17. The two proposed offences of bribing (clause
1) and being bribed (clause 2) apply to individuals who offer
or accept, directly or indirectly, an "advantage" of
any kind in connection with the "improper" performance
of the recipient's functions. The functions can include acts
of a public nature and, among other things, any act connected
to a business, trade, profession, or in the course of employment
in both the public and private sectors (clause 3(1)).
18. The offences are divided into six separate "cases"
or scenarios. Under each the prosecution has to prove an objective
test of "improper" performance based on whether a "reasonable
person" would consider that the recipient had breached an
expectation of "good faith", "impartiality"
or "trust" (clause 3). As considered below in para
19, knowledge or intention of improper performance must also be
proven by the prosecution in four of the statutory cases under
clauses 1 and 2 (cases 1 to 4).
Clarity of the "improper"
performance test
19. The task of creating a legal test that clearly
and predictably differentiates wrongful bribes from legitimate
payments proved too much for the 2003 draft Corruption Bill.
There was no shortage of alternative proposals put forward during
the most recent consultation exercise in 2007.[42]
The Law Commission argues that its proposed improper performance
test "strike[s] an acceptable balance between the need for
simplicity of expression, and the need for certainty in obligation",
before adding:
A jury will be perfectly capable of deciding
whether or not there was an expectation that R [the recipient]
would act in good faith or impartially, or was in a position of
trust, and if so, whether R failed to live up to expectations
or betrayed the position of trust.[43]
20. In order to ensure that the provision is fully
understood by businesses and other affected parties, the Law Commission
has suggested the following "lay summary" for clauses
1 to 3:
Do not make payments to someone (or favour them
in any other way) if you know that this will involve someone in
misuse of their position;
Do not misuse your position in connection with payments
(or other favours) for yourself or others.[44]
21. The Directors of Public Prosecutions and the
Serious Fraud Office and the Head of the Overseas Anti-Corruption
Unit of the City of London Police endorsed the Commission's view
that terms such as "good faith" could be applied by
a jury satisfactorily, based in part on their experience that
juries had not found it difficult to apply tests framed in similar
language under the Fraud Act 2006.[45]
The law firm, DLA Piper, also stated that it did not anticipate
difficulty in explaining the proposed offences to businesses that
would then need to comply with the law.[46]
Particularly strong support was offered by Dimitri Vlassis, Chief,
Crimes Convention Section in the Division for Treaty Affairs at
the United Nations, and Colin Nicholls QC of Three Raymond Buildings
who considered that the use of a test involving good faith, impartiality
and trust could become a model for bribery laws in other countries.[47]
22. On the other hand, relatively widespread concern
about the workability of the test was expressed by business and
some legal representatives. For instance, both the Confederation
of British Industry and the International Chamber of Commerce
(UK) viewed it as "unrealistic" to expect businesses
to adopt a "quasi-judicial role" by stepping into the
shoes of a "reasonable person" under the draft Bill's
objective test.[48]
Professor Horder sought to counter this argument by emphasising
that this is precisely what businesses are already required to
do when assessing potential liability for negligence or gross
23. The main objection to the new provision, however,
centred on the terms used in clause 3, including the potential
vagueness of "good faith", "impartiality"
and "trust". The Law Commission decided against giving
these terms a strict legal meaning, having been influenced by
representations from the senior judiciary that these should not
be linked to their civil law equivalents.[50]
Lawrence Hammond of Thales UK, among others, called for the clarification
of the terms, either on the face of the Bill or through guidance:
[I]f those particular concepts are not to have
their civil law meanings and connotations the question is what
meanings do they have [
] One thing that businesses want
is to stay out of the courts and therefore clarity of their obligations
in advance [is important].[51]
24. Professor Horder argued that clauses 1 to 3 used
"ordinary English words" which a jury should be trusted
to apply with "common sense", although he considered
that additional guidance could be issued about their meaning.[52]
Jeremy Cole of the law firm Lovells did not agree that the language
was clear, and stated that the "over-complicated" and
"distracting sub-tests" should be removed, leaving an
unqualified test of "improper" performance:
These terms [such as "good faith",
"impartiality", etc] seem to serve the function of glosses
on the core question of whether the function was performed properly.
As such, they add little and introduce scope for confusion. If
a judge feels that the particular case being tried would be more
easily understood by the jury if a term such as 'good faith' were
used in summing up, then that judge would be free to use it.
