Appendix: Guidance on Submitting Evidence
The Committee invites written evidence by Tuesday
20 June 2006 at the latest.
Oral evidence sessions will be arranged and will
be announced in due course.
Written evidence should if possible be submitted
in an electronic format, either on disk or preferably by e-mail
in MS Word or Rich Text format. Written evidence must include
a contact name, telephone number and postal address. Evidence
submitted by e-mail should be sent to
Evidence submitted by post should be sent to The Clerks of the
Committee, Joint Committee on Conventions, Journal Office, House
of Commons, London SW1A 0AA. Paragraphs and pages should be numbered.
Witnesses who wish their evidence to be treated in
confidence should contact the Committee clerks in advance.
Detailed guidance on the submission of evidence to
the Committee can be found at:
Alternatively, please telephone 020 7219 2743 to
request a copy by post or email.