Memorandum submitted by the Ministry of
Justice in reponse to the Committee's letters of 12 and 17 February
1. Would the Government accept that the extension
of the duty to investigate all deaths in mental health institutions,
including deaths of patients who had voluntarily undertaken treatment,
would be an human rights enhancing measure?
The Government does not consider that extending
the duty in clause 1 to include any death in mental health institutions
where the person was there voluntarily would be a human rights
enhancing measure.
Deaths in mental health institutions involving
patients who had voluntarily undertaken treatment do not necessarily
engage Article 2 of the ECHR and in those circumstances an obligatory
investigation is not considered necessary. Article 2 is most likely
to be engaged in relation to deaths which are unnatural or where
the cause of death is unknown and a death in those circumstances
would fall to be investigated under clause 1(2)(a) or (b) in any
The Government has decided that there should
be a statutory requirement for an investigation only when a person
is detained in a mental health institution involuntarily. If there
was a requirement for an investigation into the natural death
of a patient voluntarily in a mental health institution this could
arguably extend to a requirement for a coroner's investigation
into deaths in any kind of state care, including in hospitals
where there was no suggestion of negligence. This would neither
be practical nor be in the interests of bereaved families.
2. Does the Government accept that there may
be cases where the HRA may not apply, or where the scope of the
Convention may not be clear, but where the wider public interest
in the right to life, the right to be free from inhuman and degrading
treatment and the common law right to dignity might be served
by a wider Middleton-type investigation into the circumstances
of an individual death of the kind contemplated under Clause 5(2)?
3. In such cases, does the Government accept
that a wider, Middleton-type investigation and inquest would provide
an opportunity to learn valuable lessons, to prevent the occurrence
or continuation of circumstances creating a risk of other deaths
or to eliminate or reduce the risk of such deaths (and so, reduce
the risk of future Article 2 ECHR violations)?
4. Accordingly, does the Government accept
that the Coroner should have a residual discretion to undertake
a Middleton-type investigation and inquest in circumstances where
the public interest might be best served by doing so even if those
circumstances are outside the strict ambit of Clause 5(2)?
The Government does accept that deaths may occur
in circumstances where Convention rights are not engaged but where,
nonetheless, the broader circumstances of a death should be investigated.
The Government accepts that in answering the statutory questions
in clause 5(1)(a) (who the deceased was and how, when and where
the deceased came by his or her death), a coroner has discretion
to investigate the broader circumstances of a death where appropriate,
even where Convention rights are not engaged.
The purpose of clause 5(2) is to confirm that
the purpose set out in clause 5(1)(b) of a coroner's investigation
to determine how, when and where the deceased came by his or her
death includes ascertaining in what circumstances the deceased
came by his or her death where necessary to avoid a breach of
Convention rights. Whilst clause 5(2) only requires the circumstances
of a death to be investigated where necessary to avoid a breach
of Convention rights, it does not prevent the circumstances of
a death from being investigated in any other case. The scope of
a coroner's investigation is a matter of discretion for the coroner
and clause 5(2) merely sets out the minimum requirements.
The deaths which will fall within the ambit
of clause 5(2) will often require a narrative verdict, but a narrative
verdict may be given by a coroner (or jury) in a case falling
outside clause 5(2) and the clause does not prevent this.
5. Please explain why the Government considers
that it is appropriate to remove the existing provision for compulsory
jury inquests in cases where the health and safety of the public
may be at risk, bearing in mind the Convention rights that will
generally be engaged in such cases.
It is rare for juries to be appointed under
what is currently section 8(3)(d) of the Coroners Act 1988 (we
believe that, at least in part, this is due to there being some
confusion about what the criterion means in practice), consequently
we consider that the provision is no longer needed. There are
three further points to makefirstly, a coroner will have
discretion to call a jury under clause 7(3), secondly, a jury
is not necessarily required in cases where Convention rights are
engaged, and thirdly coroners will remain independent judicial
office holders under the Bill and with their specialised expertise
drawn from a wealth of coronial experience will be better qualified
than most to assess when the health and safety of the public may
be at risk.
6. What additional circumstances would be
required for a jury to be summoned (what would be a "sufficient
reason" for a jury inquest?) and would these circumstances
include cases where a risk to the health and safety of the public
was engaged and where a report from the coroner may be necessary
to avoid future deaths?
A coroner has discretion to summon a jury in
any case falling outside clause 7(2) where he or she thinks there
is sufficient reason for doing so (clause 7(3)). For the reasons
given above, this is unlikely to include cases where there was
a risk to the health and safety of the public or where a report
under paragraph 6 of Schedule 4 might be given (which would seldom
be known in advance of the inquest). It is far more likely to
include cases where it is felt that the public interest in a case
was such that the coroner considered that the additional scrutiny
and independence of a jury would be beneficial. However, when
in post, it is likely that the Chief Coroner will want to consider
further how coroners should exercise their discretion in relation
to summoning juries, and he or she is likely to issue appropriate
7. Does the Government consider that public
confidence in the outcome of the inquest, and in the process as
a whole, will be diminished by a reduction in jury numbers from
7-11 to 6-9, particularly in cases where Convention rights are
engaged, and if not, why not?
In the vast majority of jury inquests, the number
of jurors will be 9, two more than the current minimum. Having
a lower number of 6, only one less than the current minimum, simply
means that if jurors drop out during a long inquest, there is
greater flexibility for proceedings to continue. The Government
does not think public confidence will be affected. During the
extensive public consultation on the coroners' provisions since
2006, concern about this issue has been negligible.
8. I would be grateful if you could confirm
that these provisions are not intended to change the current position
under the Coroners Rules, and where a finding which might point
to responsibility for a death is required by the Convention, that
finding would not be inconsistent with the proposals in Clause
We can confirm that it is not intended that
clause 10(2) should change the current position under rule 42
of the Coroners Rules 1984. Clause 10(2) is concerned with the
way that a determination is framed and it is not intended that
it should prevent a coroner or jury considering facts bearing
on civil or criminal liability in order to reach a determination.
A determination pointing to responsibility for a death will not
offend clause 10(2) provided it is framed so as not to appear
to determine any question of criminal liability on the part of
a named person or any question of civil liability.
9. I would also be grateful if you could confirm
that the Government intend verdicts such as `unlawful killing'
or `death as a result of neglect' to remain open to coroners?
The content and format of determinations will
be considered, and consulted on, when the rules are drafted.
10. Do you accept that the exclusion of findings
which `appear to determine' civil or criminal liability could
lead to some ambiguity and unnecessary caution on the part of
a Coroner or a jury keen not to appear to determine liability?
Clause 10(2) was taken from the equivalent provision
in rule 42 of the Coroners Rules 1984, which in turn was taken
from rule 33 of the Coroners Rules 1953 and so it has been followed
by coroners and juries for decades. There has been caution in
the past but it is now clear that verdicts of `unlawful killing'
and `death as a result of neglect' do not offend rule 42 and consequently
would not offence clause 10(2).
11. Is there any reason why the exclusion
in Clause 10 should not be limited to findings which determine
any question of criminal or civil liability on the part of any
named person or body, in order to avoid any such unnecessary ambiguity?
As indicated in response to question 10, given
that rule 42 has operated for many years without apparent difficulty
we do not consider an amendment along the lines proposed is required.
Moreover, an amendment along these lines would be a fundamental
change which would widen the scope of an investigation. It would
enable a coroner or jury to conclude that there was negligence
or other civil liability (for example, harassment, assault, nuisance)
and the only thing that would be prevented is to state who was
liable. This is likely to lead to inquests becoming more adversarial
rather than inquisitorial with evidence being adduced to establish
civil liability which could then be used in civil courts in an
action for damages.
(CLAUSES 11-13)
12.I would be grateful if you could confirm (a)
how many cases have been affected by the inability to disclose
certain information (despite existing special measures, including
the potential to apply for PII in respect of that information);
and (b) how those cases have been affected.
I am aware of one inquest, involving a police
shooting, in which the coroner has determined that there is material
which is relevant for the purposes of the inquest into the death
but which, as a matter of law, neither the coroner nor the jury
may see and where the law requires a jury to determine the facts
of the death. This inquest is stalled. There was a possible second
case, also involving a police shooting, but I understand that
the relevant coroner has recently concluded that it would be possible
to proceed with the inquest in the normal way, without disclosure
of the sensitive material.
13. What has happened since these proposals
were withdrawn from the Counter-Terrorism Bill during the last
session, to persuade the Government that it is necessary to broaden
the reasons for certification to include a protection for witnesses
and a new "public interest" category?
In what sorts of circumstances does
the Government envisage issuing a certificate for these purposes?
Can you give some hypothetical examples?
Certification for the purposes of
protecting a relationship with another country is very broad.