A judge should not be forced to explain, nor should a jury be
forced to consider, every case in those terms.[53]
25. The benefits of using an unqualified test were
doubted by Professor Horder, who stated that it increased the
risk of uncertainty and inconsistency:
For a start, too few cases are litigated in the
higher courts for such a policy to get off the ground; and in
any event, this is not an appropriate area for piecemeal common
law development.[54]
He also rejected the alternative of adding detailed
"stipulative definitions" to provide greater certainty
on the grounds that this would risk making the law too complex,
rigid and potentially subject to argument about unforeseen gaps.[55]
26. The Confederation of British Industry was joined
by the International Chamber of Commerce (UK), among others, in
calling for an amendment to clarify that "all the circumstances"
can be taken into account when assessing the expectations of a
reasonable person:
We believe that [the] situation would be significantly
improved if Clause 3, sub-clause 8, had the phrase 'in all the
circumstances' added. It would therefore read, 'For the purposes
of this section, the test of what is expected is a test of what
a reasonable person would expect in all the circumstances'. This
would ensure that evidence pertaining to all the circumstances
would be admissible & it would avoid the criminalisation of
activity that was a genuine mistake or misunderstanding, or where
the activity involves bona fide corporate hospitality or promotion.[56]
27. We also considered the alternative of retaining
the current legal term "corruptly" as the test to differentiate
between bribes and legitimate payments. The Director of Public
Prosecutions stated that the test had worked adequately in practice,
although he noted that the small number of cases and a wide range
of charging options might have masked potential difficulties associated
with this test.[57]
Professor Horder accepted that "corruptly" had the attraction
of simplicity, but stated that it was a "very vague term"
the meaning of which had been subject to inconsistent decisions.[58]
In particular, the Law Commission concluded that a "lack
of clarity surrounding this critical adverb weakens the effective
application of the [current] law".[59]
Colin Nicholls QC and Bond, the UK membership body for non-governmental
organisations working in international development, expressed
their preference for the approach taken in the draft Bill.[60]
28. Jeremy Carver of Transparency International UK
emphasised that the Law Commission's proposals represented the
outcome of years of compromise on differing views over the best
way forward. He was sceptical whether, in view of this, it would
be prudent to introduce significant amendments.[61]
We note that no witness pressed for the Bill to be abandoned
in favour of starting again. The improper performance model also
gained widespread support during the consultation process and,
according to Professor Horder, broadly reflects the law in several
other countries including France, Germany and Italy.[62]
The concept of an advantage being "undue" or "improper"
is itself rooted in various international agreements, including
the OECD and UN conventions.[63]
Scope of "improper"
29. It is important that the draft Bill, like any
criminal legislation, does not catch conduct that in common acceptance
should not be viewed as criminal. Equally, it must not leave
any gap which allows a plainly wrongful act to remain outside
the criminal law.
30. The Law Commission's proposals are intended to
avoid catching simple breaches of contract or minor tortuous wrongs.[64]
While the Law Commission acknowledged that there will remain
"grey areas", it considered that appropriate outcomes
would be achieved by the "improper" performance test.
For example:
- Paying a security guard a higher
salary to leave their existing job in order to work for a competitor
might amount to the tort of wrongful interference with contractual
relations, but would not in the Law Commission's view be a bribe
because there would be no breach of impartiality or trust;
- Paying a security guard to turn a blind eye while
a theft takes place would also amount to the tort of wrongful
interference with contractual relations, but would amount to a
bribe because there would be a breach of a position of trust.
31. We considered the scenario of a senior banker
being asked by a rival bank to induce his or her trading team
to join that rival in return for increased remuneration, including
whether or not this would breach an expectation of good faith.
James Maton of the UK Anti-Corruption Forum agreed that it would
be caught by the offence and stated that this illustrated the
potential for the draft Bill to criminalise acts that are "best
dealt with in the civil courts".[65]
While the same potential was acknowledged by Monty Raphael of
the law firm Peters and Peters, he also observed that it is difficult
for offences to apply satisfactorily to every type of "conduct
or delinquency".[66]
He considered that prosecutorial discretion should be relied
upon to ensure that criminal charges were pursued only where appropriate.[67]
32. Professor Horder noted that such concerns could
be addressed by the insertion of a "for guidance" provision
in the draft Bill, as follows:
'In relation to "improper performance",
a person shall not be found guilty under clauses x to x simply
in virtue of having committed a wrong in civil law'; or, less
'In relation to "improper performance"
the jury should be directed to take into account whether the defendant's
acts amounted to no more than a civil wrong.'[68]
He did not, however, consider that inserting such
a provision would be particularly helpful, given his view that
the main solution to the potential problem was to trust the "collective
common sense of judges and jurors".[69]
On the specific example of the senior banker, he stated that whether
such an action would be caught by the Bill's provisions would
depend on the circumstances:
If the other firm has said simply, 'look, there
will be advantages for all of you in coming here in salary terms',
then I don't see a jury finding bribery, or even a judge leaving
a case for the jury to consider.
