Retained EU Law (Revocation and Reform) Bill

Written evidence submitted by Glasgow Loves EU (REULB25)

Retained EU Law Bill

To whom it concerns 

We are extremely concerned by the planned legislative changes envisaged by the proposed Retained EU Law (Revocation and Reform) Bill.

We share the concerns of the Hansard Society which has summarised its concerns as follows:

· Acceptance of the automatic expiry (sunset) of REUL will be an abdication of Parliament’s scrutiny and oversight role.

· It will introduce unnecessary uncertainty – legal, economic and political – into the REUL review process.

· The broad, ambiguous wording of powers will confer excessive discretion on Ministers.

· Parliamentary scrutiny of the exercise of the powers will be limited.

· There are potentially serious implications for devolution and the future of the Union.

We believe that the UK should maintain the strongest possible links with the European Union, and that this Bill will paralyse Whitehall and undermine Consumer Rights, pose serious risks to the environment, create huge uncertainty for the farming and business communities and undoubtedly have a devastating effect on workers’ rights. The Bill itself constitutes an attempt to progress what is already recognised as the failed Brexit project. Any measures at this point should attempt to mitigate rather than exacerbate the disastrous impact of Brexit.

We believe the Bill should be withdrawn without delay.

Clare Scanlan and Stephen Rawles on behalf of Glasgow Loves EU

November 2022


Prepared 22nd November 2022