16. Submission from JUSTICE to the
JCHR's inquiry into counter-terrorism policy and human rights
1. Founded in 1957, JUSTICE is a UK-based
human rights and law reform organisation. Its mission is to advance
justice, human rights and the rule of law. It is also the British
section of the International Commission of Jurists.
2. Following the terrorist attacks in London
on 7 July, we recognise the importance of reviewing existing counter-terrorism
measures to ensure that public safety and fundamental rights are
properly protected. We therefore welcome the Joint Committee's
inquiry into the human rights implications of counter-terrorism
3. We have already provided the Committee
with our preliminary analysis of the draft Terrorism Bill. The
final version of the Bill was published on 12 October and we hope
to provide the Committee with our briefing on this version shortly.
Above and beyond our concerns with the Bill's provisions, JUSTICE
has serious concerns over:
the government's intention to deport
foreign nationals suspected of terrorism on the basis of diplomatic
the list of "unacceptable behaviours"
(sic) published on 24 August according to which the Home Secretary
proposes to exercise his powers of exclusion or deportation against
foreign nationals;
proposed government amendments to
the Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Bill for the creation
of a streamlined appeal process against deportation orders in
national security cases;
the use of deportation as a counter-terrorism
measure generally;
statements by government ministers
concerning the role of the judiciary in interpreting and applying
counter-terrorism legislation;
the continuing failure of the government
to bring forth measures to allow intercept evidence to be adduced
in criminal proceedings; and
proposals to establish a judicial
role in the investigation of terrorist crimes.
4. We set out our concerns over the use
of diplomatic assurances in our submission to the Committee's
inquiry into the UK government's compliance with the UN Convention
Against Torture.[141]
To avoid repetition, we would summarise our concerns as follows:
The obligation against returning
a person to a country where they face a real risk of torture,
inhuman or degrading treatment ("non-refoulement") is
an absolute one. It is provided by Article 3 of the UN Convention
Against Torture, Article 3 of the European Convention on Human
Rights, Article 7 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political
Rights andmost recentlyArticle 21(2) of the Council
of Europe Convention on the Prevention of Terrorism.[142]
The obligation of non-refoulement
admits of no exceptions on the grounds of national security.[143]
It also requires the competent authorities to "take into
account all relevant considerations, including, where applicable,
the existence in the State concerned of a consistent pattern of
gross, flagrant or mass violations of human rights".[144]
In other words, a state's assurance against ill-treatment cannot
be regarded as categorical or dispositive, particularly where
there is considerable evidence to show that the state's authorities
frequently torture detainees.[145]
The use of such assurances has been
strongly criticised by the UN Committee Against Torture,[146]
the UN Independent Expert on the Protection of Human Rights and
Fundamental Freedoms while Countering Terrorism[147]
and successive UN Special Rapportuers Against Torture.[148]
It has also been questioned by the Council of Europe Commissioner
for Human Rights[149]
and the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman
or Degrading Treatment or Punishment.[150]
In our view, the memorandum of understanding
between the UK and Jordanat the time of writing, the only
assurances so faroffers no effective protection for the
rights of any person who would be returned under its terms. For
those returned, the memorandum provides no enforceable rights
under international law or the domestic law of either the UK or
Jordan. Other than provision for monitoring of those returned
by an independent body, there is nothing to prevent breach or
denunciation of the terms of the memorandum by either party.
Jordan, Algeria and Egypt are all
party to the UN Convention Against Torture,[151]
yet successive annual country reports prepared by the US State
Department, Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch all indicate
the repeated use of torture by the authorities of each country.[152]
In circumstances where such countries are unable to comply with
their obligations under an international conventionnot
to mention the one of the peremptory norms of international lawthere
is no reason to believe that any would therefore comply with the
terms of a bilateral agreement concluded with another country.
We therefore doubt that a British court would accept diplomatic
assurances from such countries as sufficient guarantee against
5. In our response to the Home Office consultation
on 18 August, we noted that the existing immigration powers of
the Home Secretary to exclude or deport non-nationals on the grounds
that to do so would be "conducive to the public good"
are extremely broad.[153]
In principle, therefore, a clarification of what constituted non-conducive
behaviour ought to have been welcome. However, for the reasons
set out below, we regard the finalised list of `unacceptable behaviours'
(sic) released by the Home Office on 24 August to be flawed and
6. The list gives such activities as "fomenting,
justifying or glorifying terrorist violence in furtherance of
particular beliefs", "seeking to provoke others to terrorist
acts", "fomenting other serious criminal activity",
and "fostering hatred which might to lead to inter-community
violence in the UK". It includes doing these things by way
of "writing, producing, publishing or distributing material",
"public speaking, including preaching", "running
a website", and "using a position of responsibility,
such as a teacher and community or youth leader".
