19. Further submission from the Law
Society to the JCHR'S inquiry into counter-terrorism policy and
human rights
The Society entirely agrees that it is vital
that we have effective measures to combat terrorism and we fully
recognise that it is the Government's responsibility to protect
its citizens. However, we continue to believe that protection
against terrorism can be achieved without serious intrusion on
human rights standards.
(i) the new list of "unacceptable behaviours"
drawn up after consultation indicating some of the circumstances
in which the Home Secretary may exercise his powers of exclusion
or deportation;
We will comment on this in our submissions regarding
the Immigration and Asylum Bill.
(ii) the Government's intention to deport
non-UK nationals suspected of terrorism on the basis of diplomatic
assurances and the potential conflict with Article 3ECHR;
The Society has serious concerns about proposals
to deport non-UK nationals suspected of terrorism on the basis
of diplomatic assurances.
There are existing powers allowing the Secretary
of State to exclude or deport people where their exclusion or
deportation would be conducive to the public good. It has been
suggested that these powers can only be used against those who
pose a direct threat. However, the relevant immigration rules
do not specify that the threat must be direct in order for the
powers to apply. Indeed, the existing powers have been successfully
used in the past to exclude those who may cause others to commit
public order offences through their use of words or behaviour[207].
The Society believes that it is preferable to
charge and prosecute those who are suspected of being terrorists
or involved with terrorism. As the Newton Committee commented,
"terrorists are criminals, and therefore ordinary criminal
justice and security provisions should, so far as possible, continue
to be the preferred way of countering terrorism"[208].
Criminal prosecution of suspected terrorists
remains the most effective and human rights compliant counter-terrorist
The Society has grave concerns regarding the
Government's use of diplomatic assurances to deport people to
countries where they may be subject to torture or inhuman and
degrading treatment. The right in Article 3 of the ECHR not to
be subjected to torture or inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment
is an absolute right and so does not allow the state to balance
the right against national security interests. We believe that
individual suspects should not be deported to countries where
they are at risk of torture as a result of who they are, or what
they have done.
The countries which may receive deportees are
in the main party to one or both of the UN treaties which absolutely
prohibit torture and ill-treatment. Unlike the death penalty,
the use of which is limited but not proscribed by international
law, torture or ill-treatment must not be used at any time or
under any circumstances.
Blanket diplomatic assurances are not reliable.
Reports from human rights organisations including Amnesty International,
show that countries regularly breach international treaties they
have signed up to, even if post-return monitoring arrangements
are put into place[209].
Reports from the United States Department of State[210]
and Human Rights Watch[211]
show that human rights violations and serious torture are still
prevalent in these countries. Individual assurances might go some
way to easing this problem but there remain difficulties in monitoring
whether or not countries adhere to individual assurances and all
the evidence we have would lead us to believe that they cannot
be relied upon to do so. The courts should thus decline automatically
to accept that an inter-Governmental agreement can be relied on
when it is clear that the country concerned continues to engage
in torture.
(iii) the various measures announced by the
Prime Minister at his press conference on 5 August
Some of the measures announced by the Prime
Minister on 5 August have been dealt with in the Terrorism Bill,
on which we have commented separately, and some will be included
by way of Government amendments to the Immigration and Asylum
Bill. We will forward our comments on the amendments to the Immigration
and Asylum Bill as soon as possible after they have been published.
We note the publication on 6 October 2005 of
a consultation paper on Places of Worship, but have not yet had
time to consider it.
We currently have the following comments:
Prime Minister: Fifth, cases such as Rashid Ramda,
wanted for the Paris Metro bombings 10 years ago, and who is still
in the UK whilst France seeks extradition are completely unacceptable.
We will begin consultation on setting a maximum time limit for
all future extradition cases involving terrorism.
Extradition proceedings are now subject to the
Extradition Act 2003 (EA 2003) which introduces a fast-track procedure
in respect of Category 1 countries, which includes France, without
the need for intervention by the Home Secretary.
Rashid Ramda is an Algerian man suspected of
terrorism offences involving the bombing of the Paris Metro some
10 years ago. France has applied for his extradition. As this
is a pre-EA 2003 case, the proceedings are taking place under
much slower pre-EA 2003 law, as the new procedures and much quicker
"fast track" time limits that apply under the 2003 Act,
particularly for Part 1 EU countries where the European Arrest
Warrant is in force, are not applicable. Criticism of the delays
inherent in the old system led to the introduction of the EA 2003.
