Direct-to-consumer genomic testing Contents

Published written evidence

The following written evidence was received and can be viewed on the inquiry publications page of the Committee’s website.

COG numbers are generated by the evidence processing system and so may not be complete.

123andMe (COG0002)

2Bioindustry Association (COG0005)

3Department of Health and Social Care (COG0006); (COG0009)

4Genomics plc (COG0003)

5Mavrommatis, Dr Yiannis (Programme Director MSc Nutrition and Genetics, St Mary’s University) (COG0007)

6Roche Products Ltd (COG0004)

7UKCloud Ltd (COG0008)

The following written evidence was received during the Commercial genomics inquiry in the last Parliament and can be viewed on the inquiry publications page of the Committee’s website.

123andMe (CGN0050); (CGN0079)

2Academy of Medical Sciences (CGN0021) (International) (CGN0056)

4Antenatal Results and Choices (CGN0075)

5Association of Genetic Nurses and Counsellors (CGN0008)

6Association of Medical Research Charities (CGN0028)

7Atlas Biomed Group (CGN0029)

8Biochemical Society (CGN0071)

9BioIndustry Association (CGN0068)

10Birmingham Women’s and Children’s NHS Foundation Trust (CGN0078)

11British Pharmacological Society (CGN0027)

12British Society for Genetic Medicine (CGN0030)

13British Society for Histocompatibility & Immunogenetics (CGN0024)

14Cancer Genetics Group (CGN0007)

15CARE (Christian Action Research and Education) (CGN0054)

16Christian Medical Fellowship (CGN0083)

17Clinical Ethics and Law Southampton (CELS), University of Southampton (CGN0041)

18Clinical Leads of NHS Regional Genetics Services (CGN0013)

19Congenica Limited (CGN0046)

20Curtis Rogers, Partner, (CGN0001)

21Dante Labs SRL (CGN0018)

22Department of Health and Social Care and the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (CGN0053)

23Don’t Screen Us Out (CGN0034)

24Down’s Syndrome Association (CGN0085)

25Dr Andelka Phillips (CGN0025)

26Dr Elizabeth Ormondroyd (CGN0061)

27Dr Elizabeth Tunbridge (CGN0031)

28Dr Felicity Boardman (CGN0012)

29Dr Lucy Frith (CGN0052)

30Dr Pauline McCormack et al. (CGN0057)

31Dr Peter Fotheringham (CGN0082)

32Dr Peter MacCallum (CGN0033)

33Dr Ron Zimmern (CGN0020)

34Dr Susie Cooke (CGN0088)

35EMBL-European Bioinformatics Institute (CGN0038)

36EthicsAndGenetics (CGN0042); (CGN0087)

37Everything Genetic Ltd (CGN0005)

38Genetic Alliance UK (CGN0062)

39Genomics England (CGN0070)

40Genomics plc (CGN0048)

41Illumina (CGN0063)

42International Society of Genetic Genealogy (ISOGG) (CGN0010)

43Macmillan Cancer Support (CGN0051)

44Micropathology Ltd, University of Warwick (CGN0002)

45Miss Martha Gutteridge (CGN0017)

46Mr Darius Meadon (CGN0064)

47Mr John Rainsbury (CGN0009)

48Mr Robert Watkins (CGN0016)

49MRC Human Genetics Unit, University of Edinburgh (CGN0006)

50Mrs Colette Lloyd (CGN0032)

51Mrs Debbie Kennett (CGN0073)

52Ms Kavita Frary (CGN0065)

53National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (CGN0067)

54Nkaarco Diagnostics Ltd (CGN0058)

55Nuffield Council on Bioethics (CGN0049)

56Orig3n, Inc. (CGN0077)

57P4ML Ltd (CGN0055)

58PHG Foundation (CGN0023)

59Prenetics International and DNAfit (CGN0035)

60Professor Melinda Mills (CGN0044)

61Professor Timothy Frayling (CGN0080)

62Regional Genetics Laboratory (CGN0059)

63Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh (CGN0036)

64Shelford Group (CGN0037)

65Simon Davies (CGN0003)

66Susan Hedley (CGN0043)

67The Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry (CGN0066)

68The ‘Mind the Risk’ consortium (CGN0045)

69The Royal College of Physicians and the Royal College of Pathologists (CGN0022)

70The Royal Society (CGN0019)

71UK Clinical Genetics Society (CGN0060)

72UK Research and Innovation (CGN0069)

73University of Oxford (CGN0026)

74University of Strathclyde. Centre for Lifelong Learning. Genealogical Studies Postgraduate Programme (CGN0047)

75Universty of Exeter (CGN0081)

76Wellcome Genome Campus Connecting Science (CGN0040)

77Wellcome Sanger Institute (CGN0039)

Published: 22 June 2021 Site information    Accessibility statement