7. On the one hand, since "foment"
and "provoke" are both synonymous with "incite"
and "advocate" synonymous with "support",
"counsel" and "persuade",[154]
most of what is listed refers to conduct that is already covered
by existing criminal offences, eg incitement to terrorism,[155]
soliciting to murder,[156]
or incitement to racial hatred.[157]
To this extent, the list is redundant. For it is already well-understood
that any foreign national committing (or in the case of those
seeking entry, liable to commit) a serious criminal offence is
liable to deportation. threaten "public order or the rule
of law in the UK".
8. On the other hand, where the list refers
to conduct going beyond criminal activity (eg "glorifying"
terrorist violence), we are concerned that using such conduct
as grounds for deportation or exclusion would amount to a serious
interference with the free expression rights of both foreign and
UK nationals.
9. The first and most obvious difficulty
is with the definition of "terrorism" itself. Although
no reasonable person would support the use of political violence
in liberal democratic societies governed by the rule of law, there
is little agreement on the legality or morality of the use of
force by non-state actors in other countries, eg attacks by freedom
fighters against military targets in a totalitarian regime. The
second difficulty is with the subjective quality and scope of
"glorification": a highly nebulous category, one covering
the expression of an extremely wide range of views whose connection
to acts of terrorism may be fanciful or speculative. Third, the
list of "unacceptable" activities makes no distinction
concerning the intention of the person expressing the view, ie
whether or not they intend to incite an act of terrorism, or whether
in fact the views expressed are likely to incite an act of terrorism.
Nor does the list seek to distinguish, for instance, between views
expressed in the course of academic discussion, in a newspaper
article or broadcast, or as part of a novel or play.
10. Although states have a right under international
law to control the entry and residence of non-nationals, it is
well-established that the decision of the Home Secretary to refuse
entry or expel a non-national solely to prevent his expressing
opinions within the UK or by way of sanction for the expression
of such opinions engages Article 10 ECHR (the right to free expression).[158]
Therefore, given the breadth of the definition of "terrorism"
in section 1 of the Terrorism Act 2000 and the scope of the grounds
(covering expression whether in the UK or abroad), we consider
thatwere such grounds to be applied consistently by the
Home Secretary without regard for the intention of the speaker
or the different contexts in which such statements may be madethe
use of such grounds to justify exclusion or deportation would
almost certainly amount to a serious interference with the free
expression rights of both foreign and UK nationals.
11. We recognise that Article 10(2) allows
for some measure of lawful restriction in the interests of national
security. We further note that the rights of non-nationals to
free expression are circumscribed by Article 16 ECHR, which permits
the imposition of restrictions on "the political activity
of aliens", although we would also draw attention to the
view of the Court of Appeal in Farrakhan that Article 16
"appears something of an anachronism half a century after
the agreement of the Convention".[159]
Even so, in Piermont v France, the European Court of Human
Rights made clear that immigration restrictions made for the purpose
of limiting free expression on national security grounds may nonetheless
breach Article 10 because they are disproportionate interference
with the right to free expression.[160]
In particular, we note that states cannot seek to exclude the
expression of views merely because they are controversial or offensive.
As the Strasbourg Court noted in the Piermont case:[161]
The Court reiterates that freedom of expression
constitutes one of the essential foundations of a democratic society,
one of the basic conditions for its progress. Subject to paragraph
2 of Article 10 (art. 10-2), it is applicable not only to "information"
or "ideas" that are favourably received or regarded
as inoffensive or as a matter of indifference, but also to those
that offend, shock or disturb. Such are the demands of that pluralism,
tolerance and broadmindedness without which there is no "democratic
12. We would also draw the Committee's attention
to the 1996 Johannesburg Principles on National Security, Freedom
of Expression and Access to Information, principle 6 of which
provides materially as follows:[162]
expression may be punished as a threat to national
security only if a government can demonstrate that:
(a) the expression is intended to
incite imminent violence;
(b) it is likely to incite such
violence; and
(c) there is a direct and immediate
connection between the expression and the likelihood or occurrence
of such violence.