Under the EA 2003 if a judge decides that a
person's extradition would not be compatible with their Convention
rights the person must be discharged. There is a right of appeal
against this decision to the High Court, and thereafter to the
House of Lords.
Therefore, although a decision to order extradition
made under the EA 2003 is subject to a right of appeal on human
rights grounds, the extradition proceedings of someone in Ramda's
position would now be much quicker. If no appeal is lodged the
person must be extradited within 10 days if it involves a category
1 country. The effectiveness of the new process was recently demonstrated
in the speedy extradition of the 21 July bombing suspect from
Italy to the UK.
We would oppose any change to allow for the
extradition of a person charged with a terrorist offence who successfully
claims that their human rights would be violated, particularly
their right not to be subject to torture or inhuman and degrading
treatment in breach of Article 3 ECHR.
Prime Minister: Sixth, we are already examining
a new court procedure which would allow a pretrial process. We
will also examine whether the necessary procedure can be brought
about to give us a way of meeting the police and security service
request that detention, pre-charge of terrorist suspects, be significantly
New court proceduresee paragraph (iv) below
Extension of detention
We do not think that the case is made out for
such an extension. 14 days is a serious length of time without
charge. Powers to detain are already longer in terrorism cases.
The 14 day limit applicable to terrorist offences was enacted
by the Criminal Justice Act 2003 which amended schedule 8 of the
Terrorism Act 2000. It came into effect on 20 April 2004 and involves
an application to a senior District Judge. There is an initial
period of 48 hours, then an application under paragraph 29 (7
days) or paragraph 36 of schedule 8 must be made. In relation
to other offences, under PACE the limit for pre-charge detention
is 24 hours, extendable to 36 hours by an officer of superintendent
rank or above, detention in respect of an arrestable offence[212].
A magistrate can then extend the period to 72 hours, followed
by a further extension to 96 hours at most. This proposal will
therefore allow suspects to be detained more than 20 times longer
than the maximum period that a suspect can be detained for any
serious non-terrorist offence, for example murder, rape or serious
It appears to a large extent that the call for
an extension of detention powers relates to the question of resources.
Speed is of the essence in these cases where there may be evidence
that could lead to prosecution for such serious offences, and
the preferable option is surely therefore to ensure that investigations
can be carried out as quickly as possible, in case they yield
further useful information. We therefore believe that the more
appropriate and proportionate way to deal with these concerns
would be to ensure that the police and security services are properly
resourced, rather than to extend the period of detention before
Furthermore, under PACE[213],
the police are required to have some reasonable grounds to arrest,
and so there must be evidence to ground that suspicion. We have
seen no clear explanation as to why it is not sufficient to charge
a suspect with a lesser offence to ensure that they do not have
to be immediately released from custody whilst other matters are
still being investigated. Charges can always be upgraded at a
later stage and suspects questioned in relation to those further
charges. Even if suspects are granted bail, courts have the power
to impose strict conditions.
Three months detention prior to charge is a
length of time tantamount to internment. The government has stated
that any extension would be used in extremely rare circumstances
and would only apply to a tiny number of people[214].
In view of the serious nature of an extension and the few cases
in which it should be necessary, should any extension beyond 14
days be made possible, it should be granted and reviewed at very
short intervals by a High Court, rather than a District, Judge.
Prime Minister: Seventh, for those who are British
nationals and cannot be deported, we will extend the use of control
orders any breach of which can mean imprisonment.
Whist we welcomed the Government's change to
the Prevention of Terrorism Bill, now Act, to place the making
of a derogation order depriving an individual of their liberty
within the jurisdiction of a High Court judge, rather than the
Home Secretary, we do not believe this goes far enough.
We are disappointed that no concession was made
with respect to non-derogation orders. We acknowledge that in
certain cases the imposition of restrictions on liberty will not
necessarily amount to a deprivation of liberty engaging Article
5 of the European Convention on Human Rights. However, to argue
that this obviates the need for initial judicial control misses
the point that severe restrictions, in some cases constituting
penal penalties such as tagging or a curfew, will have a significant
effect on the controlled person's liberty.
In other cases, the restrictions listed in the
Act may, in combination, be so restrictive as to amount to a deprivation
of liberty. To argue that such an order may be overturned on appeal,
if indeed it does in reality amount to a deprivation of liberty,
does not provide the affected person with an effective remedy
against the initial decision that will have breached their right
to liberty.
We maintain that the rule of law requires that
the initial decision regarding the imposition of all control orders
must be made by a judge, not an elected politician.