In what circumstances would the Government envisage issuing a
certificate for this purpose? For example, would the Government
issue a certificate (a) to save embarrassment of UK allies in
cases of friendly fire and/or (b) to protect a trade or other
commercial relationship between a UK company and a third party
In the Counter-Terrorism Bill, the criteria
for certification were that material could not be made public
on the grounds of national security, to protect the interests
of a relationship between the UK and another country; or otherwise
in the public interest. I accepted that the phrase `otherwise
in the public interest' was far too broad and the redrafting of
clause 11 was a genuine attempt to respond to the criticisms levelled
at the provision in the earlier Bill. The inclusion of the additional
criteria of `preventing or detecting crime' and protecting "the
safety of a witness or other person" were intended to add
specificity and therefore narrow the circumstances in which a
certificate might be issued. The Government also sought to raise
the bar by replacing a test that was based simply on "the
public interest" with one that could only be invoked to "prevent
real harm to the public interest". We are, however, taking
a further look at the criteria.
An example of a case involving material that
should not be made public in order to protect the safety of a
witness or other person is one that is likely to concern covert
human intelligence sources. For example, if a covert human intelligence
source, such as an undercover police informant, provides the police
with information concerning an impending criminal enterprisesay
the armed robbery of a bankand the police shoot and kill
one of those involved while taking action to prevent the robbery
from taking place, the source's evidence will be of key relevance
to the degree of force used, and to the assessment by a coroner,
if the case comes to him or her, of the circumstances which led
to the death. If the information provided by the source is such
that it would be clear that only he could have informed the police
of the details of the planned robbery (that is, so that anonymity
and screening would be insufficient to secure his safety), the
public disclosure of his evidence could put his life in danger
and might also discourage others from providing critical information
to the police in similar circumstances if it became known that
the police were unable to properly protect their sources.
"Real harm" to the public interest
is the test used in the courts when an application is made, by
the organisation which owns the material, for public interest
immunity (that is that material should not be disclosed because
it would be injurious to the public interest to do so). This test
has a longstanding and well understood legal meaning in the PII
context and it was incorporated in clause 11(2)(c) for this reason.
Clause 11(2)(c) is intended to capture any circumstance
not captured under the provisions in clause 11(2)(a) or (b). For
that reason it is not possible to provide a firm example of the
type of case that would fall within this provision. Inquests which
are subject to a certificate are likely to be very rare and it
is accepted that paragraphs (a) and (b) are likely to cover most
of the scenarios where an investigation may need to be certified.
However, it is never possible fully to anticipate all the circumstances
that might arise. It is therefore important to preserve the ability
to certify in any case where the inquest will involve a matter
that should not be made public for a public interest reasonand
this is achieved by including paragraph (c). Whilst this may appear
to widen the grounds for certification there is an important qualifying
requirement of "real harm" to that public interest and
without these words, there is a real danger that it would not
be possible to certify a future case despite there being real
harm to the public interest.
An investigation may be certified if it involves
material that should not be made public in the interests of the
relationship between the United Kingdom and another country. The
Government would not issue a certificate simply in order to save
embarrassment or to protect trade or commercial relationships.
An example of a case where an investigation may be certified on
this ground concerns circumstances where the non-disclosable material
has been provided in confidence by a foreign state. For instance,
the Mexican authorities provide the UK police with information
concerning a major Class A drugs smuggling operation into the
UK, including the likely time and location when the drugs will
change hands on UK soil. The information provided suggests that
all those present when the deal takes place are dangerous and
will be heavily armed. The police accordingly send armed officers
to keep watch on the location. When the police move to arrest
those involved one of the suspects is shot and later dies.
In this scenario, the information provided by
the Mexican authorities is clearly directly related to the degree
of force used by the officers and should therefore form a central
part of the assessment by the coroner of the circumstances which
led to the suspect's death. However, if the material was disclosed
publicly despite assurances given to the Mexican authorities regarding
the manner in which the material would be treated, the UK's relations
with Mexico could be damaged and they would be extremely unlikely
to provide any further information which could be of critical
importance in tackling drug-related crime in the UK. In addition,
the disclosure of information provided to the UK in confidence
by another country might discourage other countries from providing
similar information if it became known that the UK could not be
trusted to properly protect sensitive material.
14. I would be grateful if you could provide
a more detailed explanation of the Government's view. In particular,
please provide any legal authority for the Government's position
that the proposals are likely to be compatible with Article 2
First and foremost, an inquest is an inquiry
conducted on behalf of the Crown for the purpose of establishing
certain factual matters concerning a death. Where an inquest is
the appropriate forum by which the State discharges its obligations
under Article 2, there must be an independent and effective investigation,
conducted expeditiously, and with a sufficient element of public
scrutiny to secure accountability in practice as well as theory.
And `the next-of-kin of the victim must be involved in the procedure
to the extent necessary to safeguard his or her legitimate interests'
(Jordan v UK[18]
and approved in R v Secretary of State for the Home Department
ex parte Amin[19]2).
The Government accepts that Article 2 does not
simply require an independent and effective investigation of the
circumstances of the death. It also requires (as well as public
accountability) an opportunity for participation in the process
by the next-of-kin which includes the disclosure to them of core
documents, attending the proceedings and being able to cross-examine
the witnesses.
But the Government's view is that these interests
do not require the public disclosure of sensitive material in
circumstances where it would be injurious to a substantial public
interest to do so. It is consistent with Article 2, as it is consistent
with Articles 5 and 6, for sensitive information not to be made
public or disclosed to the next-of-kin where this is required
by a substantial public interest. In Jordan itself it was said,
at paragraph 121:
"As regards the lack of public scrutiny
of the police investigations, the court considers that disclosure
or publication of police reports and investigative materials may
involve sensitive issues with possible prejudicial effects to
private individuals or other investigations and, therefore, cannot
be regarded as an automatic requirement under art 2".
In these cases there will be full disclosure
of evidence save for any matter which should not be made public.
Redacted material and gists will be provided where possible. Only
the part of the inquest at which the sensitive material or matter
is considered will take place in private. If part of the inquest
is held in private the interests of the next-of-kin will be fully
protected by the appointment of a person as counsel to the inquest
who can be directed by the coroner to take responsibility for
representing their interests and testing the evidence which cannot
be disclosed. This ensures that even though the next-of-kin cannot
ask questions themselves, there is an independent counsel doing
so on their behalf. The Government considers that this procedure
will be sufficient to secure compliance with Article 2.
The case of Ramsahai and others v Netherlands[20]
is further authority for this. This concerned a case brought by
the relatives of Moravia Ramsahai who was shot dead by a police
officer in the Netherlands in 1998. The public prosecutor found
that the officer had acted in legitimate self-defence and that
no prosecution should be brought and the Amsterdam Court of Appeal
agreed. The Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights
upheld a finding of the Chamber that there was no violation of
Article 2 in relation to the shooting itself but that there was
a violation of the investigative obligation because the investigation
was inadequate and insufficiently independent. The Court held
"The disclosure or publication of police
reports and investigative materials may involve sensitive issues
with possible prejudicial effects for private individuals or other
investigations. It cannot therefore be regarded as an automatic
requirement under art 2 that a deceased victim's surviving next-of-kin
be granted access to the investigation as it goes along...The
Court does not consider that art 2 imposes a duty on the investigating
authorities to satisfy every request for a particular investigative
measure made by a relative in the course of the investigation".
R (on the application of Catherine Smith)
v the Assistant Deputy Coroner for Oxfordshire and Secretary of
State for Defence[21]
challenged the lawfulness of decisions taken by a coroner in an
inquest held into the death of a soldier who had been serving
in Iraq. The soldier had suffered a cardiac arrest and died due
to hyperthermia. Only one of two reports into the soldier's death
produced by the Army Board of Inquiry investigation was provided
to the coroner. On finding out about the existence of the other
report the coroner decided it was not necessary to consider it
as the procedural obligations implicit in Article 2 did not apply
to the inquest. The Administrative Court held that Article 2 did
apply in the circumstances and therefore there was a presumption
in favour of as full a disclosure as possible to both the coroner
and interested persons. However, the court also said that:
"Any specific claim that a witness's identity
should not be disclosed because, for example, he or she might
be put at risk of harm or because there was a particular request
and need for confidentiality, can be made and should be considered
by the coroner. Equally, any claim that material should not be
disclosed on national security grounds must be considered by the
15. I would be grateful if you could provide
further reasons for the Government's view that counsel for an
inquest will be able to perform the functions of a special advocate
on behalf of the deceased's family or next of kin, bearing in
mind that the primary duty of counsel to the inquest will be,
by definition, to the Coroner rather than any of the interested
parties. Specifically:
in any case involving certification,
will the coroner be required to appoint an individual with clearance
to act as a special advocate?
how will that individual reconcile
his duty to the inquest and the interests of what may be a diverse
range of interested parties?
