Disability employment gap Contents

Published written evidence

The following written evidence was received and can be viewed on the inquiry publications page of the Committee’s website.

DEG numbers are generated by the evidence processing system and so may not be complete.

1Anonymous (DEG0093)

2Anonymous (DEG0090)

3Anonymous (DEG0088)

4Anonymous (DEG0082)

5Anonymous (DEG0081)

6Anonymous (DEG0068)

7Anonymous (DEG0054)

8Anonymous (DEG0051)

9Anonymous (DEG0050)

10Anonymous (DEG0049)

11Anonymous (DEG0048)

12Anonymous (DEG0046)

13Anonymous (DEG0045)

14Anonymous (DEG0044)

15Anonymous (DEG0041)

16Anonymous (DEG0040)

17Anonymous (DEG0037)

18Anonymous (DEG0036)

19Anonymous (DEG0035)

20Anonymous (DEG0033)

21Anonymous (DEG0034)

22Anonymous (DEG0032)

23Anonymous (DEG0031)

24Anonymous (DEG0029)

25Anonymous (DEG0027)

26Anonymous (DEG0013)

27Association of Disabled Professionals (DEG0136)

28Azure Charitable Enterprises (DEG0191)

29Barker, Maire-Claire (DEG0039)

30Beckett, Victoria (DEG0009)

31Bright Blue (DEG0122)

32British Association for Supported Employment (DEG0065)

33Brunel University London (DEG0098)

34Burley; Marshall; Hirschhorn; Booth; and Williams (DEG0066)

35Business Disability Forum (DEG0163)

36CIPD (DEG0135)

37Carbine, Carol (DEG0115)

38Chew, Jonathan (DEG0079)

39Chronic Illness Inclusion Project (DEG0151)

40Cox, Amanda (DEG0018)

41Davies, Glynn (DEG0086)

42Department for Work and Pensions (DEG0171)

43Disability Rights UK (DEG0097)

44Donaldson, Jurgen (Jurgen Donaldson) (DEG0004)

45Down’s Syndrome Association (DEG0125)

46Employment Lawyers Association (DEG0157)

47Epilepsy Action (DEG0193)

48Epilepsy Action (DEG0110)

49Equality and Human Rights Commission (DEG0182)

50Farrington, Louise (DEG0028)

51Fenney, Peter (DEG0141)

52Fuller, Mr Brandon (Unemployed Graduate, MadSlug) (DEG0015)

53Glasgow Disability Alliance (DEG0006)

54Good Things Foundation (DEG0159)

55Homeless Link (DEG0149)

56Hoque, Prof Kim (Professor of Human Resource Management, Warwick Business School); and Prof Nick Bacon (Professor of Human Resource Management, City, University of London) (DEG0104)

57Howard, Simon (DEG0168)

58I have a voice CIC (DEG0139)

59Inclusion London (DEG0129)

60Jones, Professor Melanie (Professor, Cardiff Business School); and Professor Victoria Wass (Emeritus Professor, Cardiff Business School) (DEG0188)

61Jones, Professor Melanie (Professor, Cardiff Business School); and Professor Victoria Wass (Emeritus Professor, Cardiff Business School) (DEG0002)

62Karatas, Toga (DEG0011)

63Law Society of Scotland (DEG0154)

64Leeds Autism AIM (DEG0145)

65Leonard Cheshire (DEG0127)

66Lewis, Manon (DEG0192)

67Long, Sarah (DEG0138)

68MS Society (DEG0150)

69Mihailovici, Dr Cristina (Doctor Nautical Science and Engineering, Freelancer) (DEG0005)

70Millrine, Stephen (DEG0020)

71Mind (DEG0084)

72National Network of Parent Carer Forums (DEG0103)

73Office for National Statistics (DEG0085)

74PECAN (DEG0112)

75Pollard, Tom (Independent Expert, Freelance Consultant) (DEG0003)

76Powell, Jane (DEG0137)

77REMAP (DEG0056)

78RNID (DEG0120)

79Rethink Mental Illness (DEG0183)

80Roberts, Professor Jennifer (Professor of Economics, University of Sheffield); Dr Mark Bryan (Reader in Economics , University of Sheffield); Dr Andrew Bryce (Research Associate in Economics, University of Sheffield); Professor Nigel Rice (Professor of Health Economics , University of York); and Dr Cristina Sechel (Research Associate in Economics, University of Sheffield) (DEG0132)

81Royal Association for Deaf people (DEG0100)

82Royal Mencap Society (DEG0167)

83Society Of Occupational Medicine (DEG0058)

84Scope (DEG0147)

85Sense (DEG0130)

86Shaw Trust (DEG0181)

87Simpson, Wolf (DEG0076)

88Social Justice Research Ltd (DEG0069)

89Spicer, Miss Grace (DEG0128)

90Spinal Muscular Atrophy UK (DEG0155)

91Springthorpe, Josh (DEG0053)

92Stephney, Michael (DEG0148)

93TUC (DEG0134)

94Tarlo, Ruth (Postgraduate research student, School of Sociology & Social Policy, University of Nottingham) (DEG0140)

95The Centre for Social Justice/Disability Commission (DEG0123)

96The Edge Foundation (DEG0117)

97The National Autistic Society (DEG0121)

98The Open University (DEG0008)

99UK Women’s Budget Group (DEG0096)

100UNISON (DEG0124)

101Unity Works (DEG0001)

102Versus Arthritis (DEG0179)

103Vincent, Lewis (DEG0017)

104Vision Impairment Centre for Teaching and Research, University of Birmingham (DEG0126)

105Vocational Rehabilitation Association (DEG0111)

106Volition, Forum Central; and Volition, Forum Central (DEG0133)

107Warren, Jane (DEG0108)

108Webb, Sarah (DEG0169)

109White, Colin (DEG0153)

110Withheld (DEG0042)

111Withheld (DEG0014)

112Withheld (DEG0095)

113Withheld (DEG0047)

114Withheld (DEG0023)

115Withheld (DEG0007)

116Withheld (DEG0190)

117Withheld (DEG0131)

118Withheld (DEG0118)

119Withheld (DEG0060)

120Withheld (DEG0158)

121Withheld (DEG0059)

122Withheld (DEG0166)

123Work and Pensions Select Committee (DEG0194)

Published: 30 July 2021 Site information    Accessibility statement