13. It is important to make clear that interests
engaged by the exclusion or deportation of a person expressing
a particular viewpoint are not limited merely to those who agree
with that viewpoint. It is also in the interests of those who
may strongly disagree with the views being disseminated. This
is because the value of free expression protected by Article 10
derives not only from the interests of those who wish to express
their views but also from the interests of the general UK public
in being free to receive them. Again, this is not limited to the
public's interest in receiving views that individual members of
the public are likely to agree with or approve of. Rather, it
is the broader public interest in receiving the benefits of what
John Stuart Mill referred to as `the collision of adverse opinions'.[163]
A healthy pluralist democracy requires the free exchange of ideas
and opinions in order to flourish and these are not limited to
those ideas that a majority thinks "conducive" or "acceptable".
The public good of the UK is not sustained, therefore, by deporting
or excluding those who express views that are unpopular, false
or even wicked. As Chief Justice Hughes observed in the 1937 US
Supreme Court case of De Jonge v Oregon:[164]
The greater the importance of safeguarding the
community from incitements to the overthrow of our institutions
by force and violence, the more imperative is the need to preserve
inviolate the constitutional rights of free speech, free press
and free assembly in order to maintain the opportunity for free
political discussion, to the end that government may be responsive
to the will of the people and that changes, if desired, may
be obtained by peaceful means. Therein lies the security of the
Republic, the very foundation of constitutional government.
14. We note the letter of the Home Secretary
of 12 October 2005 attaching draft clauses to be tabled as amendments
to the Immigration Asylum and Nationality Bill currently before
the House of Commons, including a proposed amendment to add section
97A to the Nationality Immigration and Asylum Act 2002. The draft
clause would disapply section 79 of the 2002 Act, which prevents
a person from being removed from the UK while their appeal is
in progress.
15. Currently, non-suspensive appeals only
operate in the asylum and immigration context in relation to applicants
from so-called "safe countries"those to which
the Home Office considers it generally safe to return failed asylum
seekers (eg EU accession countries). In R (Razgar) v Secretary
of State for the Home Department, Mr Justice Richards noted
that, for an applicant, a non-suspensive asylum appeal amounted
to "plainly a very serious disadvantage as compared with
an in-country appeal".[165]
Similarly, the Council on Tribunals (the independent statutory
body appointed to oversee the operation of administrative tribunals)
has given its view that procedures for non-suspensive asylum appeals
were "capable of leading to unfairness and injustice".[166]
It noted that:
The requirement to conduct appeals from abroad
will make it more difficult for adjudicators to assess the evidence
of appellants. It will also make it more difficult for appellants
to have face-to-face discussions with their advisers and to present
their cases satisfactorily. Costs will inevitably be greater.
And there could be serious problems with regard to the status
and safety of tribunal users in the countries from which they
are appealing.
16. The evident obstacles to sustaining
an appeal from outside the UK have been reflected in the very
low success rate for such out-of-country appeal, at least according
to initial figures. According to the Department for Constitutional
As of 17 April 2003, provisional [Immigration
Appellate Authority] figures show that 56 out-of-country appeals
had been lodged with the [Authority]. 42 of those have so far
been dismissed and one withdrawn. None has been successful.
On the issue of non-suspensive asylum appeals,
the House of Commons Constitutional Affairs Committee expressed
concern at "the extremely low success rate of appellants'
appeals under that system' and recommended that the Government
`investigate the fairness of the non-suspensive appeal system'.[168]
17. Even were the proposed amendment to
succeed, it remains unlikely that any deportation order could
be enforced in circumstances where it was established that the
person faced a real risk of ill-treatment contrary to article
3 ECHR or a "flagrant breach" of their other Convention
Indeed, in light of the article 3 concerns surrounding all of
the recent deportation cases on national security grounds, the
amendment seems a futile gesture. As the Newton Committee noted
in 2004, "there have been no successful deportations on national
security grounds since 1997".[170]
Despite this, the government's proposal to establish a non-suspensive
deportation process in national security cases signals a disturbing
disregard for the fundamental right of effective access to the
18. We take as our starting point the view
expressed by the Newton Committee in 2004:[171]
Seeking to deport terrorist suspects does
not seem to us to be a satisfactory response, given the risk of
exporting terrorism. If people in the UK are contributing
to the terrorist effort here or abroad, they should be dealt with
here. While deporting such people might free up British police,
intelligence, security and prison service resources, it would
not necessarily reduce the threat to British interests abroad,
or make the world a safer place more generally. Indeed, there
is a risk that the suspects might even return without the authorities
being aware of it.
