Joint Committee On Human Rights Eighth Report

 Reports from the Joint Committee on Human Rights in this Parliament

The following Reports have been produced

Session 2007-08

First ReportGovernment Response to the Committee's Eighteenth Report of Session 2006-07: The Human Rights of Older People in Healthcare HL Paper 5/HC 72
Second ReportCounter-Terrorism Policy and Human Rights: 42 days HL Paper 23/HC 156
Third ReportLegislative Scrutiny: 1) Child Maintenance and Other Payments Bill; 2) Other Bills HL Paper 28/ HC 198
Fourth ReportGovernment Response to the Committee's Twenty-First Report of Session 2006-07: Human Trafficking: Update HL Paper 31/ HC 220
Fifth ReportLegislative Scrutiny: Criminal Justice and Immigration Bill HL Paper 37/HC 269
Sixth ReportThe Work of the Committee in 2007 and the State of Human Rights in the UK HL Paper 38/HC 270
Seventh ReportA Life Like Any Other? Human Rights of Adults with Learning Disabilities: Volume I Report and Formal Minutes HL Paper 40-I/HC 73-I
Seventh ReportA Life Like Any Other? Human Rights of Adults with Learning Disabilities: Volume II Oral and Written Evidence HL Paper 40-II/HC 73-II
Eighth ReportLegislative Scrutiny: Health and Social Care Bill HL Paper 46/HC 303

Session 2006-07
First ReportThe Council of Europe Convention on the Prevention of Terrorism HL Paper 26/HC 247
Second ReportLegislative Scrutiny: First Progress Report HL Paper 34/HC 263
Third ReportLegislative Scrutiny: Second Progress Report HL Paper 39/HC 287
Fourth ReportLegislative Scrutiny: Mental Health Bill HL Paper 40/HC 288
Fifth ReportLegislative Scrutiny: Third Progress Report HL Paper 46/HC 303
Sixth ReportLegislative Scrutiny: Sexual Orientation Regulations HL Paper 58/HC 350
Seventh ReportDeaths in Custody: Further Developments HL Paper 59/HC 364
Eighth ReportCounter-terrorism Policy and Human Rights:
Draft Prevention of Terrorism Act 2005
HL Paper 60/HC 365
Ninth ReportThe Meaning of Public Authority Under the Human Rights Act HL Paper 77/HC 410
Tenth ReportThe Treatment of Asylum Seekers: Volume I
Report and Formal Minutes
HL Paper 81-I/HC 60-I
Tenth ReportThe Treatment of Asylum Seekers: Volume II
Oral and Written Evidence
HL Paper 81-II/HC 60-II
Eleventh ReportLegislative Scrutiny: Fourth Progress Report HL Paper 83/HC 424
Twelfth ReportLegislative Scrutiny: Fifth Progress Report HL Paper 91/HC 490
Thirteenth ReportLegislative Scrutiny: Sixth Progress Report HL Paper 105/HC 538
Fourteenth ReportGovernment Response to the Committee's Eighth Report of this Session: Counter-Terrorism Policy and Human Rights: Draft Prevention of Terrorism Act 2005 (Continuance in force of sections 1 to 9 order 2007) HL Paper 106/HC 539
Fifteenth ReportLegislative Scrutiny: Seventh Progress Report HL Paper 112/HC 555
Sixteenth ReportMonitoring the Government's Response to Court Judgments Finding Breaches of Human Rights HL Paper 128/HC 728
Seventeenth Report Government Response to the Committee's Tenth Report of this Session: The Treatment of Asylum Seekers HL Paper 134/HC 790
Eighteenth ReportThe Human Rights of Older People in Healthcare: Volume I- Report and Formal Minutes HL Paper 156-I/HC 378-I
Eighteenth ReportThe Human Rights of Older People in Healthcare: Volume II- Oral and Written Evidence HL Paper 156-II/HC 378-II
Nineteenth ReportCounter-Terrorism Policy and Human Rights: 28 days, intercept and post-charge questioning HL Paper 157/HC 394
Twentieth ReportHighly Skilled Migrants: Changes to the Immigration Rules HL Paper 173/HC 993
Twenty-first Report Human Trafficking: Update HL Paper 179/HC 1056

