (CLL0038)
49Healthcare Distribution Association UK (CLL0001)
50Healthcare Infection Society (CLL0071)
51Heneghan, Professor Carl (Director, Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine; and Professor of Evidence-Based Medicine, University of Oxford); and Gupta, Professor Sunetra (Professor of Theoretical Epidemiology, University of Oxford) (CLL0117)
52Hilton, Mr Samuel (Research Affiliate , Centre for the Study of Existential Risk) (CLL0092)
53Human Rights Watch (CLL0050)
54Infection Prevention Society (CLL0065)
55Institute of Biomedical Science (CLL0083)
56Institute of Civil Protection and Emergency Management (CLL0054)
57Jamieson, Gillian (Psychotherapist, Soprano soloist, self-employed MBACP) (CLL0095), (CLL0114)
58JKS Bioscience Limited (CLL0002)
59LGA (CLL0005)
60Lang, Professor Trudie (Director, The Global Health Network , University of Oxford) (CLL0043)
61Laskiewicz, Dr Marek (Reader, Polish University Abroad [PUNO]) (CLL0033)
62Lauder, Dr Mike; and Lightfoot, Prof Nigel (CLL0051)
63Marie Curie (CLL0102)
64MedCity (CLL0104)
65Moore, Dr Alfred (Lecturer, University of York); and MacKenzie, Dr Michael (Assistant Professor, University of Pittsburgh) (CLL0035)
66Muckelt, Paul E, Hardy-Johnson, Dr Polly; Strommer, Dr Sofia; and Barker, Professor Mary, University of Southampton (CLL0106)
67National AIDS Trust (CLL0091)
68National Care Forum (CLL0118)
69National Pharmacy Association (CLL0099)
70Nursing and Midwifery Council (CLL0082)
71Osborn, Mr David (CLL0113)
72Pawson, Prof Ray (Emeritus Professor, University of Leeds) (CLL0025)
73Public Health England (CLL0121)
74RECOVERY trial (CLL0047)
75Reunite Families Uk (CLL0027)
76Robinson, Phil (Founder, Managing Director / Chief Scientific Officer (ret), KBioscience ltd); and Curtis, Jon (Founder, Chief Automation Officer (ret), KBioscience ltd) (CLL0055)
77Royal College of Midwives (CLL0073)
78Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB) (CLL0108)
79Royal Pharmaceutical Society (CLL0084)
80Royal Society of Chemistry (CLL0045)
81Royal Statistical Society (CLL0100)
82SC Johnson Professional (CLL0036)
83Safer Disinfectant Network (CLL0086)
84Sense (CLL0042)
85Sickle Cell and Thalassaemia All Party Parliamentary Group (CLL0101)
86Sims, Andrew (CLL0126)
87Snell, Mr Geoff (CLL0041)
88Society for Applied Microbiology (CLL0029)
89Spire Healthcare (CLL0026)
90Sudall, Edward (CLL0109)
91Sufbury & Lavenham Hotels Forum (CLL0120)
92Tench, Professor Ralph (Director of Research, Leeds Beckett University); and Bridge, Dr Gemma (Research Evidence Impact Officer , Leeds Beckett University) (CLL0003)
93The Care Quality Commission (CLL0070)
94The Evidence-based Medicine Consultancy Ltd (CLL0115)
95The Health Foundation (CLL0089), (CLL0123)
96The Nuffield Trust (CLL0087)
97The London School of Economics and Political Science (CLL0098)
98The Physiological Society; and Centre for Ageing Better (CLL0062)
99The Royal College of Pathologists (CLL0063)
100Turning Point - Health and Social Care Organisation (CLL0094)
101UK Clinical Virology Network (CLL0072)
102UK Pandemic Ethics Accelerator (CLL0124)
103University College London (CLL0023)
104University of Kent, Kent Law School (CLL0081)
105Urology Trade Association (CLL0012)
106UsforThem (CLL0057)
107Versus Arthritis (CLL0067)
108Voluntary Organisations Disability Group (CLL0053)
109Watt, Dr Andrew (CLL0122), (CLL0127)
110Woolhouse OBE, Professor Mark (Professor of Infectious Disease Epidemiology, University of Edinburgh) (CLL0011)
Published: 12 October 2021 Site information Accessibility statement