19. Terrorism is a global problem. There
is no better illustration of this than the UK's own involvement
in the invasion of Afghanistan in October 2001, in order to "eradicate
Osama bin Laden's network of terror and to take action against
the Taliban regime that is sponsoring it".[172]
This was justified by the fact that the UK had a "direct
interest in acting in our own self defence to protect British
20. It therefore seems open to question
whether removing or exporting persons who are suspected of involvement
in terrorism to other countries where they will be beyond the
reach of UK law enforcement authorities is either a rational or
an effective measure. Specifically, the effectiveness of deportation
as a counter-terrorism measure seems to rely on the assumption
that those removed will be subject to detention upon return, thereby
disrupting further threat to the UK. However, it is clear from
the 2 most recent cases of attempted removal on national security
groundsAjouaou and `F'that the assumption of automatic
detention is false. Both were detained under Part 4 of the Anti-Terrorism
Crime and Security Act 2001 on the basis that they were suspected
international terrorists who posed a threat to the national security
of the United Kingdom. As the Special Immigration Appeals Commission
("SIAC") noted in respect of `F':[174]
On 12th March 2002, [`F'] decided that he could
face detention no longer. He went to France the next day. He was
escorted by two police officers and was interviewed on arrival
by French security officials . . .. The upshot of the interview
was, he says, that he was told he was free to go and would not
have any problem in France. He is still in France.
In Ajouaou's case, he returned to Morocco voluntarily
in December 2001 and has been there ever since.[175]
In his case, SIAC referred to the fact that he made several trips
to Morocco in the months preceding his detention in the UK and
noted that this "must cast serious and probably fatal doubt
on any claim by Ajouaou that it would be in breach of an international
Convention to return him to Morocco".[176]
21. Even were it shown that an individual
was more likely than not to be detained on their return, it may
still be unreasonable to assume that the alleged threat would
thereby be contained. An assessment of a 75% likelihood that a
person would be detained, for instance, would still be a 1 in
4 chance that the suspect would free to continue their alleged
activities abroad: whether to plot attacks against the UK or against
UK nationals abroad.
22. It seems to us that if the Home Secretary
has reasonable grounds for believing that an individual may be
involved in terrorist activity in the UK, the proper course would
be to refer that person's case to the CPS to consider prosecution
for terrorist offencesor at the very least closely monitor
their activities with a view to gathering sufficient evidence
to prosecuterather than to remove them to a country where
they may be free to continue their activities.
23. Following the attacks of 7 July, we
have been concerned at statements made by government ministers
concerning the role of the judiciary in counter-terrorism cases.
For example, the Prime Minister on 27 July indicated his view
that it was the task of judges to ensure that "the laws that
I think the country would regard as the minimum necessary are
. . . upheld".[177]
24. It is of course open to members of the
legislature and the executive to express their views on what is
the correct interpretation of the laws that they pass. But the
task of interpreting law remains the responsibility of the judiciary.
In order to carry out this task, moreover, it is well-understood
that the judicial branch must maintain strict independence from
the other two branches. It is therefore plainly improper for members
of other branches of government to make statements seeking to
instruct members of the judiciary as to how they should carry
out their constitutional functions. Instead, we would invite the
Committee to endorse the view expressed by Lord Bingham in the
case of A and others v Secretary of State for the Home Department:[178]
It is of course true that the judges in this
country are not elected and are not answerable to Parliament.
It is also of course true . . . that Parliament, the executive
and the courts have different functions. But the function of independent
judges charged to interpret and apply the law is universally recognised
as a cardinal feature of the modern democratic state, a cornerstone
of the rule of law itself. The Attorney General is fully entitled
to insist on the proper limits of judicial authority, but he is
wrong to stigmatise judicial decision-making as in some way undemocratic.