The Government's view is that the interests
of the deceased's family can properly be protected by counsel
whose task it is to represent their interests, ask the questions
which the family would ask if the material was disclosed to them
and probe the evidence on their behalf. The functions of "counsel
to the inquest" will vary depending on the requirements of
the coroner and the circumstances of any particular inquest. In
some cases, the role of counsel to the inquest will be limited
to performing the traditional role of advising the inquest on
legal matters and presenting evidence. In other cases, counsel
(or several counsel) may be appointed by the coroner solely to
represent the interests of the next-of-kin. The material or matter
which cannot be made public will be disclosed to counsel to the
inquest and the coroner will direct counsel to the inquest to
take responsibility for testing the evidence which cannot be disclosed
publicly or to the deceased's family. That counsel can probe the
evidence on the family's behalf and can give considered advice
on whether or not there are grounds for challenge to the outcome
of the process or to the process itself. The Government considers
that if counsel to the inquest performs the task of testing the
evidence diligently then Article 2 will be satisfied and it is
not necessary for a special advocate to be appointed.
16. If this is an important safeguard for
the rights of interested parties, why should the requirement for
the coroner to appoint a special advocate or multiple advocates
in cases involving certification not be provided for on the face
of the Bill?
The Government's view is that the procedure
described above in answer to question 15 will be Article 2 compliant.
Counsel to the inquest will be acting in effect as a special advocate
but we do not think that Article 2 formally requires a special
advocate to be appointed.
There is no provision on the face of the Bill
for the appointment of a person as counsel to the inquest as it
is clear that a coroner has power to appoint such a person. It
is noted in Jervis on Coroners[22]
that a coroner has such power and engagement of such counsel has
survived criticism by next-of-kin in Re Devine and Breslin's
17. Does the Government accept that the Minister
must have reasonable grounds to support his opinion (a) that the
relevant information should not be made public; (b) that the relevant
reasons are satisfied and (c) that other measures would not be
18. If so, why shouldn't the Bill should be
amended to clearly reflect this requirement?
The Government does accept the opinion of the
Minister must be honestly held and must rest on a reasonable basis.
However, we do not feel that it is necessary to state this on
the face of the Bill as this precedent already exists in other
legislation and the Minister's decision would be tested on this
basis at any judicial review.
19. What would the Government do if judicial
review led to a certificate being overturned? (Wouldn't this pose
the same problem which the Secretary of State considers would
be associated with an application for PII?)
The Government considers that a court reviewing
the lawfulness of the Secretary of State's decision to certify
an investigation under clause 11(1) would recognise that the nature
of such a decision points to the need for a wide margin of appreciation
and that a court would be slow to overturn such certification.
In Secretary of State for the Home Department
v Rehman[24]
Lord Hoffman said at paragraph 62:
"It is not only that the executive has access
to special information and expertise in these matters. It is also
that such decisions, with serious potential results for the community,
require a legitimacy which can be conferred only by entrusting
them to persons responsible to the community through the democratic
process. If the people are to accept the consequences of such
decisions, they must be made by persons whom the people have elected
and whom they can remove".
In the Queen on the application of Al Rawi
and Others v the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth
Affairs and another[25]
it was said that the court's role is to see that the government
strictly complies with all formal requirements, and rationally
considers the matters it has to confront. It noted that if the
subject matter relates to foreign relations or national security
the law accords to the executive an especially broad margin of
If a certification were overturned on judicial
review then the Government would seek leave to appeal to the Court
of Appeal.
20. Given the importance of judicial oversight,
why shouldn't the Bill be amended to provide the Secretary of
State with the power to certify that certain information should
not be made public, but to leave the appropriate measures necessary
to achieve this (including the potential for sitting in private
and without a jury) to the discretion of the High Court judge
hearing the certified inquest?
The Government is actively considering ways
in which the clause could be amended so as to include some additional
judicial oversight. We are grateful for the Committee's suggestion
and will consider whether the clause could be amended in this
4 PARAS 1-5)
21. Does the Minister consider that these
powers would enable a coroner to compel an individual to produce
evidence which would open him or her to criminal liability? If
not, I would be grateful if you could explain the Government's
view. If so, please explain why there should not be a specific
exemption on the face of the Bill to deal with this issue.
The powers in paragraph 1 of Schedule 4, which
enable a coroner to require a person to give, produce or provide
evidence, are subject to paragraph 2(1) of that Schedule. Paragraph
2(1) provides that a person may not be required to give, produce
or provide any evidence or document if he or she could not be
required to do so in civil proceedings in a court in England and
Wales. By section 14 of the Civil Evidence Act 1968 a person is
entitled to refuse to answer any question or produce any document
or thing if to do so would tend to expose that person to proceedings
for an offence. Accordingly a person is not required to answer
any question or produce or provide any document or thing to a
coroner if it would tend to incriminate him or her.
22. Will the Coroner be required to disclose
evidence gathered using these compulsory powers to interested
Provisions on disclosure to interested persons
will be revised as part of the development of associated secondary
legislation. Disclosure will not be dependent on the method of
obtaining material, but rather the nature of the material and
its relevance to the investigation. In those circumstances, it
is likely that material gathered under these powers will be disclosable.
Further consideration will be given to this when the secondary
legislation is drafted.
23. Does the power to require a person to
produce documents include a power to require full and appropriate
disclosure and inspection to be provided by each interested party
to all other interested parties, reflecting a duty on the Coroner
to ensure full and appropriate disclosure and inspection for all
interested parties, including bereaved families? If so, why shouldn't
this power and duty be reflected on the face of the Bill?
There is no intention to require one interested
person to disclose material to other interested persons. This
is inappropriate in an inquisitorial process and the power in
paragraph 1(1)(b) or (2)(b) of Schedule 4 will not be used in
this way.
24. I would be grateful if you could explain
why comparable safeguards to those in Part II, PACE 1984 should
not be provided on the face of this Bill.
Equivalent provision to the safeguards in sections
15, 16 and 21 of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 will
be made in Coroners regulations under clause 33(3)(g) and (h).
This has been left to delegated legislation as it is considered
that the detail of the safeguards is more suited to secondary
25. Has the Government produced any draft
Regulations to accompany these powers? If so, I would be grateful
if you could provide my Committee with a copy to assist our scrutiny
of the Bill.
The Government has not yet produced a draft
of the Regulations that will be made under clause 33 of the Bill.
4 PARA 6)
26. There are a number of actions which could
enhance the effectiveness of the Coroners Report, and so, enhance
the protection for the right to life. I would be grateful if you
could explain the reason the Government chose not to use the Bill
Impose a duty on the coroner to make
a report if he considers that action is required;
Impose sanctions for failure to respond
on the part of the authorities receiving the report;
Require disclosure of the report and
response thereto to all interested persons, and publication where
Create a mechanism for monitoring
and scrutinising such reports and responses thereto in the interests
of ensuring that lessons are learnt.
The Government has chosen not to impose a duty
on a coroner to make a report at the end of an investigation and
not to impose sanctions for failure to respond as it considers
that such provisions are unnecessary following the success of
the amendment in July 2008 to rule 43 of the Coroners Rules 1984
(see S.I. 2008/1652). Indications are that coroners and the persons
to whom they send reports take their responsibilities very seriously
and no reports made since July 2008 have not had at least an interim
response. Furthermore, any obligation to make a report would impose
unnecessarily on the coroner's judicial independence.
Accordingly it is not necessary to impose an
obligation on coroners to make a report or to create sanctions
for failing to respond. Should a coroner refuse to exercise the
power to make a report or exercise the power irrationally, that
would be subject to judicial review, but we are confident that
coroners will continue to make full and appropriate use of the
power as they do currently.
It is intended that further provision on reports
under paragraph 6 of Schedule 4, including requirement to send
copies of reports and responses to the Chief Coroner, interested
persons and any other person with an interest, will be made in
Coroners regulations under clause 33(3)(i). Provision will also
be made enabling reports, or parts thereof, to be published.
Reports and responses are currently copied to
the Lord Chancellor and are being collated and scrutinised by
the Department and those parts of interest to the wider public
will be published in due course. This mechanism works well and
it is intended to be continued under the Bill and so it is not
necessary for formal provision to be made on the face of the Bill.
27. Why shouldn't the Bill require the Chief
Coroner to institute a system of mandatory national training requirements
for coroners, including provision for training in respect of Convention
rights and the requirements of the HRA 1998?
The Bill enables the Chief Coroner to make regulations
about training for coroners and other staff who work with them.