However, it is certainly possible - and not in
my view wrong - for the jury to have a harder look if the banker
has received a specific secret commission to persuade his or her
fellow traders to switch firms. In principle, is it wrong for
the judge/jury to consider that a genuine candidate for bribery?
I don't believe that it is.[70]
33. There are examples of gaps in the current law
that would be addressed under the draft Bill. For instance, we
note the position of Parliament itself in our chapter on parliamentary
privilege. We heard arguments, however, that two scenarios in
particular would not be covered by the draft Bill:
- A member of the public who
is paid to vote for a particular candidate during an election
may not be subject to an expectation of good faith, impartiality
or trust;[71]
- An agreement between two Boards of Directors
to divide up market share between themselves may also not give
rise to an expectation of good faith, impartiality or trust.
34. The Law Commission stated that these kinds of
issue would be caught by other (more appropriate) criminal offences
forming part of competition or electoral law.[72]
Professor Horder argued that there were therefore no remaining
gaps, provided that the draft Bill was seen as one part of the
wider range of offences available to prosecutors.[73]
Several witnesses agreed, including the Director of Public
( We note in particular the overlap between bribery
and conspiracy to defraud).
"Improper" performance:
our view
35. We endorse the "improper" performance
test that has been developed by the Law Commission to distinguish
bribes from legitimate conduct under the two proposed offences
of bribing (clause 1) and being bribed (clause 2). In particular,
the reliance on a reasonable person's expectation of "good
faith", "impartiality" and "trust" represents
a careful balance between simplicity, certainty and effectiveness.
It also takes into account the approach adopted in other countries
and international anti-bribery conventions.
36. We do not consider that the proposals in the
draft Bill, taken together with existing criminal offences, will
leave any gaps in the law. We do, however, acknowledge the concern
that conduct which ought to be viewed as a civil wrong may, in
future, be criminalised. The limited time for completing our
inquiry has prevented us from exploring possible solutions to
this problem, although we note the potential for developing an
effective "avoidance of doubt" provision. The Government
must address this issue before introducing the Bill into Parliament
in order to minimise the need for reliance on prosecutorial discretion
and maximise certainty for all those who will be asked to comply
with, and enforce, the new law.
Cultural differences
37. A discrete, but important, issue concerns the
circumstances in which different cultural practices can be taken
into account under the "reasonable person's" expectation
of good faith, impartiality and trust. In particular, the standards
of conduct in the United Kingdom and European Union are not "universally
The draft Bill avoids these challenges to a great extent by adopting
an alternative test in relation to the bribery of foreign public
officials under clause 4, addressed below (in chapter 4). However
the offences under clauses 1 to 3 will apply to acts abroad within
the private sector and (potentially) acts in the public sector,
including attempts to influence candidates standing for public
office overseas.[76]
38. The Law Commission has stated that individuals
should not be able to escape conviction simply because their otherwise
criminal conduct amounts to a tolerated practice abroad.[77]
On the other hand it accepts that some cultural norms, including
the extent to which one country entertains more lavishly than
another, should be taken into account as part of the test of whether
an expectation of good faith, impartiality or trust has been breached.[78]
This leaves a difficult dividing line to be drawn. The Director
of the Serious Fraud Office anticipated that expert evidence on
local practices and conditions would routinely be called as part
of this exercise.[79]
We note that this could substantially increase the cost and complexity
of a trial.
39. Colin Nicholls QC warned that taking account
of cultural differences could lead to "gaps" emerging
in the law.[80] Concerns
of this kind led Monty Raphael to draw an analogy with a "single
criminality" approach under which a British juror would apply
British standards irrespective of the cultural context in which
the offence took place.[81]
The Director of Public Prosecutions stated that he was "slightly
uncomfortable with it being an English or British test".