25. As Lord Bingham makes clear, it is "particularly
inappropriate" to suggest that courts are not entitled to
review the necessity and proportionality of legislation where
it has been expressly directed to do so under the scheme of the
Human Rights Act. On the contrary, "the 1998 Act gives the
courts a very specific, wholly democratic, mandate".[179]
Thereforehaving been charged by Parliament with the task
of reviewing the compatibility of government actions and legislation
with fundamental rightsit would be an abdication of their
constitutional role for the courts to refrain from doing so at
the behest of government ministers.
26. In our 1998 report on surveillance powers,
JUSTICE argued that the ban on intercept evidence should be lifted:[180]
There is a growing consensus that [the] restriction
is now unsatisfactory and that material lawfully obtained through
an interception should be prima facie admissible evidence,
subject to the usual judicial discretion under section 78 [of
the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984] on fairness grounds.
27. In our view, lifting the ban on the
use of intercept evidence in criminal proceedings (currently contained
in section 17(1) of the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act
2000 (`RIPA')) would allow for an increase in the number of prosecutions
that could be brought for terrorist offences and other serious
crimes. As the author of the 1996 review of counter-terrorism
the former Law Lord Lord Lloyd of Berwick, noted during parliamentary
debate on RIPA:[182]
We have here a valuable source of evidence to
convict criminals. It is especially valuable for convicting terrorist
offenders because in cases involving terrorist crime it is very
difficult to get any other evidence which can be adduced in court,
for reasons with which we are all familiar. We know who the terrorists
are, but we exclude the only evidence which has any chance of
getting them convicted; and we are the only country in the world
to do so.
Lifting the ban on admitting intercept evidence
would also bring the UK's position into line with that of virtually
all the other legal systems in the world, including Australia,
Canada, France, Germany, India, Israel, Italy, New Zealand, the
Russian Federation, South Africa and the United States.[183]
If the use of intercept evidence is admissible on a regular basis
in these other jurisdictions, it seems difficult to conceive of
a compelling reason for the government to maintain the current
self-imposed ban while at the same time seeking to justify a departure
from ordinary principles of criminal law in other areas. In particular,
we note that the inadmissibility of intercept evidence is being
used by the government in order to justify the extension of the
maximum period of pre-charge detention to 90 days.
28. We are aware that there is support in
some quarters for increased judicial involvement in the investigation
of terrorist offences. In this context we note the recommendations
of the Newton Committee in 2004 and the more recent support given
by Lord Carlile of Berriew QC to increased judicial involvement
in the pre-charge detention process in the debate over the Terrorism
29. The Newton Committee recommended, among
other things, the possible use of security-cleared judges to assess
evidence on a more inquisitorial basis.[185]
This, it was suggested at the time, might be a way to increase
the likelihood of criminal prosecutions for terrorist offences
in view of the significant evidential hurdles that the Committee
had identified. While we agreed with the Newton Committee's call
for a more structured system of disclosure of evidence,[186]
it was at the time wholly unclear to us how the Committee foresaw
the use of security-cleared judges screening evidence[187]
might improve on the admissibility of material from the current
system. It was particularly unclear what weight the `fair answerable
case' assembled by one judge would have in full criminal proceedings
before another, particularly if the preliminary hearing were conducted
on an inquisitorial rather than adversarial basis. The findings
of a judge (particularly one who has seen evidence not disclosed
at trial) would likely to carry great weight with a subsequent
judge and jury, and would effectively preempt much of what ought
properly to be determined in-trial. The unfairness of determining
guilt or innocence, be it by a judge or jury, on evidence that
is not disclosed to an accused and upon which he or she cannot
make comment or challenge should be manifest and is likely to
breach the right in Article 6(3)(d) ECHR to `examine or have examined
witnesses against him'.
30. We are equally sceptical of the recent
suggestions made by Lord Carlile, the Independent Reviewer of
Terrorism legislation, in respect of increased judicial involvement
in the pre-charge detention process. We agree with his analysis
that district judges would not be suited to the task of considering
applications for longer periods of detention than the current
2-week maximum:[188]
A more searching system is required to reflect
the seriousness of the State holding someone in high-security
custody without charge for as long as three months.
