23. Joint submission from "Protect
our rights" comprising Birnberg Peirce & Co, CAMPACC,
Christian Khan solicitors, East London Communities against State
Terror, Hizb-ut-Tahrir, Islamic Forum of Europe, Islamic Human
Rights Commission, Liberty, National Civil Rights Movement, Muslim
Association of Britain, Muslim Council of Britain, Newham Monitoring
Project, Statewatch, Stop Political Terror, The 1990 Trust, The
Monitoring Project to the JCHR's inquiry into counter-terrorism
policy and human rights
The UK's counter-terrorism legislation is among
the most developed in the world. There is no evidence that the
wide-ranging powers, already in place, are in anyway inadequate
to investigate and prosecute those involved in any way in the
incidents that have recently occurred. Daily reporting of the
progress of police investigations suggest that conventional police
investigations are piecing together an extensive breadth and range
of evidence. There are no suggestions by the police that they
have been thwarted in any relevant investigation by any lack of
legal powers.
The greatest threat to our security comes not
from an inability to counter terrorism but the government's refusal
to conduct an honest debate on the causes of the attacks against
London in July 2005. In place of that debate, Tony Blair has turned
the spotlight on Britain's Muslim communities. British tolerance
has fertilised terrorism, he suggests. Multiculturalism and human
rights are to be the scapegoats.
In the context of an ill advised and counter
productive "war on terror", these proposals pave the
way for an equally misguided "war on Islamic extremism".
There can be no doubt that the measures they envisagerestrictions
on free speech, freedom of association and freedom of consciencecoupled
with the simplistic and inflammatory portrayal of Islam as a "dangerous"
religion, will further alienate and marginalise the very communities
in which the government professes to be combating radicalisation.
The Prime Minister has suggested that Parliament
will be recalled to consider new legislation, possibly at short
notice in September. There is a grave danger that past mistakes
will be repeated in hastily drafted legislation that fundamentally
restricts the liberties that define us as a free and democratic
This briefing examines together the Home Secretary's
proposals for three new offences (18 July),[228]
the Association of Chief Police Officers' demand for more powers
(21 July),[229]
the Prime Minister's 12 point statement (5 August)[230]
and the Home Office consultation document on deportation and exclusion
(5 August).[231]
This kind of government by press release is not conducive to much-needed
debate and does not amount to meaningful consultation. To avoid
the growing suspicion about a possible September "stitch-up"
the government should make its full intentions clear immediately
so all in civil society can have their say.
1. "Acts preparatory to terrorism",
"terrorist training" and "indirect incitement"
On 18 July 2005 the Home Secretary announced
his intention to introduce three new terrorism offences when parliament
reconvenes. Parliament was dissolved two days later with the three
main parties having reached a "consensus" on new laws
to prosecute "acts preparatory to terrorism", "terrorist
training" and "indirect incitement to terrorism".
The reason for creating new offences of "acts
preparatory to terrorism" is still quite unclear. Under the
Terrorism Act 2000, the "possession of an article in circumstances
which give rise to a reasonable suspicion that [it] is for a purpose
connected with the commission, preparation or instigation of an
act of terrorism" already carries a 10 year jail sentence
(s 57). It is an equally serious offence under the Terrorism Act
to "collect information" or "possess documents"
that could be used for terrorism (s 58). The Home Secretary has
stated that "the new offence will lead to the capture of
those planning serious of acts of terrorism", implying surveillance
powers rather than additions to an already broad offence. It is
also possible that visiting a "jihadist" website could
also be in some way criminalised, notwithstanding the fact that
visiting a website is obviously completely different to planning
"a serious of act of terrorism". ACPO has also called
for a new offence of "inappropriate internet usage",
a concept more readily associated with regimes like China and
A "new offence" of "terrorist
training" can similarly add little to the existing Terrorism
Act under which those who give or receive training in the making
or use of weapons or explosives, or recruit persons for this purpose,
are also liable to 10 years in prison (s54).