These regulations may make provision for the kind, amount and
frequency of training to be undertaken. These matters will be
considered further when the Chief Coroner takes up post, but the
Government has deliberately left open the possibility that some
training could be mandatory. The Government agrees that proper
knowledge of the HRA should be essential for coroners but it is
necessary to provide flexibility so that that training needs can
be assessed and so that changes in training needs and materials
can be accommodated in response to changes in the law.
28. I would be grateful if you could clarify
whether it is the Government's intention that a decision that
can be the subject of appeal to the Chief Coroner may no longer
be subject of challenge by judicial review? When an appeal to
the Chief Coroner is not available, will it be open to an Interested
Party to seek judicial review?
The possibility of judicial review of a decision
which may be appealed under clause 30 has been left open but it
is intended that an interested person should exhaust any right
of appeal under clause 30 before seeking judicial review and it
is rare for the Administrative Court to grant permission to an
applicant for judicial review if alternative remedies have not
been exhausted. When an appeal to the Chief Coroner is not available,
it will be possible for an interested person to seek judicial
29. In view of the importance of the role
in the proposed new scheme and the nature of the powers that go
with that role, including the power to determine appeals, does
the Government agree that it would be appropriate for the Chief
Coroner to be a High Court judge (rather than a circuit judge)?
The Government considers that the position of
Chief Coroner should be held by a senior judicial office holder
such as a High Court judge or senior Circuit judge. Such a person
will have the requisite skills and experience to lead the newly
reformed coroner system and will also have sufficient adjudicative
experience to enable them to deal with appeals from the decisions
of senior coroners.
30. I would be grateful why you could explain
why the Government consider that it is appropriate to allow the
Lord Chancellor to remove proposed appeal rights by secondary
The intention of clause 30(5), by which the
Lord Chancellor may make an order to amend the list of decisions
that can be appealed, is to give the Lord Chancellor the flexibility
to add to the list if it is considered that other decisions made
by a coroner ought to be made subject to appeal. Any order made
under this power will be open to full Parliamentary scrutiny since
it is subject to the affirmative resolution procedure.
31. I would be grateful if you could provide
further information about the breadth of this test. For example,
would cases such as the investigation of the shooting of Jean
Charles de Menezes or the inquiry into the death of the Princess
of Wales, be covered by this power?
Paragraph 2 of Schedule 8 to the Bill enables
the Chief Coroner to request the Lord Chief Justice to nominate
a judge to conduct any investigation. While the power in paragraph
2 is at large, it is clear from the generality of the structure
of Part 1 of the Bill that the investigation into a death would
in the normal course of events be conducted by the local senior
coroner and that consequentially the provisions in Schedule 8
would only apply exceptionally. It is anticipated that the provision
will be used sparingly and particularly when the inquest is likely
to involve complex legal issues. Had it been available, I do consider
that the provision would have been used in the de Menezes and
the Diana, Princess of Wales, inquests.
32. In high-profile cases engaging Convention
rights, but not necessarily raising any new or complex legal characteristics,
would the Chief Coroner still have the option to take over the
conduct of an inquest or to ask for the appointment of a senior
judge to hear it in the place of a senior coroner?
Yes, it would be open to the Chief Coroner to
conduct the investigation him or herself or to request the Lord
Chief Justice to nominate a judge to conduct it.
33. Does the Government intend to seek any
substantive changes to existing Coroners Rules, other than those
made on the face of the Bill? If so, will draft Regulations and
Rules be provided for scrutiny during the passage of this Bill?
Draft regulations and rules, which are likely
to be substantially rewritten to support the primary legislation,
will not be available for scrutiny during the passage of the Bill.
Such a task will be a major undertaking requiring extensive consultation
and will be dealt with as part of the implementation programme,
possibly under the supervision of the new Chief Coroner who it
is hoped will appoint as soon as practicable after Royal Assent.
34. In the light of the nature of the positive
duty of the state in arranging inquiries into deaths where the
Convention obligations of the state may be engaged, I would be
grateful if you could explain the role that the Lord Chancellor
will play in the setting of practice and procedure rules. In addition,
I would be grateful if you could set out the Government's view
that this continuing involvement is appropriate.
Coroners regulations under clause 33 will set
out the practice and procedure in relation to investigations (other
than the practice and procedure at an inquest) and Coroners rules
under clause 34 will set out the practice and procedure in relation
to inquests. The former will be made by the Lord Chancellor, with
the agreement of the Lord Chief Justice, or his nominee and the
latter by the Lord Chief Justice, with the agreement of the Lord
Chancellor. An inquest is broadly similar in nature to a court
hearing held in other types of proceedings and, since the Lord
Chief Justice makes other rules concerning the practice and procedure
in courts (for example, in relation to the Court of Protection
and Probate), it is appropriate for the Lord Chief Justice to
make these rules. However, the Government considers that it is
appropriate for the Lord Chancellor to make regulations about
the pre-inquest stage of an investigation. The Lord Chancellor
retains power to make regulations about practice and procedure
in other areas, for example in relation to certain tribunals.
We consider that this reflects the proper balance between the
roles of the judiciary and the executive in setting rules concerning
practice and procedure in courts and tribunals. The Chief Coroner
will issue guidance to coroners.
35. I would be grateful if you could explain
how coroners and practitioners will be involved in the setting
of practice and procedure rules. Would it be appropriate to create
a new Rules Committee, similar to the rules committees operating
in relation to the Civil Procedure Rules?
The Government is considering setting up an
informal rule committee, involving senior and experienced practitioners,
who could oversee the rule and regulation making process. There
will certainly be full consultation on the new secondary legislation.
36. I would be grateful if you could explain
further the Government's view that the current provision for legal
aid for families participating in inquests which engage Article
2 ECHR is adequate to meet the requirements of the Convention
for effective participation by the family.
37. Is there any reason why this Bill should
not be amended to make express provision for access to legal aid
for family members of the deceased in any inquiry engaging Convention
rights (ie any inquiry under Clause 5(2))?
Representation can be granted exceptionally
for inquests where it is necessary to enable a coroner to conduct
an effective investigation, under Article 2 ECHR, or where there
is a significant wider public interest in the applicant being
represented. Cases involving deaths in prison and police custody,
for example, are already "in scope" for funding because
the Article 2 duty on the state in such cases is clear. However,
funding must remain means-tested to protect the limited resources
of the legal aid budget. To extend legal aid to all inquests involving
a public authority, for example (around 800 per year) would cost
in the region of £6.4 million.
The Government does intend that this funding
should remain available in the future, together with the greater
opportunities for accessible family participationas set
out in the Charterthat will be possible in a reformed coroner
38. Does the Government accepts that a breach
of Article 8 ECHR could arise as a result of the failure of a
private individual or a company to comply with the data protection
If not, why not?
If so, does the Government accept
that greater scrutiny of the private sector by the ICO would reduce
the risk that such a breach could arise?
Private individuals and companies are subject
to the Human Rights Act 1998 (HRA) only to the extent that they
are exercising "public functions" within the meaning
of that Act. In such circumstances only, it is possible that a
failure to comply with the data protection principles may also
involve a breach of Article 8.
The Government does not agree that the power
to issue Assessment Notices in clause 151 of the Bill should apply
in relation to bodies that are not Government Departments or public
authorities within the meaning of section 1(1) and new section
41A(12) of the Data Protection Act 1998 (DPA). The Information
Commissioner already has a broad range of powers to ensure that
such bodies comply with the data protection principles and other
provisions of the DPA. The terms of section 43 of the DPA (governing
Information Notices) are framed broadly and allow the Information
Commissioner to request any information in any specified form
from any data controller, which would allow him to establish compliance
with the data protection principles. This provides the opportunity
to uncover bad practice. The scope of Information Notices is being
further widened by the Bill (Part 3 of Schedule 18). Additionally,
if the Commissioner is satisfied there are reasonable grounds
for suspecting any data controller's non-compliance with the data
protection principles, he may apply to the court for a warrant
under Schedule 9 to the DPA. This allows him to enter and search
the data controller's premises for evidence of whether the data
controller has contravened or is contravening the principles.
It is important to remember that Assessment
Notices are intended to assist in raising the awareness and compliance
of public bodies with the data protection principles. The public
sector holds a large amount of personal data about UK citizens,
the processing of which is often necessary to safeguard rights
and responsibilities. This means, in contrast to the private sector,
that individuals usually have no choice over whether their data
is processed. It is therefore appropriate that those public sector
organisations that process information in what the Information
Commissioner regards as high risk circumstances should be subject
to inspection without necessarily granting prior consent. This
is a complementary measure to support the existing investigatory
and enforcement powers of the Commissioner.
