Legislative Scrutiny: Equality Bill - Human Rights Joint Committee Contents

Memorandum submitted by Kailash Kaler

  We would like to bring to your notice that the theme of Caste based discrimination has not been reflected in the themes of the Single Equality Bill unveiled by the Government on 26 June 2008. Even though representations were made during the Equalities Review in 2005 and during the consultation processes the theme of Caste based discrimination has escaped the concerns of the Government and also not being reflected in any of the documents, statements or draft of the Government thus the Single Equality Bill would not be able to address the hidden inequalities. Hence the incorporation of a provisions in the Single Equality Bill against Caste based discrimination will address the hidden inequalities among the Asian communities.

  The Caste System being practiced in South East Asia has come along with Asians who migrated to Britain and vehemently practiced there and this you could find that Asian's in Britain primarily relate with each other on Caste basis hence limiting each others contact, forming boundaries, Caste groups and Caste Status. This has a huge negative impact in the development of the Asian community and undermines the Government's effort to annihilate any hidden inequalities in the society.

  In the UK the practice of Caste discrimination could be found in lives of the Asian communities such as people only marry in their own Caste and have social relationship only with their Caste members. If anyone tends to marry out of their caste that will lead to society abandoning the couple and the couples are faced with hatred and violence and they are ostracised. The portrayal of Caste could also be seen in the matrimonial sections of the Asian newspaper columns and marriage bureaus. You could also find that the places of worship are based on Caste and each different temple depicts one's Case eg Ramgarhia, Valmik Temples, Ravidasia temple and other Asian temples. There are also organisation on caste supremacy such as All India Brahmin Association (UK), Bardai Brahmin Samaj and so on. Caste is also propagated through media and could be found in Jat Caste songs is an example of such instances. Caste prejudices could be found even in Asian work places and other Asian social places. Asians are more Caste conscious and hence destroy the element of community cohesion.

  Caste is taught in the religious educational curriculum but an analytical thinking of the nature of the Caste and its repercussion in the society is not given to the students. On account of which children develop Caste awareness leading to caste bullying, caste names and hence unknowingly sowing the seed of Caste hatred in the young age leading to a divided society.

  Caste based discrimination is detrimental for the development of the Asian community and the Nation. It is a barrier for the community cohesion leaving Britain with divided societies and nullifying the effort of the Government to bring community cohesion. Go because of it's hidden nature we request the Government to undertake a special review on Caste based discrimination and incorporate in the Single Equality Bill the provision to annihilate Caste based discrimination to experience a fairer cohesive community.

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