Things are clearer as far as "indirect
incitement to terrorism" is concerned since the Home Secretary
has announced that this will allow the UK to implement the Council
of Europe convention on the prevention of terrorism agreed in
April 2005. Article 5 of that Convention defines "public
provocation" as:
the distribution, or otherwise making available,
of a message to the public, with the intent to incite the commission
of a terrorist offence, where such conduct, whether or
not directly advocating terrorist offences, causes a danger that
one or more such offences may be committed.[232]
This vague concept, based on the Spanish law
of "apologia de terrorismo", based on the principle
of criminalising people for what they say rather than what they
do, is at the heart of a number of the current proposals.
2. "Condoning, glorifying or justifying
On 5 August the prime minister suggested that
the new offence of "indirect incitement" will now cover
"condoning", "glorifying" or "justifying"
terrorism (point 2 of the statement), broadening its potential
scope significantly. The obvious concern is that people who express
support for armed resistance to the occupation of Palestine or
Iraq, for exampleresistance that many people around the
world feel is legitimatecould be caught-up in the new laws.
There is an extremely thin line between empathising with the Palestinian
cause, for example, and justifying and condoning the actions of
suicide bombers, a point highlighted by Cherie Blair during a
speech in Jordan in 2004 for which she was publicly accused by
Israel of "condoning" such bombings. It is not a line
that can be drawn with any legal certainty.
Condoning, glorifying or justifying terrorism
will apparently be grounds for excluding and deporting people
(point 1), closing down mosques (point 11) and the "more
extensive" use of control orders (point 7). It is important
to note that the only persons that have been subject to control
orders since the legislation was enacted in March 2005 are the
11 foreign nationals that were interned in Belmarsh and elsewhere,
rather belying the suggestion that Britain is teeming with known
terrorists or other men so dangerous that these sanctions are
The talk of "closing extremist mosques"
suggests the government cannot differentiate between individual
responsibility and blanket criminalisation. In a recent trial
in which a number of defendants had an association with the Finsbury
Park mosque, the prosecution itself emphasised that thousands
of law-abiding persons worshipped at that mosque weekly. They
did not and could not criminalise the mosque in its entirety.
3. The clampdown on "extremism"
and "unacceptable behaviours"
Tony Blair's 12 point plan is aimed at those
he describes as "extremists". The fundamental problem
is that "extremist" is not defined or recognised in
UK law. So what is meant by "extremist"? In a speech
to the Labour Party national conference in July Blair outlined
what "barbaric ideas":
"They demand the elimination of Israel;
the withdrawal of all Westerners from Muslim countries, irrespective
of the wishes of people and government; the establishment of effectively
Taleban states and Sharia law in the Arab world en route to one
caliphate of all Muslim nations. "
This is dangerously simplistic and serves only
to equate terms such as "Shariah" and "caliphate"
with "terrorism" in the minds of an ignorant public.
Shariah, an Arabic term meaning "the path", has different
guises according to different Islamic schools of thought. The
establishment of Shariah in Muslim countries, the aspiration to
one Caliphate of Muslim States is as legitimate as any other political
ideology as long as it evolves from the will of the people.
To the prime minister's interpretation of "extremism"
can be added the Home Office's list of "unacceptable behaviours"
(which applies to "any non-UK citizen whether in the UK or
abroad"): "writing, producing, publishing or distributing
material", "public speaking including preaching",
"running a website" or "using a position of responsibility
such as a teacher, community or youth leader" to express
views which the Government considers:
Forment terrorism or seek to provoke
others to terrorist acts.
Justify or glorify terrorism.
Forment other serious criminal activity
or seek to provoke others to criminal acts.
Foster hatred which may lead to intercommunity
violence in the UK.
Advocate violence in furtherance
of political beliefs.
The Foreign Office is working on a database
of foreign "extremists" and the Home Office a "list"
of "specific extremist websites, bookshops, centres, networks
and particular organisations of concern" in the UK".
It is entirely predictable that the resulting "clampdown"
will be perceived as censorship of those who might criticise British
foreign policy or call for political unity among Muslims. This
is disingenuous to say the least, carrying the dual risk of "radicalisation"
and driving the "extremists" further underground, to
use the government terminology.