However, the specific proposals that Lord Carlile
then puts forth to provide a "reassuringly strong system
of protection for the detained person" seem to us to fall
far short of that goal. First, he proposes "the introduction
of one of a small group of security-cleared, designated senior
circuit judges as examining judge".[189]
We note, however, that those civil law jurisdictions such as France
that employ examining magistrates and inquisitorial methods provide
far more specific and intensive training for the task of supervising
(and, indeed, directing) criminal investigations than does the
common law system. Lord Carlile makes reference to his proposals
comparing favourably to those available in the United States (the
only common law jurisdiction he cites as a comparison)[190]
and yet we are unaware of any comparable provision for pre-charge
detention in US state or federal law.
31. Secondly, Lord Carlile proposes the
introduction of a "security-cleared special advocate . .
. to make representations on the interests of the detained persons
and to advise the judge".[191]
However, Lord Carlile nowhere explains how such a system (hitherto
used only in civil proceedings and in public interest immunity
applications in criminal proceedings) would be compatible with
the guarantees of Articles 5(4), which include the right to full
disclosure of adverse material. The idea that a suspect could
be detained for what Lord Carlile acknowledges to be lengthy periods
of time without knowing the full case against him or her seems
to us to be antithetical to basic notions of fairness. As Lord
Steyn noted in his dissenting judgment in Roberts v Parole
It is not to the point to say that the special
advocate procedure is "better than nothing". Taken as
a whole, the procedure completely lacks the essential characteristics
of a fair hearing. It is important not to pussyfoot about such
a fundamental matter: the special advocate procedure undermines
the very essence of elementary justice. It involves a phantom
hearing only.
32. Thirdly and more generally, little thought
appears to have been given for the longer-term consequences of
seeking to introduce inquisitorial methods of justice into the
common law system of adversarial justice. It is sufficient to
note that much of what is originally presented as wholly exceptional,
once introduced, becomes part of the general fabric of the law:
the process variously known as "legislative creep" or
"function creep". For the arguments from complexity
that are made in the context of terrorism offences are equally
applicable to serious organised crime and serious fraud. From
there, it would not be too difficult for a government to subsequently
argue thatsince the process is already in place for serious
criminal offencesconsistency demands that the same procedures
should be applied to ordinary criminal prosecutions as well. It
is perhaps sufficient to notice how the stop and search powers
of section 44 of the Terrorism Act 2000, originally introduced
to fight terrorism, appear to have become part of the general
array of police powers.[193]
33. We continue to support the Newton Committee's
call for a more structured system of disclosure of evidence. There
is also perhaps a greater role for judges to play in facilitating
increased use of sensitive intelligence material in criminal proceedings.
However, we strongly oppose any extension of pre-charge detention
beyond the current maximum of 2 weeks and we harbour serious doubts
whether any suitable procedures of "judicial control"
could be devised under our existing adversarial system of justice
that would be sufficient to safeguard fundamental rights. To compare
the role of a judge from a common law system with that of an examining
magistrate in a civil law jurisdiction fails to compare like with
like. We therefore caution strongly against importing features
from other systems of law without at least understanding the different
distribution of checks and balances in those systems, not to mention
the careful equilibrium of our own.
17 October 2005
141 See joint submission of Liberty and JUSTICE,
September 2005, paras 5-33. Back
CETS no. 196, concluded 16 May 2005. Back
See eg Chahal v United Kingdom (1996) 23 EHRR 413. Back
Article 3(2) UNCAT. Back
See eg Agiza v Sweden CAT/C/34/D/233/2003, 20 May 2005,
para 13.4. Back
Ibid. Back
UN Commission on Human Rights, Report of the Independent Expert
on the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms while
Countering Terrorism, para 56. Back
See eg Professor Theo Van Boven, Report of the UN Special Rapporteur
on Torture to the UN General Assembly, 23 August 2004, para 37,
"the principle of non-refoulement must be strictly observed
and diplomatic assurances should not be resorted to" ; Professor
