Joint Committee On Human Rights Sixth Report

Bills and other legislative documents reported on by the Committee (Session 2006-07)

*indicates a Government Bill

Bills which engage human rights and on which the Committee has commented substantively are in bold

BILL TITLE                 REPORT NO

Bournemouth Borough Council Bill              2nd

Concessionary Bus Travel Bill*              3rd

Consolidated Fund Bill*                2nd

Consumers, Estate Agents and Redress Bill*            2nd

Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Bill*        2nd

Crossrail Bill*                    2nd

Digital Switchover (Disclosure of Information) Bill*          2nd

Fraud (Trials without a Jury) Bill*              2nd

Further Education and Training Bill*              2nd

Greater London Authority Bill*              2nd

Income Tax Bill*                  2nd

Investment Exchanges and Clearing Houses Bill*          2nd

Justice and Security (Northern Ireland) Bill*            5th

Legal Services Bill*                  3rd

London Local Authorities Bill                2nd

London Local Authorities and Transport for London Bill        2nd

Manchester City Council Bill                2nd

Mental Health Bill*                  4th

National Trust (Northern Ireland) Bill              2nd

Northern Ireland (St Andrews Agreement) Bill*          2nd

Offender Management Bill*                3rd

Planning-Gain Supplement (Preparations) Bill*          2nd

Pensions Bill*                    2nd

Sexual Orientation Regulations              6th

Statistics and Registration Service Bill*              2nd

Tribunals, Courts and Enforcement Bill*          2nd and 5th

Welfare Reform Bill*                  2nd

Whitehaven Harbour Bill                2nd

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Prepared 28 February 2007