Draft Bribery Bill - Joint Committee on the Draft Bribery Bill Contents


1Professor Jeremy Horder (BB 01)
2Ministry of Justice (BB 02)
3ICC United Kingdom (BB 03)
4UK Anti-Corruption Forum (BB 04)
5Clifford Chance LLP (BB 05)
6Professor Jeremy Horder (BB 06)
7CBI (BB 07)
8Federation of Small Businesses (BB 08)
9Clerk of the House of Commons (BB 09)
10GC 100 (BB 10)
11Clerk of the Parliaments (BB 11)
12Professor Jeremy Horder (BB 12)
13The Corner House (BB 13)
14Serious Fraud Office (BB 14)
15Professor Wells (BB 15)
16Director of Public Prosecutions (BB 16)
17Chairman of the Public Administration Select Committee (BB 17)
18Chairman of the International Development Committee (BB 18)
19BG Group (BB 19)
20DLA Piper UK LLP (BB 20)
21Professor Jeremy Horder (BB 21)
22Professor Wells (BB 22)
23ICC (BB 23)
24BAE Systems (BB 24)
25Professor Jeremy Horder (BB 25)
26Norton Rose LLP (BB 26)
27Thales UK (BB 27)
28Lockheed Martin UK (BB 28)
29The Corner House (BB 29)
30UK Anti-Corruption Forum (BB 30)
31OECD (BB 31)
32PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP (BB 32)
33BOND (BB 33)
34Reynolds Porter Chamberlain LLP (BB 34)
35Global Witness (BB 35)
36ICC (BB 36)
37Professor Jeremy Horder (BB 37)
38GRECO (BB 38)
39Jeremy Cole (BB 39)
40Louise Delahunty (BB 40)
41Ministry of Justice (BB 41)
42Ministry of Justice (BB 42)
43Ministry of Justice (BB 43)
44Ministry of Justice (BB 44)
45DMA and SBAC (BB 45)
46CBI (BB 46)
47Serious Fraud Office (BB 47)
48Director of Public Prosecutions (BB 48)
49Herbert Smith LLP (BB 49)
50Interchange Solutions (BB 50)
51Monty Raphael (BB 51)
52Ministry of Justice (BB 52)
53Ministry of Justice (BB 53)
54Transparency International (UK) (BB 54)
55The Corner House (BB 55)
56Colin Nicholls QC (BB56)
57US Department of Justice (BB57)
58DCS Stephen Head (BB 58)
59OECD (BB 59)
60Attorney General (BB 60)
61  Chairman of the Joint Committee on Human Rights (BB61)

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Prepared 28 July 2009