The following witnesses gave evidence. Transcripts can be viewed on the inquiry publications page of the Committee’s website.
Dr Vicky Johnson, Director of the Centre for Remote and Rural Communities (CRRC), University of the Highlands and Islands; Alastair Sim, Director, Universities Scotland; Professor James Conroy, Dean for Global Engagement (Europe) and Vice Principal Emeritus, University of GlasgowQ1–29
Mary Senior, Scotland Official, University and College Union Scotland; Matt Crilly, President, NUS ScotlandQ30–58
Karen Watt, Chief Executive, Scottish Funding Council; Dr Stuart Fancey, Director of Research and Innovation, Scottish Funding CouncilQ59–93
Professor Katherine Smith, Professor of Public Health Policy, University of Strathclyde; Professor Chris Pearce, Vice Principal for Research, Dean of Research and Deputy Head of the College of Science & Engineering, University of Glasgow; Professor Rebecca Lunn MBE, Head of the Centre for Ground Engineering and Energy Geosciences, University of StrathclydeQ94–133
Rachel Sandison, Vice Principal, External Relations, University of Glasgow, Member of the International Committee, Universities Scotland; Professor Tim Bedford, Associate Principal (Research & Knowledge Exchange), University of Strathclyde, Member of the Research and Knowledge Exchange Committee, Universities Scotland; Professor Nigel Seaton, Principal and Vice-Chancellor, Abertay University, Executive Member, MillionPlus, The Association for Modern UniversitiesQ134–176
Richard Lochhead MSP, Minister for Further Education, Higher Education, and Science, Scottish Government; Roddy Macdonald, Head of Higher Education and Science, Scottish Government; Lauren McNamara, Director of Strategy and Operations, Student Awards Agency ScotlandQ177–237
Iain Stewart MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State (Minister for Scotland), Office of the Secretary of State for Scotland; Rebecca Hackett, Deputy Director, Policy Delivery and Relationship Management, Office of the Secretary of State for ScotlandQ238–293
Published: 28 May 2021 Site information Accessibility statement