Joint Committee On Human Rights Written Evidence

35.Submission from Miss Roslyn Owens

  I am a concerned party as I am a male to female transsexual.

  I have been living legally since the 16 January 2001 and living as and receiving medical treatment as a female since January 2000 and had a Bilateral Orchidectomy at Leicester General Hospital by Mr Tim Terry 6 April 2000, Voice Box Surgery by Mr Clark at Charing Cross 22 March 2002, Rhinoplasty at The Royal United Hospital Day Surgery Unit by Mr Canter 15 June 2002 but unable to have final gender surgery because I am deemed over weight by Mr Tim Terry who refused to operate.

  I saw my GP at the time, Dr Blackstock, in 1996 who sent me to see Dr Matt Jelley and was diagnosed with Gender Dysphoria in 1997 by Dr Matt Jelley, Psychiatrist at The Swallows Community Mental Health Team and was sent to Charing Cross where I fell out with them and never went back and since then all my psychiatric treatment has been patchy at the best of times.

  The problems with the Bill I have is that I can only provide any medical evidence of my situation from my GP Dr Barbara Roy of Elm Hayes Surgery, Paulton because I have lost all contact with any gender specialist now and my local BANES PCT who were funding my surgery are making major cut backs in NHS treatment.

  I also feel the proposed fast tracking to change the Birth Certificate is a form of discrimination and does breach the human rights act because we should be all treated as equals no matter how long we have been living in our newly acquired gender and would create a bias two tier system.

  Any disclosure of are past gender would also be a breach the human rights act and civil rights.

1 September 2003

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