39. I would be grateful if you could explain
why the Government consider it would be appropriate to subject
any and all types of information to wider information sharing
by ISO. For example, are there any reasons why the Government
considers that the Bill should not be amended to exclude, for
information which would otherwise
be protected as `sensitive personal data' for the purposes of
the DPA 1998;
medical records or medical or clinical
information (other than anonymous patient data from which no patient
can be identified);
information held on the National DNA
Database and other samples held by the police or others for the
purposes of criminal investigation;
information held on the national children's
database created pursuant to the Children Act 2004;
records of criminal allegations or
information held or gathered pursuant
to the Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006 (express provisions
for information sharing for the purposes of safeguarding children
and vulnerable groups are already provided on the face of that
The Data Sharing Review carried out by Richard
Thomas and Sir Mark Walport identified information sharing orders
(ISOs) as a way of lifting the "fog of uncertainty"
currently surrounding data sharing. The provisions of the Bill
have been drafted broadly so as to allow for a large number of
varied situations: we simply cannot predict every single instance
where an ISO would be necessary. That said, individual ISOs would
be tightly drawn setting out those classes of information which
may be shared, who is enabled to share, and for what purposes.
Some of the exclusions listed would limit unacceptably the use
to which an ISO could be put.
However, the Government is listening carefully
to the concerns expressed by the British Medical Association and
others and agrees that different standards could be applied to
different sets of data. We will reflect further on the comments
that have been made so far about certain categories of information.
40. Does the Government consider that the
power to modify any enactment, by ISO, includes the power to modify
or disapply the provisions of the HRA 1998, including the Section
6 duty to act in a manner compatible with Convention rights?
The power to make an information sharing order
does include power to modify or disapply other legislation. Whilst
theoretically that covers provisions of the HRA, the Government
certainly never intended that an ISO should be capable of including
provisions modifying or disapplying the HRA, and it is not readily
apparent how the power could be exercised in that way given the
limits on the power which are already contained in the Bill.
First, the only purpose for which an ISO can
be made is to enable the sharing of information that includes
personal data. The substantive scope of such orders is therefore
limited including the associated power to amend other legislation.
Secondly, the exercise of the power to make
an ISO is dependent on the person making the order first being
satisfied that information sharing is necessary to secure a policy
objective, that the effect of an order is proportionate to the
policy objective to be secured, and that the provisions of the
order strike a fair balance between the public interest and the
interests of any person affected by the order.Once these tests
are satisfied, it is difficult to see how the order could give
rise to any breach of Article 8 (or any other Convention right)
such that the person making the order would wish to modify or
disapply any provision of the HRA.
Moreover section 6 of the HRA does not generally
permit Ministers, exercising powers under a later enactment, to
make subordinate legislation that is incompatible with the Convention
rights, and the Government does not consider that the exceptions
identified in section 6(2) apply here.
Having said that, we note the concerns that
have been expressed about the scope of this power and the potential
for it to be used in a way which was not intended, and are considering
the matter further.
41. Does the Government consider that this
provision would prevent an individual from making a claim, under
the HRA 1998, that the treatment of his or her personal information,
despite being authorised by the ISO, had led to a breach of his
or her right to respect for personal information (Article 8 ECHR)?
As indicated above, the Government never intended
that the power to make an ISO be used to modify or disapply protection
under the HRA and considers that it is not readily apparent how
the power could be exercised in that way given the limits on the
power which are already contained in the Bill but is considering
this matter further. Insofar as a data controller is exercising
public functions within the meaning of the HRA, it will therefore
be possible for a victim to bring a claim against them under the
HRA for a breach of Article 8.
42. If so, why shouldn't the Bill be amended
to include a savings clause similar to that inserted in the Civil
Contingencies Act 2006, in order to provide a guarantee that individual
public authorities processing information pursuant to an ISO will
be subject to the requirement to act in a manner compatible with
Article 8 ECHR?
As indicated above, it is not readily apparent
how an ISO could meet the test in the Bill but at the same time
give rise to a breach of Article 8. However, we are looking further
at this issue.
43. I would be grateful if you could confirm
that once information has been processed in accordance with an
ISO, the final data controller of any personal data must hold
and process it in a manner which is compatible with the Data Protection
Act (DPA) 1998.
We can confirm that any person that becomes
a data controller of personal data under an ISO would be required
to process that personal data in a manner which is compatible
with the DPA.
44. Is there anything in the Bill which would
prevent the Government proposing the permanent amendment or modification
of the DPA 1998?
As the Information Commissioner pointed out
in evidence to the Public Bill Committee, any processing of personal
data which takes place further to an ISO would still need to comply
with the DPA. It is true that the power in clause 152 could be
used to amend the DPA. Indeed, given the subject matter of any
order it is possible that an amendment to other provisions of
the Act would be needed, for example, to add further exceptions
or protections.
The Government has no intention whatsoever of
undermining the DPA and the data protection principles within
it. The Act gives effect in UK law to EC Directive 95/46EC and
substantial changes to it could put the UK in breach of its EC
obligations: that fact alone rules out us making significant amendments.
However, we recognise that concerns have been
expressed about the possibility of amending the DPA and we are
considering the matter further.
45. I would be grateful if you could provide
a fuller explanation of the Government's view that the test for
an ISO is appropriately defined. In particular:
Please explain why the Government
considers it appropriate to link the making of an ISO with an
individual Ministerial policy? Are there significant reasons why
the Bill should not be amended to limit information shared under
ISO to information which is necessary to meet the public functions
of the Minister or any other public authority exercising public
Why should the Bill not be amended
to link the making of an ISO more closely to the legitimate aims
identified in Article 8(2) ECHR?
The provisions as drafted strike the right balance
between ensuring that an ISO has at its heart the furtherance
of a public and government policy objective, while allowing the
flexibility to make an order in relation to any body exercising
a public function. This flexibility is desirable with the move
towards a greater use of private sector organisations to deliver
public services. A focus on functions would be too narrow and
would lose this flexibility.
As we have indicated above, it is not readily
apparent how an order could meet the test in the Bill but be incompatible
with the Convention rights.
46. I would be grateful if you could confirm
whether the Minister proposing an ISO would be required to make
a Privacy Impact Assessment of the proposed Order and whether
(a) that assessment would be made available to the Information
Commissioner together with the draft Order and (b) it would be
published to assist wider public scrutiny?
Further to the findings of the Hannigan review
into Data Handling, all Government proposals which potentially
involve handling personal data require a Privacy Impact Assessment
(PIA) to be produced. This obviously includes ISOs. To ensure
maximum scrutiny we envisage that draft PIAs would be made available
to the Information Commissioner when he is invited to comment
on a draft order. Equally, we envisage that PIAs would be made
publicly available. For instance, a PIA would be made available
to MPs and Peers when a draft order was laid before Parliament.
However, in some cases, particularly sensitive details would need
to be removed (for example, legal advice or commercially sensitive
47. Does the Government accept that, under
the proposals in the Bill, the report of the Information Commissioner
can have little effect, other than to inform public and parliamentary
If not, what will be the practical
effect of a negative report of the Information Commissioner?
If you agree, wouldn't it be more
appropriate to allow the Information Commissioner to report on
the proposal for the ISO in any terms that fall within his remit,
including commentary on the necessity for the ISO and its implications
for the right to respect for personal information?
As we have made clear, the procedure leading
to an order being put before Parliament is one which involves
a high degree of collaboration. Just as those Government departments
or other bodies directly concerned in any information sharing
proposal would be in early and continuous discussion, so too would
the department proposing an order be in early discussion with
the Information Commissioner. The Information Commissioner has
indicated that he would like to see as early as possible any proposals
and we would encourage Departments to ensure this happens. Richard
Thomas has told the Bill Committee:
"Frankly, it would be a brave Department
that came forward and said, `We insist on this particular data-sharing
measure, even though the commissioner has said that it is unacceptable".
We agree with this assessment. An adverse report
from the Information Commissioner would naturally mean in practice
that a Minister would have to consider very carefully whether
to proceed. However, ultimately the Government considers that
it is for Parliament to have the final say on any proposal.
48. In how many cases where witness anonymity
orders sought in respect of risk to property alone? Please indicate
in how many cases orders were sought by (a) the police and (b)
the CPS.
None of the applications for a witness anonymity
order made under the Criminal Evidence (Witness Anonymity) Act
2008 related to risk to property alone.
Applications for anonymity orders may only be
made by the parties to criminal proceedings, that is either the
prosecution or the defence. In the case of the prosecution, the
police will ask the CPS for a witness anonymity application to
be made, providing the relevant information and if the CPS agree,
they will make an application to the court.
As the Committee notes, the DPP provided details
to the Public Bill Committee of the number of applications made
under the 2008 Act.
49. In each of those cases, were applications
for witness orders actually made? Please indicate in how many
applications orders were originally sought by (a) the police or
(b) the CPS.