Session 2005-06
First ReportLegislative Scrutiny: First Progress Report HL Paper 48/HC 560
Second ReportDeaths in Custody: Further Government
Response to the Third Report from the
Committee, Session 2004-05
HL Paper 60/HC 651
Third ReportCounter-Terrorism Policy and Human Rights: Terrorism Bill and related matters Volume I
Report and Formal Minutes
HL Paper 75-I/HC 561-I
Third ReportCounter-Terrorism Policy and Human Rights: Terrorism Bill and related matters Volume II Oral and Written Evidence HL Paper 75-II/
HC 561-II
Fourth ReportLegislative Scrutiny: Equality Bill HL Paper 89/HC 766
Fifth ReportLegislative Scrutiny: Second Progress Report HL Paper 90/HC 767
Sixth ReportLegislative Scrutiny: Third Progress Report HL Paper 96/HC 787
Seventh ReportLegislative Scrutiny: Fourth Progress Report HL Paper 98/HC 829
Eighth ReportGovernment Responses to Reports from the Committee in the last Parliament HL Paper 104/HC 850
Ninth ReportSchools White Paper HL Paper 113/HC 887
Tenth ReportGovernment Response to the Committee's Third Report of this Session: Counter-Terrorism Policy and Human Rights: Terrorism Bill and related matters HL Paper 114/HC 888
Eleventh ReportLegislative Scrutiny: Fifth Progress Report HL Paper 115/HC 899
Twelfth ReportCounter-Terrorism Policy and Human Rights:
Draft Prevention of Terrorism Act 2005 (Continuance in force of sections 1 to 9) Order 2006
HL Paper 122/HC 915
Thirteenth ReportImplementation of Strasbourg Judgments: First Progress Report HL Paper 133/HC 954
Fourteenth ReportLegislative Scrutiny: Sixth Progress Report HL Paper 134/HC 955
Fifteenth ReportLegislative Scrutiny: Seventh Progress Report HL Paper 144/HC 989
Sixteenth ReportProposal for a Draft Marriage Act 1949
(Remedial) Order 2006
HL Paper 154/HC 1022
Seventeenth Report Legislative Scrutiny: Eighth Progress Report HL Paper 164/HC 1062
Eighteenth ReportLegislative Scrutiny: Ninth Progress Report HL Paper 177/ HC 1098
Nineteenth ReportThe UN Convention Against Torture (UNCAT) Volume I Report and Formal Minutes HL Paper 185-I/
HC 701-I
Twentieth ReportLegislative Scrutiny: Tenth Progress Report HL Paper 186/HC 1138
Twenty-first Report Legislative Scrutiny: Eleventh Progress Report HL Paper 201/HC 1216
Twenty-second Report Legislative Scrutiny: Twelfth Progress Report HL Paper 233/HC 1547
Twenty-third Report The Committee's Future Working Practices HL Paper 239/HC 1575
Twenty-fourth Report Counter-Terrorism Policy and Human Rights: Prosecution and Pre-Charge Detention HL Paper 240/HC 1576
Twenty-fifth Report Legislative Scrutiny: Thirteenth Progress Report HL Paper 241/HC 1577
Twenty-sixth Report Human trafficking HL Paper 245-I/HC 1127-I
Twenty-seventh Report Legislative Scrutiny: Corporate Manslaughter
and Corporate Homicide Bill
HL Paper 246/HC 1625
Twenty-eighth Report Legislative Scrutiny: Fourteenth Progress Report HL Paper 247/HC 1626
Twenty-ninth Report Draft Marriage Act 1949 (Remedial) Order 2006 HL Paper 248/HC 1627
Thirtieth ReportGovernment Response to the Committee's Nineteenth Report of this Session: The UN Convention Against Torture (UNCAT) HL Paper 276/HC 1714
Thirty-first Report Legislative Scrutiny: Final Progress Report HL Paper 277/HC 1715
Thirty-second Report The Human Rights Act: the DCA and Home
Office Reviews
HL Paper 278/HC 1716

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Prepared 6 February 2008