He favoured an approach based on the emerging "international
law of accepted behaviour" or a test that at least took account
of "some factors" which differ between countries:
I would approach it on the basis that it is a
test which is not tied to the local conditions where the function
is exercised. It is objective in the sense that it is outside
those local conditions. That allows some regard to be had to the
sorts of approaches there are around the world.[82]
40. The Law Commission stated that one possibility
was requiring juries to apply the standards of a "person
of moral integrity". It nonetheless accepted that the issue
would need to be addressed, through the development of guidelines
for juries.[83] Continuing
uncertainty over the approach of the draft Bill to this issue
led Jeremy Cole to propose the provision of an explanatory note
spelling out the test to be adopted. For the same reason Professor
Wells suggested that it might be desirable to add an "avoidance
of doubt" provision on the face of the Bill.[84]
41. While we accept that it may occasionally be
appropriate to consider cultural variations on issues such as
hospitality, a careful line needs to be drawn. The draft Bill
must in general prevent individuals from relying on local customs
to justify corrupt practices, otherwise its effectiveness will
be seriously undermined. We see merit in the Law Commission's
proposal that jurors should apply the standards of a "person
of moral integrity". Nevertheless, the evidence that we
received revealed continuing uncertainties over what this would
mean in practice. The Government should clarify its intended
approach to the important and difficult matter of cultural variations
before the Bill is introduced.
Knowledge and intention: clause
42. The active bribery offence (clause 1) requires
an individual to know or intend that the recipient has improperly
performed, or will improperly perform, their functions. With
the exception of case 3, there is no requirement for knowledge
or intention under the passive bribery offence (clause 2, cases
4 to 6). This has the effect that a recipient can be convicted
of being bribed under clause 2 based on an objective assessment
of their fault, but without proof of subjective wrongdoing.
43. A number of witnesses described clause 2 (cases
4 to 6) as an "absolute" or strict liability offence,
which they viewed as being inconsistent with the seriousness of
a bribery conviction.[85]
In particular, Clifford Chance highlighted that it risked catching
individuals for an act which "may flow from a misunderstanding,
or a mistake [
] rather than from any criminal intent"
and was therefore potentially non-compliant with human rights
legislation.[86] Similarly,
Louise Delahunty of Simmons and Simmons stated that the lack of
intention in cases 4 to 6 offended "basic principles"
and set a potentially dangerous precedent.[87]
44. Proof of knowledge or intention (under cases
4 to 6) was regarded as "superfluous" by Professor Horder.
He noted that a strong majority of those who responded on this
issue as part of the Law Commission's consultation were in favour
of the approach taken by the draft bill:
[I]t is vital that companies know what they can
and cannot do, in seeking to secure business from other companies
and from Governments. In that regard, as I said to the Committee,
P's [i.e. the payer's] acting on an intention that R [i.e. the
recipient] should behave improperly provides the 'line in the
sand' that must not be crossed.
However, when it comes to R's conduct, matters
are different because R is occupying a role (customs officer;
judge, European sales manager, managing director; security guard
etc) which is partly defined by its good faith, or trust, or impartiality
requirements. That has the following consequence.
To insist that the prosecution prove that R knew
that he or she was not meant to depart from these obligations
is a bit like asking the prosecution to show, in a case where
a nurse has stolen from a patient, that the nurse was aware that
it was a breach of trust in the nurse-patient relationship to
steal from patients. To require proof of that would be superfluous.[88]
The Secretary of State for Justice described it as
"wholly improbable" that an individual could improperly
perform their functions without knowledge or intention. He joined
Professor Horder in stating that prosecutorial discretion and
broad sentencing powers could be used to prevent injustice if
such an "exceptional" situation should arise.[89]
45. The Attorney General agreed.[90]
She also emphasised that this approach was an important part of
changing the culture in which taking a bribe is seen as acceptable.[91]
As Monty Raphael of Peters and Peters stated:
[I]t is meant to deter people, either public
officials or those in a position of trust, fiduciary positions,
from holding their hands out. This is meant to [make people] think
twice before they ask [for] or receive anything [
] I do
not see the harm in that.[92]
46. On balance we support the provisions in the
draft Bill that enable a person to be convicted of being bribed
(clause 2) without proof of knowledge or intention, notwithstanding
that subjective fault should ordinarily be required by the criminal
law. This policy forms an important part of changing the culture
in which taking a bribe is viewed as acceptable. In particular,
we think that it should encourage anyone who is expected to act
in good faith, impartially or under a position of trust, to think
twice before accepting an advantage for their personal gain.
Overlapping offences
47. The criminal law includes a wide range of offences
that are likely to overlap with the proposed bribery offences
under the draft Bill. These include:
- The common law offences of
misconduct in public office and conspiracy to defraud;
- Dishonesty offences under the Theft and Fraud
- Corruption at elections under the Political Parties,
Elections and Referendums Act 2000 and the Representation of the
People Act 1983, including its offence of bribery (s.113);
- The sale of honours under the Honours (Prevention
of Abuses) Act 1925.