Of the 346 witnesses that the police referred
to the CPS, during the period 21 July to 31 December 2008, the
CPS applied for orders for 135 of them. Of these 135 witnesses,
the courts granted orders for 129 of them (and refused for 6 of
As noted in the answer to question 48 above,
the police do not apply to the court for witness anonymity orders,
this is the responsibility of the CPS.
50. Is there any reason why the Bill should
not be amended to require the consent of the DPP before an application
for an investigative witness anonymity order is made?
Investigation anonymity orders and witness anonymity
orders serve different purposes at different stages of the case
and must be viewed separately.
An investigation anonymity order is designed
as a police tool to assist the investigation of a particular type
of crime-gang related gun and knife homicideswith the aim
of encouraging witnesses in fear of intimidation to come forward
and speak to the police safe in the knowledge that their identity
will not be revealed. The granting of an investigation anonymity
order does not mean that an application for a trial witness anonymity
order will necessarily follow. The witness may be able to provide
information that is crucial to the success of the police investigation,
but the witness may not be needed to give evidence at any subsequent
trial. No-one will know at an early stage of a police investigation
whether a charge will be brought or whether a trial will take
When approaching the witness about an investigation
order, it will be necessary for the police to explain its effect
and to make clear that if the witness is required to give evidence
at a later date, it would be necessary to make a separate application
for a trial order and there is no guarantee this will be granted.
However, in circumstances where a witness is the subject of an
investigation anonymity order and an application for a trial order
is refused by the court, rather than put the witness at risk,
the prosecution will have the option of withdrawing the witness
from the case or even dropping the prosecution altogether depending
on the nature of the witness's evidence.
As indicated above, the investigation anonymity
order is designed as a police investigative tool which may be
used at the early stage of an investigation before there is necessarily
a suspect and before the CPS are involvedthe CPS make decisions
on charging in these homicide cases. While both the police and
the CPS will be able to apply for investigation anonymity orders,
as this is essentially an investigative tool, we do not consider
it appropriate to require the DPP to consent before the police
apply for these orders.
51. In light of the number of concerns raised
about the scope of these provisions, I would be grateful if you
could provide a fuller explanation of the Government's view that
these provisions (a) comply with the requirement that the criminal
law is framed in a way which allows for adequate legal certainty
and (b) complies with the positive obligation on the State to
protect the right to life.
The Government agrees that there is a requirement
for legal certainty in the substantive criminal law. Citizens
should be able to foresee with a reasonable degree of certainty
the consequences that a given action may entail. Absolute certainty
is not required however and is often unattainable. In the context
of criminal law, the requirement of legal certainty is usually
said to mean that the law should be sufficiently precise so that
an individual knows in advance whether his or her conduct is criminal.
In the Government's view, the clauses on diminished
responsibility and provocation significantly enhance legal certainty.
In respect of diminished responsibility, clause
39 of the Bill will replace the current definition of the partial
defence with a new modernised definition. The new definition of
the partial defence in clause 39 is set out in clearer and more
detailed terms than the existing definition, which itself has
never been successfully challenged on grounds of uncertainty.
A specific example of increased clarity relates to new section
2(1)(a) and (1A) of the Homicide Act 1957 (as inserted by clause
39(1)). In their report in relation to murder, the Law Commission
highlighted that the current definition of diminished responsibility
(requiring an abnormality of mind that substantially impaired
the defendant's mental responsibility for the killing) says nothing
about what is involved in a substantial impairment of mental responsibility
nor in what ways the effect of the abnormality can reduce culpability.
Clause 39 addresses this by spelling out with greater clarity
what aspects of a defendant's functioning must be affected in
order for the partial defence to succeed.
In relation to provocation the current law,
which has never been successfully challenged on grounds of uncertainty,
is framed in broad terms. It is derived from a mixture of the
common law and statute (section 3 of the Homicide Act 1957). The
clauses will abolish that partial defence and replace it with
a new partial defence of loss of self control. The requirements
of the new partial defence of loss of self-control are set out
on the face of the clauses in detailed and plain terms. In accordance
with clause 41(1), the partial defence will apply where the killing
resulted from a loss of control that had a qualifying trigger
(fear of serious violence or things said or done constituting
circumstances of an extremely grave character that caused D to
have a justifiable sense of being seriously wronged) and a person
of the defendant's sex and age with a normal of tolerance and
self-restraint might have reacted in the same or similar way.
The concept of a "qualifying trigger" is the subject
of detailed and clearly set-out provision in clause 42.
In relation to both diminished responsibility
and loss of self-control, the clauses enable a person to foresee,
with a reasonable degree of certainty, when the partial defence
will apply and hence when conduct that would otherwise lead to
a murder conviction will lead to a conviction for manslaughter.
The Government considers that these provisions plainly achieve
an adequate degree of legal certainty and represent an improvement,
in terms of certainty, from the current law.
The significance of the positive obligation
to protect the right to life in respect of reforms to the murder
laws was highlighted in the Explanatory Notes. The state must
put in place effective criminal law provisions to deter the commission
of offences against the person backed up by law enforcement machinery
for the prevention, suppression and punishment of breaches.
The criminal law already makes comprehensive
provision for offences relating to the deprivation of life. In
addition to homicide offences such as murder, manslaughter, corporate
manslaughter and infanticide there are also specific offences
such as those relating to causing death by driving. The partial
defences to murder form part of this wider legal framework. As
noted above, the partial defences do not however determine whether
criminal liability exists. Their operation is limited to reducing
liability from murder to manslaughter, which is itself an extremely
serious offence carrying a maximum sentence of life imprisonment.
The Government considers that the existing criminal law provides
a high level of protection for the right to life; indeed the courts
have never been found to the contrary.
The Government believes that the provisions
in the Bill do not in any way reduce the existing level of protection
for the right to life. The provisions on diminished responsibility
are designed to modernise the law rather than alter the scope
of cases caught by the partial defence. The Government's impact
assessment therefore concludes that there will be no significant
shift in the number of cases affected by the modernisation of
the existing definition. In respect of provocation, the impact
assessment concludes that the new partial defence of loss of control
will be narrower than the existing partial defence of provocation
in respect of killings committed in anger because of the high
threshold set by clause 42(4). In respect of killings committed
in fear of serious violence, the impact assessment states that
the provisions do not significantly extend the existing law but
provide a more logical and clear means of reaching outcomes that
are broadly being reached now under the current law. The Government's
overall assessment is that, owing to the narrowing in respect
of killings in anger, there may be a modest increase (10-20 cases
a year) in the number of people convicted of murder rather than
The Government also notes that none of the specific
concerns mentioned at pages 13 and14 of the Committee's letter
imply that the provisions represent a lessening of the existing
level of protection for the right to life.
The criminal law provisions summarised above
are backed up by a comprehensive system of law enforcement for
the investigation, prosecution and punishment of offences. The
Committee will be well aware of the role of the police, prosecutors
and courts in this regard and this will be unchanged by the provisions
in the Bill.
In the light of the matters referred to above,
the Government considers that the proposals in the Bill in respect
of diminished responsibility and provocation fully comply with
the State's positive obligation to protect the right to life.
52. I would be grateful if you could provide
a further explanation of the Government's view that the requirement
that the defendant have a "justifiable sense of being seriously
wronged" would (a) be applied by the courts as an objective
test; (b) comply with the positive duty on the State to protect
the right to life (Article 2 ECHR); (c) complies with the duty
on the State to protect the right to life without discrimination
(Article 2 and Article 14 ECHR).
In relation to the phrase "justifiable
sense of being seriously wronged", we are clear that test
will clearly be applied by the courts as an objective one. We
anticipate that they way that test will work in practice is that
the jury will first need to ask themselves whether the things
done or said did indeed cause the defendant to have a sense of
being seriously wronged. If so, the jury will then need to decide
whether the defendant's sense of being seriously wronged was in
fact justifiable. The use of the word `justifiable' is indicative
of an objective standard here. Indeed, if the test was intended
to be entirely subjective, then there would have been no need
to refer to "justifiable" in the clause.
The "justifiable sense of being seriously
wronged" test derived from a Law Commission recommendation.
The Law Commission was clear in its 2003 report Partial Defences
to Murder that the test would be objective. They commented that
fact that the defendant himself thought that his sense of being
seriously wronged was justifiable would not suffice; it would
a question for the jury to determine as to whether it was in fact
justifiable. The Law Commission observed that "the jury
may conclude that the defendant had no sufficient reason to regard
it as gross provocation,[26]
or indeed that the defendant's attitude in regarding the conduct
as provocation demonstrated an outlook (e.g, religious or racial
bigotry) offensive to the standards of a civilised society".
