Session 2022-23
Retained EU Law (Revocation and Reform) Bill
Written evidence submitted by Exeter XR Biodiversity Working Group (REULB74)
Written Evidence RE: The Retained EU Law (Revocation and Reform) Bill 2022
We, are a number of concerned individuals that have come together to form the Exeter Biodiversity Group, that are united by our deep distress at the current decline in the wildlife of our area. The figures that were published by the World Wildlife Fund in 2018,of a decline of 60% of world wildlife, since 1970, are so alarming, and that we who live in this supposed haven of biodiversity that is Devon, have yet seen birds of our youth that were common, now seldom seen. This has been our own personal experience, not a scientific data base. We have witnessed our countryside become depleted of wildlife variety, because of what looks like careless agricultural practise.
We have seen that our green and visually verdant farmland now supports such a reduced number of species, and a reduced number in those existing species, that it is obvious that something is terribly wrong with our husbandry.
Our countryside needs help and our farming industry must, as now the fossil industry is, be held to account. This industry only exists on the largesse of the British taxpayer, and should be constrained from excess by our government.
With this in our thinking, we are extremely concerned that the Retained EU Withdrawal (Revocation and Reform) Bill will further reduce the inadequate prohibitions that do not affect this ongoing decline in biodiversity. We would like to think that with Brexit, we have an opportunity to strengthen regulations to reduce the damage that current farming practise has on our environment, but know that our present government is determined to unleash growth by relaxing restrictions that are already inadequate.
We do not trust the government’s competence to decide upon this issue, because of their determination to pursue this agenda of growth at our expense, and their poor record of surveilling farming practise.
We therefore wish it be known that we believe this bill is poorly conceived, and can only produce much ill will, in so many areas, but most importantly our mutually shared environment.
Exeter XR Biodiversity Working Group
November 2022