Joint Committee On Human Rights - Seventeenth Report
Here you can browse the report together with the Proceedings of the Committee. The published report was ordered by the House of Lords and the House of Commons to be printed 17 November 2003.
Terms of Reference
Government Bills
1 Hunting Bill
Background: earlier versions of the Bill
and the Committee's earlier consideration of them
The Bill as introduced to the House of Lords
Relevant differences between the Bills introduced
to the House of Commons and the House of Lords
The effect on property rights
Respect for private life
2 European Parliamentary
and Local Elections (Pilots) Bill
Private Members' Bills
3 Company Directors'
Performance and Compensation Bill
4 Consumer Protection
(Unsolicited E-mails) Bill
5 Corporate Responsibility
6 Fishery Limits
(United Kingdom) Amendment Bill
7 Medical Practitioners
& Dentists (Professional Negligence Insurance) Bill
8 Street Furniture
(Graffiti) Bill
9 Bills which
enhance protection for human rights
Bills which raise no human rights issues
10 Government
Northern Ireland (Monitoring Commission etc)
Act 2003
11 Private Members'
Formal Minutes
Appendix 1: Hunting Bill
Appendix 2: European Parliamentary and Local
Elections (Pilots) Bill
Appendix 3: Company Directors' Performance
and Compensation Bill
Appendix 4: Consumer Protection (Unsolicited
E-mails) Bill
Appendix 5: Corporate Responsibility Bill
Appendix 6: Fishery Limits (United Kingdom)
Amendment Bill
Appendix 7: Medical Practitioners and Dentists
(Professional Negligence Insurance) Bill
Appendix 8: Street Furniture (Graffiti) Bill
Public Bills Reported on by the Committee
(Session 2002-03)