The report provides the example of a white person who kills after
being spoken to by a black person because he holds deep-rooted
beliefs that it is the gravest of insults for a black person to
speak to a white man unless spoken to first. In relation to such
a case the Law Commission commented that: "No fair-minded
jury, properly directed, could conclude that it was gross provocation
for a person of one colour to speak to a person of a different
colour. In such a case the proper course would be for the judge
to withdraw provocation from the jury".
In addition, it is a further requirement of
the partial defence (clause 41(1)(c)) that a person of the defendant's
sex and age with a normal degree of tolerance and self-restraint
and in the circumstances of the defendant might have reacted in
the same or in a similar way to the defendant. Clause 41(3) is
clear that "the circumstances of the defendant" exclude
any circumstances whose only relevance to the defendant's is that
they bear on the defendant's general capacity for tolerance or
self-restraint. These provisions are therefore important in the
present context as they prevent the defendant from seeking to
obtain the benefit of the partial defence on the basis of intolerance.
The Law Commission's Partial Defences to Murder points out that
a person of ordinary tolerance and self-restraint is "not
a bigot or a person with an unusually short fuse". So
the homophobic or racist defendant described in the Committee's
letter should not be able to rely on their prejudices to avail
themselves of the defence.
In summary, the Government considers that the
concept of a "justifiable sense of being seriously wronged"
will not give rise to any issues of discrimination or any particular
issues in relation to Article 2.
53. I would be grateful if you could explain
whether the Government intends this provision to (a) create a
presumption against bail or (b) shift the burden of proof to the
defendant to show that bail should be granted (and that he does
not pose a significant risk):
If so, does the Government accept
that this provision is likely to be incompatible with the right
to liberty (Article 5(3)) and that it will be read down by the
courts in order to ensure its compatibility? (in a similar way
to Section 25 of the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994
(as amended) (O v Crown Court at Harrow))
if not, what does the Government intend
the practical effect of these proposals to be?
The purpose of clause 97(2) is to add a new
test for bail in murder cases. The general test, that the court
need not grant bail where it is satisfied that there are substantial
grounds for believing that the defendant would commit offences
if released, is reinforced in murder cases by providing that bail
is notto be granted unless the court is of the opinion that there
is no significant risk of the defendant offending in a way that
would cause injury. Establishing that there is such a risk effectively
precludes bail.
It is not the Government's intention, however,
to create a presumption against bail in the sense of shifting
the burden to the defendantto establish that bail should be granted.
We are aware that section 25 of the Criminal Justice and Public
Order Act 1994 was read down by the House of Lords in the Harrow
Crown Court case, andclause 97(2) was drafted with close regard
to that decision so thatthe clausewould becompatible with Article
5 without having first to be read down. In particular, the draftingwhich
is not the same as section 25makes it plain that it is
not for the defendant to show that there is no significant risk,
but for the Crown to show that there is.
54. I would be grateful if you could provide
an explanation of the Government's view that the automatic application
of special measures in relation to certain types of offences will
be compatible with the individual right to fair hearing (Article
6(1) ECHR and the common law).
Special measures were introduced in the Youth
Justice and Criminal Evidence Act 1999. These include video recorded
evidence in chief, evidence by live TV link, screens round the
witness box to shield the defendant from the witness, evidence
in private in sex offence cases and those involving intimidation
and assistance with communication through an intermediary or communication
aids. The purpose of these measures, which may be used singly
or in combination according to the needs of the witness, is to
assist vulnerable or intimidated witnesses, including children,
give their best evidence. These measures are available to eligible
defence and prosecution witnesses.
The availability of special measures are not
incompatible with the defendant's right to a fair trial in that
the defendant is fully able to examine the witnesses against him
or her. There are also a number of safeguards. Courts must determine
special measures applications, opposing parties may make representations
against applications and before reaching a decision, the court
is required to consider whether the proposed measure(s) might
tend to inhibit the evidence being effectively tested (section
19 of the Youth Justice and Criminal Evidence Act 1999). The courts
may also discharge a direction if it appears to be in the interests
of justice to do so. Additionally, by virtue of section 32 of
the Youth Justice and Criminal Evidence Act 1999 judges must warn
the jury as they consider necessary to ensure that the fact that
special measures have been made available to a witness should
not prejudice any conclusions that they might draw about the defendant.
As is already the case with child witnesses
and complainants in sexual offence cases, the Bill makes eligibility
for special measures in general automatic for witnesses to certain
specified gun and knife crimes. But the court will continue to
have full discretion to determine which special measures, if any,
should be available to any particular witness after being satisfied
that the measures(s) would be likely to improve the quality of
evidence given by the witness and, if so which measure(s) would
be likely to maximise so far as practicable, the quality of that
evidence. This is not the automatic application of measures, but
of eligibility.
55. I would be grateful if you could provide
a fuller explanation of the Government's view that:
these proposals are necessary;
these proposals are compatible with
Article 6(1), despite the requirement that an individual should
be present at and participate in the determination of the charges
against him; and
why the Government considers that
live links satisfy the requirement that an individual is "present"
at a hearing.
56. Does the Government agree that the production
of defendants at court provides a valuable safeguard against abuse
of their rights under Article 3 ECHR?
Live-link hearings are of benefit to the criminal
justice system generally and to defendants themselves. Those benefits
are maximised if the links are available for use in as many as
possible of the cases for which they are suitable. That is the
justification for the change.
The use of live links in this context does not
extend to contested trials, but only to preliminary hearings and
sentencing hearings. Charges against a defendant cannot be determined
at a live-link hearing, except where a guilty plea is entered
(or an intention to plead guilty indicated) during a preliminary
hearing that is being held in that way. For the limited purposes
for which live-link hearings are permitted, the Government is
satisfied that the defendant's appearance by live link constitutes
being present at the hearing. The person is able to see and hear
and to be seen and heard by the court during these hearings. Where
it would disadvantage a defendant, the court has discretion not
to give a live-link direction or to rescind one that has already
been given.
57. Is there any reason why the Bill should
not be amended to make it clear that a live link will not be in
the interests of justice in any case where the link would restrict
the ability of the accused to participate fully in the hearing?
The right to a fair trial implies the right
of an accused to be present so that he may participate effectively
in the conduct of his case. As stated above, the accused can see
and hear what is going on and is able to be heard by the court.
As a matter of general practice the need for participation by
the defendant in the sorts of hearing that can take place by live
link is limited; but to the extent that the need for such participation
arises, the court will as a matter of course have regard to it
in assessing whether to give a live-link direction, or (where
a hearing by live link has commenced) whether there is any need
to rescind the direction. An express requirement along the lines
suggested is therefore unnecessary.
58. I would be grateful if you could explain
how the proposed new offence satisfies the "in accordance
with the law" requirement of Articles 8(2) and 10(2), why
the offence is necessary and how it is proportionate to the Government's
stated aims.
The Government considers that any interference
with Articles 8 and 10 of the Convention is justified as it is
in accordance with the law and is necessary in a democratic society
for the prevention of crime, the protection of morals and the
protection of the rights and freedom of others.
Any interference with Articles 8 and 10 of the
Convention will be "in accordance with law" because
the offences will be set out in clear terms in primary legislation.
In relation to the requirement that any interference
is "necessary in a democratic society", the Government
notes that the concept of necessity implies the existence of a
pressing social need and that the interference is proportionate
to the legitimate aim pursued.
The Government is satisfied that there is evidence
to demonstrate a pressing social need. The matters relevant to
the existence of the pressing social need were addressed at paragraphs
860-862 of the explanatory notes. In summary, they are:
(a) Material of the type covered by the offence
is being exploited as a form of permissible child pornography.
The Government is aware of instances in which the material covered
by the offence has been advertised as "legitimate" child
pornography. Indeed, police forces have reported that this type
of material is often found alongside illegal stocks of images
depicting real child abuse.
(b) The offence is needed to protect children.
The images can be used as a grooming tool for preparing children
for actual abuse. The images themselves can also be used to catalogue
actual abuse of real children. The offence is also needed to protect
children or vulnerable adults who are more likely to come across
this material involuntarily because of the amount of this material
on the internet.
(c) Viewing material of the nature covered
by the offence can desensitise people to child abuse. The images
can also reinforce people's inappropriate and potentially dangerous
feeling towards children. Banning such material is needed to reinforce
the important social message that acts of abuse are unacceptable.
(d) Although publication of the material
covered by the proposed new offence is already criminal under
the Obscene Publications Act 1959, that legislation is not sufficient
to address the problem of this type of material because of the
impact of the internet. Material of this nature now has a potentially
very wide sphere of circulation, which existing laws do not adequately
cater for.