We are not persuaded by the Government's argument
that allowing the Home Secretary to make the initial decision
will allow greater speed of decision making. If they concede the
power to make derogation orders to judges, which presumably will
be required where the subject is considered to present a greater
risk, practical arrangements will be in place so that cases can
be listed before a judge very quickly.
(iv) the possibility of allowing sensitive
evidence, including intercept evidence, to be adduced in criminal
The Newton Committee has noted a reluctance
to adduce sensitive intelligence- based material in open court
due to concern about compromising their source or methods[215].
The Society has repeatedly called for intercept evidence to be
admissible as we believe that this would help with the prosecution
of alleged terrorists. Evidential tools, similar to public interest
immunity certificates, could be used to deal with what evidence
is actually revealed to a jury and protect sources.
The majority of common law jurisdictions, including
Canada, Australia, S Africa, New Zealand and the United States
admit intercept evidence[216].
In the light of the use of such evidence by other common law jurisdictions,
the use of foreign intercept evidence in UK courts[217]
and greater EU co-operation, the introduction of intercept evidence
is the logical next step. Indeed, the Society agrees with the
Joint Committee that the case for relaxing the absolute ban on
the use of intercept evidence is overwhelming[218].
(v) the possibility of establishing a judicial
role in the investigation of terrorist crimes
In the Law Society's response to the Government's
consultation "Reconciling security and liberty', we said:
"We reiterate our preference for CPS Special
Caseworkers, rather than the judiciary, having a greater role
in the assembling of a case. The judiciary have a key role in
the management of criminal cases but to extend this into the assembling
of criminal cases may adversely impact on their independence.
We endorse the Joint Committee's recommendation[219]
for a greater role for security cleared prosecutors to help translate
sensitive intelligence into evidence. The Criminal Justice Act
2003 introduces a greater role for prosecutors generally, in the
early stages of criminal proceedings and the White Paper on organised
crime considered using specialist prosecutors in assembling cases.
The Society believes that any concern about impartiality could
be met by extending the pool of Special caseworkers to include
defence specialists."
If what is being suggested is a continental-style
system, where the investigating magistrate basically directs the
police to gather the evidence, both for and against the accused,
that would constitute a major change from the adversarial system,
in which the investigation and prosecution of serious offences
is performed by the police and CPS, who then present the evidence
to a magistrate who commits the case to the Crown Court for trial
by jury.
It is not clear what the advantage of such change
is thought to be, as the prosecution/state would still have to
disclose all the evidence upon which their case relies to the
accused person, who has a fundamental right to know the case against
them. This principle applies equally in an inquisitorial system.
We acknowledge that in serious terrorist cases there may be a
case for restrictions on the rights of the defence, such as the
use of anonymous testimony, provided that the restriction is strictly
proportionate to its purpose, does not undermine the very essence
of a fair trial and the conviction is not based solely or decisively
on evidence from such a source.
(vi) the overall social and political context
in which human rights standards are understood and applied by
the courts, the Government and others, and in which the requirements
of security are reconciled with those standards.
No comment.
October 2005
207 In the case of R (on the application of Farrakhan)
v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2002] 4 All ER 289
the Home Secretary excluded Mr Farrakhan from entering the UK
on that basis. The ban was upheld by the Court of Appeal despite
Article 10 of the ECHR being engaged. Back
Para 1, Report of the Privy Council Review Committee on Anti-Terrorism,
Crime and Security Act 2001. Back
See Still at Risk: Diplomatic Assurances No Safeguard against
Torture Human Rights Watch, 2005. Back
Eg 2004 Country Report: Jordan, US Department of State, 28 February
2005. Back
Eg Mass Arrests and Torture in the Sinai, Human Rights
Watch, February 2005. Back
This distinction is to be abolished when the Serious Organised
Crime and Police Act arrest powers come into effect in January
2006, and the power to arrest will exist for any offence. Back
S 24 Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984, as amended by s
110 of the Serious Organised Crime and Police Act 2005. Back
Charles Clarke, Today programme, 27 September 2005. Back
Paragraph 207, Privy Councillors Review Committee. Anti-Terrorism
Crime and Security Act 2001 Review Report (HC100: 18 December
2004). Back
Page 9 JUSTICE Response to Counter Terrorism Powers: Reconciling
Security and Liberty in an open society. Back
RvP [2002] 2WLR463. Back
Paragraph 56, Joint Committee on Human Rights, 18th Report,
4 August 2004, HL158/HC713. Back
219 Joint Committee on Human Rights, Eighteenth Report, 4 August
2004, HL 158/HC713. Back