Joint Committee On Human Rights - Written Evidence [Back to Report]
Here you can browse the Written Evidence which were ordered by the House of Lords and the House of Commons to be printed 9 October 2006.
Written evidence
1. Memorandum from the Home Office
2. Letter from the Chair to Rt Hon Dr John
Reid MP, Secretary of State for the Home Department
3. Letter from Vernon Coaker MP, Parliamentary
Under Secretary of State, Home Office
4. Letter from the Chair to Vernon Coaker
MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State, Home Office
5. Letter from Vernon Coaker MP, Parliamentary
Under Secretary of State, Home Office
6. Letter from the Chair to Rt Hon Margaret
Beckett MP, Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs
7. Letter from Kim Howells MP, Minister of
State, Foreign and Commonwealth Office
8. Letter from the Chair, to Rt Hon Beverley
Hughes MP, Minister of State for Children and Families, Department
for Education and Skills
9. Letter from Parmjit Dhanda MP, Parliamentary
Under Secretary of State for Children and Families, Department
for Education and Skills
10. Memorandum from Amnesty International
11. Memorandum from Anti-Slavery International
12. Memorandum from Asylum Aid
13. Memorandum from CHASTE (Churches Alert
to Sex Trafficking across Europe)
14. Memorandum from ECPAT UK (End Child Prostitution,
Pornography and Trafficking)
15. Memorandum from Glasgow Inter Agency
Trafficking Working Group
16. Memorandum from Immigration Law Practitioners'
Association (ILPA)
17. Submission from the International Organisation
for Migration (IOM)
18. Submission from the Joint Council for
the Welfare of Immigrantsn (JCWI)
19. Memorandum from JUSTICE
20. Memorandum from Kalayaan
21. Memorandum from the National Society
for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC)
22. Memorandum from Oxford Pro Bono Publico134
23. Memorandum from Eaves (POPPY Project)
24. Memorandum from The Salvation Army
25. Memorandum from Solicitors' International
Human Rights Group (SIHRG)
26. Memorandum from the TUC
27. Memorandum from Women's Aid Federation
Northern Ireland
28. Submission from West Sussex County Council,
Children and Young People's Services
29. Memorandum from Professor Ryszard Piotrowicz,
Department of Law, University of Wales, Aberystwyth