Joint Committee On Human Rights - Tenth Report
Here you can browse the report together with the Proceedings of the Committee. The published report was ordered by the House of Lords and the House of Commons to be printed 22 March 2007.
Terms of Reference
1 Introduction
The context of our inquiry
Terms of reference
Evidence and visits
Structure of this report
Specialist advisers
2 Human Rights Principles
Common law principles relevant to the
Refugee Convention
Key human rights obligations
Positive and negative obligations
Prohibition of discrimination
Discrimination on the grounds of nationality
Physical or mental suffering generally
Financial support, accommodation and employment
Family life
Liberty of the person
Right to a fair trial and to a fair hearing
Freedom of expression
Vulnerable groups
Pregnant women
3 Access to Financial Support and Accommodation
Entitlement to support for asylum seekers
and refused asylum seekers
Permission to work
Administrative barriers to receiving support
Obstacles to claiming asylum in person
IND delays and errors in processing applications
Advice about entitlement to support
Support for asylum seekers
Section 55 of the Nationality, Immigration
and Asylum Act 2002
Section 9 of The Asylum and Immigration (Treatment
of Claimants etc) Act 2004
Availability of legal representation for
the asylum support appeal process
Immigration advice and representation
Inadequate housing
Support for refused asylum seekers (section
4 support)
Errors and delays in processing section 4
Section 4 vouchers
Housing for refused asylum seekers
Support from local authorities for asylum
seekers with care needs
4 Provision of healthcare
Secondary (hospital) treatment
Entitlement to secondary (hospital) treatment)
Effect of restrictions on access to free
hospital treatment
Maternity care
Misapplication of maternity rules by hospitals
Deterrent effect of the rules
Treatment for HIV/AIDS
Public health
Primary care (GP treatment)
Access to GP treatment
Access to interpreters
Charging policy
5 Treatment of children
The UK's reservation to the UN Convention
on the Rights of the Child (CRC)
Care of separated asylum seeking children
Level and quality of support
The Government's proposals for improving
support to separated children
Disputes over age
6 Detention and Removal
Fast track detention at the beginning of
the process
Detention of vulnerable adults
Detention of children
Detention with no imminent prospect of removal
Judicial oversight
Access to bail
Legal advice and representation
Treatment of asylum seekers in detention
Circumstances under which families are taken
into detention
Excessive use of force
7 Treatment by the media
Media coverage of asylum seekers
The rights and responsibilities of the press
Conclusions and recommendations
Formal Minutes
List of Written Evidence
Reports from the Joint Committee on Human
Rights in this Parliament
20 November 2006
4 December 2006
8 January 2007
22 January 2007
5 February 2007
21 February 2007
Written Evidence