The measures proposed in the Bill are a proportionate
response to the stated aims. The particular matters pertaining
to proportionality were highlighted at paragraphs 863-866 of the
Explanatory Notes. In summary:
(a) The proposed offence has a high threshold,
covering material at the extreme end of the scale. The image must
be pornographic (meaning it is of a nature that it must reasonably
be assumed to have been produced solely or principally for the
purpose of sexual arousal). It also must be grossly offensive,
disgusting or otherwise of an obscene character and must focus
solely or principally on a child's genitals or anal region, or
depict one of the explicit sexual acts listed at clause 49(7).
This sets a much higher threshold for the offence than that applicable
to photographs and pseudo-photographs of children which are required
to be indecent;
(b) The clauses include specific defences
to the proposed new offence listed at clause 51. A defence will
apply where a person had a legitimate reason for possessing the
image, had not seen it and did not know or have cause to suspect
that it was a prohibited image of a child or was sent the image
without prior request and did not keep it for a reasonable time;
(c) There is an explicit exclusion in clause
50 in relation to classified films; and
(d) A prosecution may only brought with the
consent of the Director of Public Prosecutions.
For these reasons, the Government consider that
any interference with Articles 8 and 10 is justified under Article
8(2) and Article 10(2).
(PART 7)
59. I would be grateful if you could explain
the Government's view that these provisions are "prescribed
by law" for the purposes of Article 10(2), in the light of
the requirement that the Court take into account whether individual
victims, their families, or the general public may be `offended'
in the absence of any order.
60. Is there any reason why this direction
to the court should not be omitted from the Bill?
The scheme created by Part7 of the Bill ensures
that criminals can be stopped from benefiting from publishing
material about their crimes. Where offenders benefit from accounts
of their crimes, this can in crease the pain and distress to victims
and their families and cause understandable public concern. The
Government considers that the extent to which this has occurred
is one of a number of relevant factors for the court to take into
account in the overall balance when deciding whether or not to
make an order and, if so, the amount of the order. It is not the
sole or determining factor. It forms one of a list of factors
to be considered and the court may additionally take account of
any other matters that it considers to be relevant. But the Government
considers that it is perfectly legitimate (and indeed right) for
the court to take into account the impact of publication on victims
and thewider public at the same time as considering, for example,
the social, cultural or educational value of the publication.
The Government considers that any interference
with Convention rights arising from the scheme plainly satisfies
the requirement of being "prescribed by law". The decision
whether or not to make an order is discretionary. Laws that confer
a discretion are not in them selves inconsistent with the "prescribed
by law" requirement provided that the scope of the discretion
and the manner of its exercise are indicated with sufficient clarity
to give the individual adequate protection against arbitrary interference.
The provisions in Part 7 of the Bill clearly achieve this. The
provisions set out the parameters and limits of the discretionary
scheme in considerable detail (for example the limit on the recoverable
amount in clause 141). The discretion in relation to an application
for an exploitation proceeds order is subject to the detailed
list of factors in subsection (3) that are required to be taken
into account in reaching the decision. Furthermore, the decision
on whether or not to make an order and the amount of the order
rests with a judge. Any decision may be subject to appeal to the
higher courts. There is therefore ample protection against the
risk of arbitrary interference with Convention rights.
46 TO 48) (LETTER
I would be grateful if you could provide a further
explanation of the Government's view that these proposals will
not have a disproportionate, chilling effect on the right to freedom
of expression and the right to respect for private life (Articles
8 and 10)?
I would also be grateful if you could explain
whether the Government considers that prosecutions for encouraging
or assisting suicide could be brought in respect of:
poetry or song lyrics advocating,
describing or contemplating suicide, whether online or otherwise;
individuals, who may be or may have
been suicidal, sharing their experiences or problems with others,
whether online or otherwise; and
advertising or information in respect
of activities or services which are lawful in other countries,
which assist individuals who wish to end their own lives.
If not, I would be grateful if you could provide
reasons. If so, I would be grateful if you could provide an explanation
of the Government's view that those prosecutions would be compatible
with Articles 8 and 10 ECHR.
As the Committee acknowledges, the new provisions
replace the offence in section 2 of the Suicide Act 1961 and the
offence of attempting to commit a section 2 offence under the
Criminal Attempts Act 1981 with a single offence. The provisions
will not extend the scope of the current law when section 2 is
read together with the Criminal Attempts Act 1981. The clauses
cover acts capable of encouraging or assisting suicide so that
the new section 2 properly catches conduct that would previously
have been caught by the Criminal Attempts Act as well as the substantive
offence. They also include provision to reflect the general position
under the 1981 Act that a person may attempt the impossible. As
the existing two offences are being replaced with one, the Bill
includes provision (Schedule 19, paragraph 53) to the effect that
the Criminal Attempts Act 1981 will no longer apply to offences
committed under section 2 of the Suicide Act. The Director of
Public Prosecutions gave oral evidence to the Public Bill Committee
to the effect that the provisions will not extend the current
law and he did not therefore anticipate any increase in the number
of prosecutions for this type of offence (Official Report, 5 February
2009, col 106).
The prohibition on aiding, abetting, counselling
and procuring suicide in section 2 of the Suicide Act 1961 has
been examined in recent years by the House of Lords and European
Court of Human Rights. As highlighted in the explanatory notes,
in Pretty v UK (2002) 53 EHRR 1 the court did not make a clear
finding as to whether Article 8 was engaged, concluding that it
was not prepared to exclude the possibility. But if the right
to respect for private life is engaged at all by section 2, the
court found the interference to be justified. States are entitled
to regulate through the general criminal law activities detrimental
to the life and safety of individuals. The court found that section
2 is designed to safeguard life by protecting the weak and vulnerable.
The blanket nature of the prohibition in section 2 was not disproportionate
to the legitimate aim pursued. The court observed that it was
not arbitrary for the law to reflect the importance of the right
to life by prohibiting assisted suicide while providing for a
system of enforcement and adjudication which allows due regard
to be given in each particular case to the public interest in
bringing a prosecution, as well as to the fair and proper requirements
of retribution and deterrence.
As the provisions in clauses 46 to 48 do not
widen the existing law in respect of assisting and encouraging
suicide they will not represent any greater incursion on Convention
rights than the existing law, which has never successfully been
challenged on grounds of non-compliance. Any possible interference
with Article 8 or Article 10 is fully justified as necessary in
a democratic society for the protection of the rights of others
for the same reasons as those given by the European Court of Human
Rights in the Pretty case.
Whether a prosecution for encouraging or assisting
suicide can be brought will always depend on the detailed specific
facts and circumstances of individual cases. But it is important
to recognise that doing an act capable of encouraging or assisting
suicide is not, of itself, an offence under the proposals. As
with the current law, the act has to be done with the intention
of encouraging or assisting a suicide or suicide attempt. So,
whilst the examples you give might (depending on the specific
case facts) involve acts capable of encouraging or assisting suicide,
they would only amount to an offence if the requisite intent was
established. In many cases falling within your examples, there
may well be no such intent. Even if the relevant intent is present,
a prosecution for an offence under section 2(1) may only be brought
with the consent of the Director of Public Prosecutions.It will
therefore be for the Crown Prosecution Service to decide whether
to prosecute in any individual case. Each case is reviewed individually
in the light of all the available evidence and in accordance with
the Code for Crown Prosecutors before deciding whether or not
a prosecution should be brought. This involves consideration of
whether there is sufficient evidence to provide a realistic prospect
of conviction and whether prosecution is in the public interest.
I would be grateful if you could explain whether
or not the Government considers that guidance may be necessary
in order to enable individuals to understand when prosecutions
for encouraging or assisting suicide may be considered by the
Whether such guidance is necessary is precisely
the point at issue in the case of Purdy v DPP. In October 2008
the High Court dismissed the claim of the appellant, Debbie Purdy,
that the DPP had breached her human rights by not publishing a
policy with detailed guidance on the circumstances in which a
prosecution under section 2 will or will not be brought. That
decision has very recently been upheld by the Court of Appeal.
Given the possibility of a further appeal to the House of Lords,
it would not be appropriate for me to comment on the case save
to say that the legal position in relation to the necessity for
such guidance will not be affected by the proposals in the Bill.
Ministry of Justice
26 February 2009
18 [2001] 37 EHRR 52, paragraphs 105-109. Back
[2004] 1 AC 653. Back
[2007] ECHR 52391/99. Back
[2008] EWHC 694 (Admin). Back
Twelth edition, paragraph 12-14. Back
[1988] 14 N.I.J.B. 10, H. Ct of N.I. Back
[2003] 1 AC 153 Back
[2006] EWCA Civ 1279 Back
`Gross provocation' was the label used by the Law Commission to
describe the limb of the partial defence applicable to words or
conduct causing a person to have a justifiable sense of being
seriously wronged. Back