4. Deportation and exclusion
The Home Secretary has long enjoyed wide-ranging
powers to exclude and deport people from Britain that he deems
"not conducive to the public good" and, under a law
drawn-up ingeniously to cover a single individual, can also strip
British nationals of citizenship if they have a second nationality
(the "abu Qatada law", which notably failed to lead
to the deportation of Mr. abu Qatada). The "problem"
(as the government sees it) is Article 3 of the ECHR (as incorporated
into the UK Human Rights Act) which prevents the government removing
people to third countries in which they face a risk of torture
or inhuman or degrading treatment (a proviso which has been upheld
by the UK courts time-and-time again). The government's solution
is a series of "memoranda of understanding" (MoUs) with
third countries that persons being returned there will not be
mistreated. The first such "understanding" was reached
with Jordan last week, though it is not at all clear from the
text that the MoU even expressly prohibits the death penalty.
"Not worth the paper it's printed on" said Amnesty International.
On 11 August the first 10 "extremists"
were seized pending deportation. These were the very same individuals
who had been interned and then subject to control orders. A number
have severe mental health problems as a result of their indefinite
detention; one was seized from a psychiatric unit. Their families
and lawyers were initially not told where they were taken to and
the Home Office denied repeated requests for this information.
Most of the men face expulsion to Algeria. The decision to rely
on diplomatic assurances from a regime that the government knows
on strong evidence make use of torture undermines the universal
international rejection of such "assurances".
5. Asylum and extradition
The government has deliberately conflated the
issues of asylum and extradition with its intention to deport
people from the UK. "Anyone who has participated in terrorism
or has anything to do with it anywhere will be automatically be
refused asylum" said the prime minister (in point 3 of his
statement), equating terrorism with asylum and scapegoating refugees
in the comfortable knowledge that the security services have been
vetting those from targeted countries for years.
As for extradition: "cases such as Rashid
Ramda wanted for the Paris metro bombing 10 years ago and who
is still in the UK" are "completely unacceptable"
said Blair (point 4), we "will set a maximum time limit for
all future cases involving terrorism". What this deliberately
ignores is the fact that the Home office has taken five years
to make a decision on the Ramda case, and that the Extradition
Act 2003 has already introduced fast-track procedures. The European
Arrest Warrant (EAW) legislation contains a maximum time limit
of 60 days and in 2004 the Home Office reported to the European
Commission that its average EAW proceedings lasted a mere 17.
Two EU countries, Poland and Germany, have now ruled the hastily
adopted EAW legislation unconstitutional and a third, Belgium,
has referred the matter to the European Court of Justice. There
are likely to be similar challenges in other EU countries because
constitutional protections were simply discarded in the desire
to speed-up proceedings.
6. "Special" court procedures and
"special" judges
ACPO's call to hold terror suspects for up to
three months without charge must be seen in the context of the
government's intention to revisit administrative detention (without
charge) which was struck down by the House of Lords, leading to
the "control orders" legislation. It proposes "new
court procedures" (point 6) and more money for "special
judges" (point 8). These proposals are shorthand for detention
without trial, a government appointed prosecuting judge, secret
evidence, secret hearings, court appointed defence lawyers, and
so onprocedures that all concerned have long recognised
violate the right to a fair trial and the prohibition against
arbitrary detention under Article 5 of the ECHR, from which the
UK has already infamously derogated.
A seven-day interview period was already long
time. This has only very recently been doubled to 14 days. There
is no evidence that this is not enough time to make decisions
on whether to charge suspects or not. A longer period of detention
without charge would be likely to encourage the police to make
arrests not based on concrete intelligence but as "fishing
expeditions" This aggressive policing would constitute harassment
and alienate the Muslim community, who will feel increasingly
criminalised. Note that a three month period of detention without
charge is the equivalent of a six month prison sentence.
The idea of secret courts with judges considering
secret evidence undermines the fundamental principles that (a)
criminal proceedings must be held in public because justice must
be seen to be done and (b) that the accused person must know the
evidence against them. Arguably the more serious the charge which
the accused person faces the more important this is. What is suggested
as future legislation is a "wish list" that police,
intelligence services and governments would love to possess if
there were no restraint upon their powers. There is one possible
exception, the admissibility in court proceedings in the UK of
phone tap evidence. What is extraordinary is that this is evidence
whose use has been continuously long opposed only by the intelligence
We should not forget that the justification
for secret courts in SIAC to consider the cases of people interned
indefinitely without trial was in large part because phone tap
evidence was not used in court here. What are now being demanded
are secret courts and using phone tap evidence in normal court
proceedings. Secrecy for "intelligence" evidence is
a recipe for yet more misleading claims that, therefore, go untested.