48. The Law Commission decided to concentrate on
developing new proposals for bribery rather than undertaking a
broader rationalisation of the law. It stated that some degree
of overlap with other offences was "unavoidable" and
best resolved by prosecutors deciding on the appropriate charge
before commencing criminal proceedings.[93]
Several witnesses agreed with this approach, dwelling in particular
on the benefit of retaining some narrowly focused offences and
on the danger that any more ambitious project for reform would
result in delay.[94]
49. The Public Administration Select Committee urged
us, however, to consider whether the Honours (Prevention of Abuses)
1925 represented a particularly ripe candidate for consolidation.[95]
This was in light of the Law Commission's assessment that the
draft Bill's offences were "sufficiently broad" to catch
the 1925 Act's offences.[96]
Professor Horder accepted that there might be potential to repeal
the 1925 Act but only, if at all, once some time had passed "to
see if, indeed, other legislation is now necessary". He
stated that the Act could be reviewed in due course by the Law
Commission's Statute Law Repeals Division.[97]
50. Once the operation of a Bribery Act has become
established, the Government should ask the Law Commission to review
the Honours (Prevention of Abuses) Act 1925 to determine whether
it remains necessary in light of the new offences.
42 Law Commission, Reforming Bribery, No 313,
November 2008, paras 3.78 to 3.225 Back
BB06, para 06 Back
Law Commission, Reforming Bribery, No 313, November 2008,
para 3.227 Back
Q369 (Keir Starmer QC); Q369 (Richard Alderman); Q369 (Detective
Chief Superintendent Steve Head) Back
BB20 Back
BB56, para 1.14; Back
BB03, paras 34 to 36; BB7, para 9 Back
Q10 Back
Law Commission, Reforming Bribery, No 313, November 2008,
paras 3.88 to 3.98 Back
Q327 Back
BB06, para 2; Back
BB39, para 1.4 Back
BB06, para 2 Back
Q10 Back
BB46, para 4; BB23 Back
BB48; Q370 (Keir Starmer QC) Back
Q10 Back
BB06, para 2; Law Commission, Reforming Bribery, No 313,
November 2008, para 2.33 Back
BB56; Q76 (Colin Nicholls QC); BB33 Back
Q521 Back
BB15; Q510 (Nicola Bonucci; William Yiu Wah Loo) Back
UNCAC, Articles 5, 15 and 16; OECD Convention, Article 1 Back
A "tortious" wrong refers to any form of civil liability
under the law of tort, including wrongful interference with contractual
relations. See the Law Commission, Reforming Bribery, No
313, November 2008, paras 3.158 to 3.161; No 185, paras 5.32 to
5.35 Back
Q265 Back
Q349 Back
Q349; Q351 Back
BB12, para 2 Back
BB12, para 2 Back
BB12, para 1 Back
Law Commission, Reforming Bribery, No 313, November 2008,
para C17 Back
BB06, para 4; Law Commission, Reforming Bribery, No 313,
November 2008, para C17 Back
Q53; Law Commission, Reforming Bribery, No 313, November
2008, para C17 Back
Q107 (Professor Wells); BB39, para 2; BB51 Back
Law Commission, Reforming Bribery , No 313, November 2008,
para 5.99 citing HM Council of Circuit Judges Back
Q15 Back
Q22 Back
Law Commission, Reforming Bribery, No 313, November 2008,
para 3.116 Back
Q379 (Keir Starmer QC) Back
Q85 Back
Q357 Back
Q376 (Keir Starmer QC) Back
Law Commission, Reforming Bribery, No 313, Novembeer 2008,
paras 3.178 to 3.179 Back
Q93; BB39, para 1.1(c) Back
BB03, para 39 (International Chamber of Commerce (UK)); BB07,
para 8 (Confederation of British Industry) Back
BB05, para 12 Back
BB05, para 12; Q344 Back
BB12, para 3 Back
Q566 (Jack Straw MP); BB12 (Professor Horder) Back
BB60 Back
Q674: This is not contradicted by the need for intention under
case 3 of clause 2. The purpose of case 3 is to fill the vacuum
that would otherwise exist under cases 4 to 6 in circumstances
where the recipient accepted an advantage while intending (but
not proceeding) to improperly perform their functions. Back
Q348 Back
Law Commission, Reforming Bribery, No 313, November 2008,
HC35; see also pp5-12 and 179-189 Back
For example see BB51 Back
BB17 Back
Law Commission, Reforming Bribery, No 313, November 2008,
para C32 Back
BB06, para 5 Back