Legislative Scrutiny: Equality Bill - Human Rights Joint Committee Contents

Memorandum submitted by the Bhagwan Valmiki Trust

  In view of the forthcoming Single Equality Bill unveiled by the Government of the UK on 26 June 2008, we would like to bring your attention on caste based discriminations that is gradually establishing roots amongst the Asian communities in the UK.

  We understand that a number of representations were made during the Equalities Review Consultation process and calls to evidence during 2005 but this matter has not been addressed at the drafting stage.

  We are very much concerned that since caste plays a vital part in regulating every day social life of the Asian Communities in the UK and based on Caste injustices are being perpetuated in the name of multiculturalism among the Asians living in Britain.

  Caste Discrimination engenders group closure where certain Caste Groups maintain boundaries separating themselves from others. These groups deploy exclusion devices limiting and prohibiting inter-marriages or restrictions on social contacts; where social contact is possible when the individual is reminded of the Caste group and Caste status and its position in the Hierarchy of Castes.

  In Britain, Caste operates at a much more subtle and sophisticated level. This is the reason why Caste discrimination has escaped the attention of the authorities and the public in the UK so far. Unfortunately there are cases of Caste discriminations on employments, marriages, inter-dinning, worshipping places etc. It's about time that this serious Human Rights violation issue receives the deserving attention of the Authorities, the Government of the UK, Parliamentarians and other International Human Rights Agencies.

  For example, Inter Caste marriages are frowned upon, if not forbidden. Couples have faced hatred and violence when such marriages are contemplated. Matrimonial sections of the Asian newspapers and Asian Marriage Bureau run Caste based matrimonial advertisements.

  Religious places of worship are divided along Caste lines. For example there are Valmiki Temples, Ravidasia Temples, whole range of Hindu temples named after myriads of gods/goddesses and whole variety of Sikh temples eg Ramgarhia Bibi Nanaki, Dashmesh temple, Guru Nanak etc. All of these have Caste overtones. Many Hindu based organisations openly display their castes eg All India Association (UK), Bardai Brahmin Samaj etc.

  Caste masquerades as entertainment in Punjabi Bhangra Music. This kind of music is regularly broadcast on Radio and Television where the Jat Caste songs are broadcast. (Jats are a predominant agricultural Caste in the Punjab), Caste is also manifest on the factory floor, in pubs and clubs usually through chauvinism and sometimes direct discrimination can result in hatred and violence. Inter-Caste marriages lead to the couple being shunned by so-called higher Caste parents. Caste based name calling in schools that lead to Caste awareness being created leading to bullying and violence.

  In schools, Caste is taught in the religious educational curriculum as a religiously sanctioned hierarchy without an opportunity being provided to challenge the premises upon which it is based.

  In the interest to promote Social Cohesion, we urge the Government to initiate an effective investigation and survey of Caste based discrimination and take cognisance of the blighting affects the most pernicious form of discrimination on the affected Asian communities in the UK.

  Hence, I ask you to take necessary action so as to include "Caste" based Discrimination in the Single Equality Bill to do justice to the millions of the downtroddens in the UK.

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