There have been too many recent examples of deliberate manipulation
of "intelligence" for political purposes to think of
bringing in "secret" courts.
7. Extended powers of proscription
The government has also announced its intention
to proscribe "Hizb-ut-Tahrir" and any successor organisation
to "Al Muhajiroun" (point 9), extending the powers of
proscription under the Terrorism Act 2000 if necessary to cover
"extremist" as well as "terrorist" organisations.
Hizb-ut-Tahrir is a political organisation that has been committed
to non-violence for 50 years. Shami Chakrabarti of Liberty, is
correct to say that it is "unwise to emulate the banning
tendencies of Middle Eastern regimes that radicalised generations
of dissenters by similar policies".
It must also be pointed out that "proscription"
is an extremely serious sanction: members of a proscribed organisation
can be jailed for 10 years and many forms of active and passive
support are criminalised. Wearing clothing or displaying a symbol
suggesting support for a banned organisation, for example, carries
a five year jail sentence. There can be no justification for prosecuting
Hizb Ut Tahir and not the British National Party, whose members
have been accused of inciting and perpetrating violent racist
acts. In a democracy, neither should be proscribed. Those of us
who disagree with them should confront them politically. If their
members break the law they should be dealt with by the criminal
justice system.
Since the 7 July bombings there has been a UK-wide
increase in faith related and racially motivated attacks and widespread
violence against individuals, their homes and families, businesses
and places of worship. The British National Party has been distributing
leaflets with images from the London bombings and the question
"isn't it about time you started listening to the BNP"?
They have been spurred on"indirectly incited"
perhapsby a right-wing media intent on an "extremist"
witch-hunt. The government is not doing enough to confront this
form of extremism. On the contrary, some of its proposals pander
directly to it.
8. "Securing our borders"
The proposals to "secure Britain's borders"
have so far been limited to the creation of a database on international
extremists to be refused entry (discussed above) but are likely
to encompass a much wider agenda. The idea of a "border police"
has been floated, though it must be said that joint operations
of immigration and police officers increasingly resemble such
a force.
The government has been careful not be drawn
into debate around the unpopular ID cards bill and both Blair
and Clarke have been unequivocal in admitting that "all the
surveillance in the world" could not have prevented the London
bombings. Yet in the same breath, Mr Clarke was in Brussels on
the 13 July for a specially convened meeting of the EU Justice
and Home Affairs Council proposing to his 24 counterparts that
they all introduce a biometric ID card in response to the bombings.[233]
Predictably, the attacks were also used as a justification for
the long-standing and long-opposed proposal to introduce the mandatory
retention of all telecommunications data in the EU. Neither of
these measures are necessary to combat terrorism or legitimate
in a democratic society.
9. Good citizens and stop-and-search
Presenting the London bombings as an attack
on "our way of life", the government argues that the
problem is that "our freedom" and generosity has for
too long has allowed people to come to this country without fully
accepting "our values".
UK law already requires people being granted
British citizenship to take an English test, attend a "citizenship
ceremony" and swear allegiance to Britain and the monarchy
(something many existing British citizens would refuse). What
is now proposed by the government is an "Integration Commission"
to focus on "those parts of the community presently inadequately
integrated" (point 10 of the Blair statement). The irrevocable
flaw in this argument is of course, as one commentator succinctly
put it, that "being born in a barn doesn't make you a horse".
To prepare the ground for the integration commission
the prime minister duly dispatched Home Office minister Hazel
Blears on a bus tour of northern cities to reach out to young
Asian youth. Blears was a surprising choice because she had outraged
the Asian population before and after the bombings by telling
them that, contrary to the Race Relations Act, they should expect
to be disproportionately stop-and-searched.
"Why are you disaffected?", asked
a patronising Blears in Leeds, Bradford and elsewhere. There were
two overwhelming and entirely predictable responses: disproportionate
stop-and-search and UK foreign policy, particularly Iraq. Ignoring
these concerns can only add to any feelings of alienation and
A recent report from the Metropolitan Police
stated that the current stop and search practice has created deeper
racial tensions and severed valuable sources of community information
and criminal intelligence. Rather than extend the period of detention
of innocent people, the police should concentrate on improving
their intelligence whose failures have lead to huge resentment
on the part of the Muslim community.
