Joint Committee On Human Rights Written Evidence

2. Submission from The Beaumont Trust

  On behalf of the trustees I am writing to offer a warm welcome to and our support for this bill. We are very pleased and grateful that the Government is bringing it forward and wish it every success. Affirmation of their legal status will be a great benefit to those whom we support.

  The Trust is the leading independent charity working in the field of transgenderism. Our mission is to help those affected by transgenderism including partners, family, professional advisers etc. As such we talk to and deal with many transsexual people.

  We welcome the bill and hope that it will pass rapidly into law. Its requirements are reasonable, hopefully the process will be quick and easy, and it gives full legal status in the acquired gender, something deeply needed and wanted by all transsexual people.

  We are concerned that the draft bill does not offer full status to those who are married. Presumably it is the intention of the Government that the solution to their problem will be included in the proposed legislation to introduce Civil Partnerships for same-sex couples.

30 August 2003

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