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Session 2004-05
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Joint Committee On Human Rights Publications

Joint Committee On Human Rights - Written Evidence [Back to Report]

Here you can browse the Written Evidence which were ordered by the House of Lords and the House of Commons to be printed 16 March 2005.


1. Letter and memorandum from Fiona Mactaggart MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State, Home Office

2. Memorandum from the 1990 Trust

3. Memorandum from the Audit Commission

4. Memorandum from Children's Rights Alliance for England

5. Memorandum from the Children's Society

6. Memorandum from the Commission for Racial Equality

7. Supplementary memorandum from the Commission for Racial Equality, further to oral evidence on Wednesday 19 January 2005

8. Memorandum from the Committee on the Administration of Justice

9. Memorandum from the Discrimination Law Association

10 Memorandum from the Gypsy and Traveller Law Reform Coalition

11. Memorandum from JUSTICE

12. Memorandum from Medical Foundation for the Care of Victims of Torture

13. Memorandum from the Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission

14. Memorandum from The Runnymede Trust

15. Memorandum from The Office of the Representative for the United Kingdom, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)

16. Memorandum from Mr Stephen Pattison

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Prepared 31 March 2005