New grounds for deportation and exclusion
Fostering hatred, advocating violence
to further a person's beliefs or justifying or validating such
Memorandum of Understanding with
Jordan and possibly 10 other countries.
Legislating specifically for a non-suspensive
appeal process in respect of deportations.
A list drawn up of specific extremist
websites, bookshops, centres, networks and particular organisations
of concern. Active engagement with any of these will be a trigger
for the home secretary to consider the deportation of any foreign
New anti-terrorism legislation
An offence of condoning or glorifying
terrorism. To be applied to justifying or glorifying terrorism
anywhere, not just in the UK.
Automatic refusal of asylum for anyone who has
participated in terrorism or has anything to do with it anywhere.
Extending powers to strip citizenships for those
acting in a way contrary to the interests of the country and applying
them to naturalised citizens engaged in extremism.
Maximum time limit for all future extradition
cases involving terrorism.
New court procedure to allow a pre-trial process.
Detention pre-charge of terrorists be significantly extended.
Extend use of control orders to British citizens
and those unable to be deported. Any breach will mean imprisonment.
Expand court capacity and appoint new special
judges for control orders and related issues.
Proscribe Hizb ut Tahrir and Al-Muhajiroun.
Expand the grounds for proscription in new legislation.
New citizenship tests and community integration
New powers to close extremist mosques. List
of Imams who are non-UK citizens who will be banned from Britain.
New measures for border controlsbiometric
International database of non desirables to
be denied entry to UK. Any appeals to take place out of UK.
Since the bombings in London in July 2005 the
police have succeeded in conducting widespread investigations
using the vast range of powers already available to them.
Throughout those same five weeks, however, we
have observed with fear and horror announcements by the government
of the steps it intends to take to change legal certainties that
it was previously believed would stand firm in all circumstances.
We are particularly concerned that the government is giving a
green light to racism and Islamaphobia and signalling a general
attack on freedom of expression in the Muslim community
We the following register our grave concerns,
and our total and stalwart opposition to the following steps proposed
by the government:
1. The removal of trial by jury for offences
linked to terrorism.
2. The hearing of evidence in secret by judges
and special advocates alone in terrorist trials with the accused
person not told of the evidence against them and no public accountability.
3. The deportation of individuals at risk
to regimes known to practise torture in reliance on "diplomatic
4. The extension of pre-charge detention
beyond the already lengthy 14 day period and the encouragement
it will give to arrest people about whom there is no reasonable
suspicion or intelligence.
5. The banning of organisations which are
not involved in terrorism or violence and do not advocate it such
as Hizb-ut-Tahrir.
6. The criminalisation of imams, bookshops,
mosques and organisations for the expression of legitimate religious
and political ideas (even if such ideas are thought to be offensive
or wrong) such as the adoption of sharia law.
7. The creation of new offences of indirect
incitement to terrorismeven though incitement to murder
is already a crimeand of acts preparatory to terrorismeven
though existing law already makes it an offence to be knowingly
involved in terrorism.
8. The amendment or repeal of the Human Rights
We have not forgotten the experiences of the
conflict in Northern Ireland and the lessons of the last 30 years
when the removal of fundamental rights and the creation of an
entire suspect community achieved nothing other than the continuation
of violence, fear, bitterness and the creation of an unbridgeable
divide. We call on the government to protect all of the people
by advocating a proper and judicious use of the existing law and
by realising that over-reaction will be deeply counterproductive.
228 Home Secretary announces new terrorism laws (20
July 2005): Back
ACPO proposals (21 July 2005): http://www.statewatch.org/news/2005/jul/acpo-terr-proposals.pdf Back
Prime minister's statement (5 July 2005): http://www.statewatch.org/news/2005/aug/02pm-terror-statement.htm Back
Home Office consultation document (5 July 2005): http://www.statewatch.org/news/2005/aug/uk-deportation.pdf Back
Council of Europe Convention on terrorism (2005): Back
Statewatch news online: http://www.statewatch.org/news/2005/jul/07eu-id-bio-plan.htm. Back
Report of the MPA Scrutiny on MPS Stop and search Practice,
May 2004. Back