Bills and other legislative documents
reported on by the Committee (Session 2006-07)
*indicates a Government Bill
Bills which engage human rights and on which the
Committee has commented substantively are in bold
Bournemouth Borough Council Bill 2nd
Concessionary Bus Travel Bill* 3rd
Consolidated Fund Bill* 2nd
Consumers, Estate Agents and Redress Bill* 2nd
Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide
Bill* 2nd
Crossrail Bill* 2nd
Digital Switchover (Disclosure of Information) Bill* 2nd
Fraud (Trials without a Jury) Bill* 2nd
Further Education and Training Bill* 2nd
Greater London Authority Bill* 2nd
Income Tax Bill* 2nd
Investment Exchanges and Clearing Houses Bill* 2nd
Justice and Security (Northern Ireland) Bill* 5th
Legal Services Bill* 3rd
London Local Authorities Bill 2nd
London Local Authorities and Transport for London
Bill 2nd
Manchester City Council Bill 2nd
Mental Health Bill* 4th
National Trust (Northern Ireland) Bill 2nd
Northern Ireland (St Andrews Agreement) Bill* 2nd
Offender Management Bill* 3rd
Planning-Gain Supplement (Preparations) Bill* 2nd
Pensions Bill* 2nd
Sexual Orientation Regulations 6th
Statistics and Registration Service Bill* 2nd
Tribunals, Courts and Enforcement Bill* 2nd
and 5th
Welfare Reform Bill* 2nd
Whitehaven Harbour Bill 2nd