Joint Committee On Human Rights Seventh Report

Conclusions and recommendations

63. We draw the following matters to the attention of each House—

On the Community Care (Delayed Discharges etc.) Bill

  • We recommend that the Bill should be amended to include on the face of the Bill a requirement for NHS bodies to adopt an appropriate procedure for assessing whether, in each case, disclosing medical information about a patient to a social services authority without the patient's consent would meet the requirements of ECHR Article 8.2.

On the Crime (International Co-operation) Bill

  • We draw to the attention of each House the Government's response to our questions about safeguards against abuse of power in relation to customer information orders and account monitoring orders (paragraph 25), and in relation to surveillance in the United Kingdom by foreign police officers (paragraphs 27 and 30).

  • We welcome the amendments to increase the safeguards in relation to surveillance in the United Kingdom by foreign police officers (paragraph 30).

On the Licensing Bill

  • We welcome the amendment to clause 134 to prevent performers from being criminally liable for participating in unauthorized licensable activities (paragraph 34).

  • We draw attention to the risk that exempting certain people or buildings from the licensing regime, or from fees, might give rise to discrimination in violation of ECHR Article 14 taken together with ECHR Article 9 or Article 10 (paragraph 35).

On the Criminal Justice Bill

  • We welcome the Government's amendments to what are now clauses 144 and 145 to ensure that child defendants will receive copies of pre-sentence reports unless the court is satisfied that they would put the child at risk of serious harm (paragraphs 38 and 39).

On the Sexual Offences Bill

  • We draw attention to the matters raised in the letter from our Chair to the Minister about certain aspects of the Bill (paragraphs 41 and 42).

On the Patient (Assisted Dying) Bill

  • We draw attention to the reasons for our view that the Bill would not be incompatible with the right to life under ECHR Article 2 (paragraphs 51-54 and 61).

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