Manfred Nowak, BBC Radio 4, 4 March 2005. Back
Statement of Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights
Alvaro Gil-Robles, July 2004. Back
15th General Report, CPT/Inf (2005) 17. Back
Jordan acceded to the Convention on 13 November 1991, Egypt
acceded on 25 June 1986, and Algeria ratified the Convention on
12 September 1989. Back
See eg US State Department Country Reports on Human Rights Practices,
28 February 2005; and the annual country reports prepared by Amnesty
International and Human Rights Watch. Back
See Secretary of State for the Home Department v Rehman
[2001] UKHL 47 per Lord Slynn at para 8: `There is no definition
or limitation of what can be `conducive to the public good' and
the matter is plainly in the first instance and primarily one
for the discretion of the Secretary of State'. Back
The Oxford English Dictionary defines "foment" as
to "instigate or stir up", and "provoke" as
to "incite to do or feel something". Back
Section 59 of the Terrorism Act 2000 (incitement to terrorism
overseas) and section 1A of the Criminal Law Act 1977 (conspiracy
to commit offences outside the UK). Back
Section 4 of the Offences against the Person Act 1861: "Whosoever
shall solicit, encourage, persuade or endeavour to persuade or
. . . propose to any person to murder any other person . . .". Back
Section 18 of the Public Order Act 1986. Back
R (Louis Farrakhan) v Secretary of State for the Home Department
[2002] EWCA Civ 606 at paras 55-56: "Where the authorities
of a State refuse entry or expel an alien from its territory solely
for the purpose of preventing the alien from exercising a Convention
right within the territory, or by way of sanction for the exercise
of a Convention right, the Convention will be directly engaged
. . . . Thus, where the authorities of a State refuse entry to
an alien solely to prevent his expressing opinions within its
territory, Article 10 will be engaged". Back
Farrakhan, ibid, at para 70. Back
(1990) 20 EHRR 301. Back
Ibid at para 76. Back
U.N. Doc. E/CN.4/1996/39 (1996). Emphasis added. Back
On Liberty, Chapter 2, p 64. Back
299 US 353. Emphasis added. Back
[2002] EWHC Admin 2554 at para 1. Back
Council on Tribunals, Annual Report 2001-02, pp 30-31. Back
Memorandum of Department of Constitutional Affairs to Commons
Constitutional Affairs Committee, attached to 2nd Report of the
Committee (2003/4 session), Ev 141. Back
Para 81, House of Commons Constitutional Affairs Committee,
Asylum and Immigration Appeals, 2 March 2004 (HC 211-I;
2nd report, 2003/2004 session). Back
See Ullah v Special Adjudicator [2004] UKHL 26. Back
Privy Counsellor Review Committee, Anti-Terrorism Crime and
Security Act 2001 Review: Report (HC100, 18
December 2003), at p 54, fn 99. Back
Privy Counsellors Review Committee, Anti-Terrorism Crime
and Security Act 2001 Review: Report (HC100: 18 December 2004)
at para 195. Back
Prime Minister's statement on military action in Afghanistan,
7 October 2001. Back
Ibid. Back
Appeal No: SC/11/2002 (SIAC, 29 October 2003), para 6. Back
Appeal No: SC/10/2002 (SIAC, 29 October 2003), para 5. Back
Ibid, para 24. Back
See eg "9/11 wake-up call ignored, Blair says in swipe
at obstructive judges", by Philip Webster, The Times,
27 July 2005. Back
[2004] UKHL 56 at para 42. Back
Ibid. Back
JUSTICE, Under Surveillance: Covert Policing and Human Rights
Standards, p76. Back
Lord Lloyd of Berwick, Inquiry into Legislation against Terrorism,
30 October 1996 (Cm 3420). The report identified at least 20 cases
in which the use of intercept evidence would have allowed a prosecution
to be brought-see vol 1, p 35. Back
See Hansard, HL Debates, 19 June 2000, Col. 109-110. Lord Lloyd
is currently sponsoring a private members Bill to repeal section
17(1) RIPA-see clause 1, Interception of Communications (Admissibility
of Evidence) Bill. Back
See Lord Lloyd, ibid, col. 106: `evidence of telephone
communications of that kind is admissible in court in every country
in the world as I am aware. The countries I visited during my
inquiry into terrorism-France, Germany, the United States and
Canada-regard such evidence as indispensable. They were astonished
to hear that we do not use it in this country'. Back
Proposals By Her Majesty's Government For Changes To The Laws
Against Terrorism, 12 October 2005. Back
Newton Report, paras 224, 228. Back
Newton Report, paras 236-239. Back
Ibid, para 231: `An investigative approach would address the
disclosure problem by putting a security-cleared judge in control
of assembling a fair, answerable case'. Back
See n44 above, para 64. Back
Ibid, para 67. Back
Ibid, para 68. Back
Ibid, para 67. Back
[2005] UKHL 45 at para 88. Back
See eg BBC Online, "Hero's return for Labour heckler",
29 September 2005. Back