Joint Committee On Human Rights Written Evidence

38.Submission from Mrs T D Roberts

  I am writing to you with regard to the current draft of the gender recognition bill. I felt I must express my opinion on this subject to you.

  Although this bill does not affect me personally I do have friends that it will. There are two aspects of the bill that I would like to discuss; the proposal to make divorce a pre recognition of gender recognition being the first. I feel this point does not allow for personal freedom and it may take away the rights of certain individuals.

  Secondly; bringing gender reassignment into the full scope of anti discrimination law. I feel there would be a huge void if this were not to take place. You would be leaving these very vulnerable individuals open to many aspects of discrimination if you were not to address this issue.

  This would lead to all types of problems in the future if they were not addressed now.

  I pledge my support for the submissions of Ms Gina Large and hope you give them adequate consideration.

8 September 2003

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